Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. Potter

Potter, Frederick P.; lumber dealer; born, Cleveland, Nov. 24, 1871; son of Abel H. and Augusta Wilsey Potter; educated, Central High School, 1891; married, April 5, 1893, Mabel C. Matson; one daughter, Dorothy R. Potter; succeeded to the interest of A. H. Potter, in the copartnership of Potter-Teare Co., upon his death, June 15, 1904; member of firm since 1900; sec’y and treas. also director The Potter-Teare Transit Co.; director Central National Bank, Federal Union Insurance Co., K. I. Herman Co.; member Euclid, Athletic, and Willowick Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Allyn Fitch Harvey

Harvey, Allyn Fitch; transportation; born, Cleveland, Feb. 3, 1871; son of Henry Allyn and Mary Williams Harvey; educated, Cleveland public schools, private tutor, Yale, 1893, A. B.; in 1894, began work with Pickands Mather; remained until the spring of 1901; when Steel Corporation was formed, took position as asst. to the gen. mngr. Pittsburgh Steamship Co. at that time, appointed asst. gen. Mngr. of above company, in 1902; is still with them; director Provident Steamship Co., Cleveland Folding Machine Co., Lake Carriers Ass’n, and vice pres. American Fabric Belting Co.; trustee Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital; member Shipmaster’s Ass’n, American Iron … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph E. Diederich

Diederich, Joseph E.; garage; born, Cleveland, April 5, 1879; son of Peter Diederich and Katherine Weixal; educated at Holy Trinity School; married at Cleveland, June 7, 1896, to Jeannette Youncker; prop. and mgr. Lorain and Clark Ave. Garage; director The West 25th Street Supply & Garage Co.; member West Side Chamber of Industry, West End Business Men’s Association, Gilmour Council, No. 310, Knights of Columbus.

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Stephens

Stephens, Jesse; attorney; born, Wood County, Feb. 9, 1865; son of David and Elizabeth Bonam Stephens; educated, Fostoria Academy and The Ohio Northern University; read law with the Hon. Thomas N. Bierly, of Toledo; admitted to the bar in 1889; married, Fremont, O., 1887, Miss Belle Clark; issue, two sons, A. A. and Clarence Clark Stephens; practiced law in Fostoria, O., for twenty years, attaining a high place in the legal profession; particularly noted as trial lawyer, having tried some of the most important cases in Northwestern Ohio; has never sought political honors, although urged to become a candidate for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Max Myers

Myers, Max; vice pres. the Nicola, Stone & Myers Co., lumber dealers; born, Germany, April 10, 1866; educated in the Youngstown schools, and graduated from the Youngstown Business College, in 1881; from 1884 to 1890, with the Youngstown Lumber Co.; traveling salesman for the Nicola, Stone Lumber Co., 1890-1898; vice pres. The Lakewood Lumber Co.

Biographical Sketch of George H. Olmsted

Olmsted, George H.; insurance; born, La Grange, O., Sept. 21, 1843; son of Jonathan and Harriet A. Sheldon Olmsted; educated, district school, Elyria High School, Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduate; married, Saybrook, O., Oct. 24, 1872, Ella L. Kelly; one daughter, Grace S., one son, Harvard; taught school three winters in Ohio and Wisconsin; entered insurance business in 1867; built up the large fire insurance business of George H. Olmsted & Co., and The Ohio & Indiana State Agency of Olmsted Bros. & Co.; being the largest agency in the United States of The National Life Insurance Co. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred J. Anderson

Anderson, Alfred J.; division freight agent, Baltimore & Ohio R. R.; born, Butler, Pa., Jan. 17, 1870; son of Samuel and Drusilla C. Harper Anderson; educated, public schools Butler and Prospect Academy, Prospect, Pa.; married, Washington, D. C., Feb. 15, 1900, Florence E. Wynne; one daughter, Anna Elizabeth; May 1, 1890, entered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R.; clerk in general freight office, Pittsburgh, till March, 1891; March, 1891, to March, 1896, sec’y to gem freight agent, Pittsburgh; March, 1896, to July, 1905, sec’y to freight traffic mgr., at Baltimore; July, 1905, to Feb., 1907, division freight … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Alvin Alburn

