Biographical Sketch of Adam Graham

Graham, Adam; florist; born, April 17, 1840, in Scotland; educated in schools of Scotland and United States; married, Oct. 19, 1863, Janet Marshall, Philadelphia; issue, five children; pres. Adams Bag Co., Society American Florists (1897), the Saint Andrews Scottish Benevolent Society, Burns Curling, and Cleveland Florists Clubs; member Woodward Lodge, F. & A. M.

Biographical Sketch of John Whittlesey Walton

Walton, John Whittlesey; merchant and mfgr.; born Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., Jan. 15, 1845; son of Lucius Clark and Mary Vesta (Whittlesey) Walton; removed in early life to Tallmadge, Summit County, O.; educated, public school and Tallmadge Academy, graduated, 1864, Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869, L. A. Lyman; issue, one son and two daughters, Edwin A. Walton (Detroit, Mich.), Ethelwyne, now Mrs. William O. Osborn, Cleveland, Florence L., now Mrs. Frank Gill Dorr, Buffalo, N. Y.; married Gertrude Louise Hutchinson, Madison, Ind.; issue, three daughters, Gertrude Letitia, Margaret, Gladys; clerked first in retail and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. O. Probeck

Probeck, A. O.; salesman; born, Cleveland, 1892; son of Philip Joseph and Anna Goeckley Probeck: educated, public schools and Miami Military Institute; married, Cleveland, Feb. 12, 1913; with the P. J. Probeck Co.; member Delta Sigma Nu. PROBECK, Henry J.; salesman; born, Cleveland, October 14, 1861; son of John and Mary Heims Probeck; educated, Mayflower School, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Nov. 19, 1889, Rose Franz; two sons; connected with Billings-Chapin Co., A. B. McNairy thirty years; belong to Commercial Travelers’ Life and Accident Ass’n, and Germania Turn Society; fond of gymnasium work and howling.

Biographical Sketch of Irving L. Daniels

Daniels, Irving L.; civil engineer; born, Oberlin, O., June 26, 1877; son of Theodore F. and Julia H. Lewis Daniels; educated public and high school, Lorain, O., Berea College, Berea, Ky., and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Cleveland, O., Della E. Holmden; two sons, 9 and 3 years of age; member Sons of Veterans, Lookout Camp, No. 466, and Cleveland Commandery, Uniform Rank Sons of Veterans; member the Old Stone Church (1st Presbyterian); member the Cleveland Chamber of Industry; for five years in Engineering Dept., L. S. & M. S. R. R., in the Toledo Division; on county work for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman Roubicek

Roubicek, Herman; masseur and chiropodist; born, Prague, Austria, May 2