Alburn, John Alvin; lawyer; born, Pennsylvania, Feb. 9, 1879; son of John Frederick and Cecelia Luebben Alburn, educated, Rayon High School, Youngstown, Ohio; A. B., Adelbert College, Cleveland; O. B. K. and Magna A. M., Western Reserve University; LL. B., W. R. U. Law School; married, Columbus, O., Oct. 10, 1911, Maybelle Murphy; one daughter, Annabelle Alburn, teacher in Youngstown township and in Cleveland night High Schools; Chief Probation Officer, Cuyahoga Co., Juvenile Court; Councilman-at-Large, Cleveland; Asst. Atty. Gen. of Ohio; Special Counsel to the Atty. Gen. of Ohio; was advisor to Prosecuting Attorneys, City Solicitors and various state departments … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abraham T. Brewer

Brewer, Abraham T.; lawyer; born in Monroe County, O., Sept. 20, 1841; son of Abraham and Mary (Mitchell) Brewer; educated, Indiana County, Pa., and Harlem Springs College, 1865-1866; LL. B., Ohio State Law College (Harlem Springs) ; married, Nov. 21, 1990, Clara Genella, daughter of Rev. John H. and Laura L. Tagg; served over three years in 61st Pennsylvania Volunteers in Civil War; seriously wounded at battle of Fair Oaks, and lay two days on battlefield without attention; admitted to bar, 1869. Author: Ohio Corporations, 5th edition, 1903; How to Make the Sunday School Go, 1892; True War Stories, 1907; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eaton Alfred Bishop

Bishop, Eaton Alfred; building contractor; born, Adams, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1868; son of Aaron Brown and Ellen Crum Bishop; educated, A. C. I., Adams, N. Y., 1882-85, Rochester Business University, 1885-6, Boston Tech., 1886-1890; construction engineer and architect; married, Sheldon, La., June 25, 1892, Fannie C. Pynchron; one daughter, Eva Bishop; member A. O. U. W.; charter member No. 311, Iowa, B. of A. Y.; charter member No. 232. Recreation: Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Rudolph A. Koch

Koch, Rudolph A.; merchant, church supplies; born, Germany, March 19, 1870; son of John and Ann E. Gipperich Koch; educated, public schools of Germany and Parochial schools in Ohio; married, Youngstown, Aug. 16, 1893, Susanna Kleeh; issue, nine children, seven living; started in as dry goods clerk at $2 per week; after five years work and advancement, became traveling salesman in church supplies; in 1894, purchased his present business, developing same and adding department of Society goods, especially embroidered flags and banners; the firm is incorporated as The R. A. Koch Co., and is the largest of its kind in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward F. Schneider

Schneider, Edward F.; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Cleveland, Southwestern & Columbus R. R.; born, Toledo, Oct. 19, 1862; son of P. F. and Louisa Ackerman Schneider; educated, public schools, German Wallace College, Berea, O., Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; married, Berea, Oct. 4, 1888, Helen F. Whitbeck; for twelve years with Benton, Myers & Co., wholesale druggists; ten years with Cleveland, Southwestern & Columbus; director Mansfield Ry., Light & Power Co.; Mason; K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of James W. Juengling

Juengling, James W.; manufacturing jeweler; born, Prague, Bohemia, Oct. 18, 1855; married, Cleveland, Oct. 15, 1879, Louisa M. Dietz; one son; came to Cleveland June, 1865; public school education; became apprenticed to the jewelers trade in 1869, with William Kidd; member Iris Lodge, F. A. M., No. 229, Webb Chapter, R. A. M., No. 14, Holyrood Commandery, K. T., No. 32, Cleveland Council, R. & S. M., No. 36, Lake Erie Consistory, A. A. S. R.; pres. Globe Machine & Stamping Co.

Biographical Sketch of George Bennett Siddall

Siddall, George Bennett; attorney-at-law; born, Oberlin, O., Dec. 13, 1866; son of Dr. James F. and Orinda Candee Siddall; educated, Oberlin public schools, Oberlin College, from whence he graduated with degree of A. B., 1891, Western Reserve Law School; married, Calumet, Mich., Aug. 17, 1892, Nettie M. Danielson; admitted to the bar, March 13, 1896; became member of firm of Henderson, Quail & Siddall (J. M. Henderson, F. A. Quail and G. B. Siddall), Jan. 1, 1904; sec’y and gen. counsel The Peerless Motor Car Co.; pres. The Peerless Motor Car Co. of Illinois and Philadelphia; director Dean Realty Co. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Davison Rockefeller

Rockefeller, John Davison; capitalist; born, Richford, N. Y., July 8, 1839; son of William Avery and Eliza (Davison) Rockefeller; brother of William R. (q. v.); moved to Cleveland, O., 1853; public school education; married Laura C. Spelman, of Cleveland, Sept. 8, 1864; father of John Davison, Jr., and Edith Rockefeller McCormick (both q. v.); was clerk in forwarding and commission house at 19, partner in firm of Clark & Rockefeller, commission merchants; firm became Andrews, Clark & Co., and engaged in oil business; in 1865, the firm, then William Rockefeller & Co., built Standard Oil Works, Cleveland; this was consolidated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph D. Mitchell

Mitchell, Ralph D.; lake transportation; born. Marine City, Mich., Dec. 5, 1878; son of John and Mary Rowell Mitchell; educated, University School, 1902-1908, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1908-1909, Yale University; married, Hillsboro, 0.; June 20, 1907, Helen Boyd; one son and two daughters; since 1902, engaged in vessel business on the lakes with his father; vice pres. Cleveland. Steamship Co.; pres. Gathwick Steamship Co.; sec’y Miller Ore Co., and Winston Coal Co.; director Sedalia Coal & Mining Co., and Edward Mnfg. Co.; member Union, Tavern, and Euclid Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of Martin B. Daly

Daly, Martin B.; born, May 11, 1860, and his early life was spent on a farm with his parents near Mayville, N. Y.; his grand-parents on both sides were born in Ireland; he received his education in public schools at Mayville, and in 1878, left home and went to the Bradford oil fields in Pennsylvania, and for three years worked in various capacities on leases, drilling wells, pipe lines and pump stations in the Bradford and Richburg field; in 1881, he was engaged as assistant superintendent of the Warren County (Pennsylvania) Gas Fuel and Heating Company, controlled at that time … Read more

Hubert Grey Todd of New Orleans LA

Hubert Grey Todd9, (James A.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 1, 1872, in Sherman, Mich., married Jan. 16, 1907, Annie Lee, daughter of Frederick A. and Lee J. (Guice) Dicks, who was born Oct. 30, 1876, in Natchez, Miss., her father having been born in Mississippi and her mother in Minnesota. He went with his parents in 1874, to Burr Oak, Mich., where he attended school and graduated from the High School there in 1888. He took a commercial course in 1892. He began learning the printing business in March 1888, when he secured a position … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul G. Luekens

Luekens, Paul G.; builder; born, Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1873; son of Gerhard H. Luekens; educated German Lutheran Trinity Parochial school; married, Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1903, Anna Klosterman; two children; Republican in National Elections.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin F. Hopkins

Hopkins, Benjamin F.; railroad promotor and builder; born, Cleveland, 1876; educated, Cleveland public schools, Western Reserve Academy and Adelbert College, West Reserve University; one of the promoters of “The Belt Line”; connected with various other railroad and construction enterprises; sec’y and treas. Cleveland Short Line R. R. Co., and Belt & Terminal Realty Co.; member Elks, Mason, Knights Templar and Shriner.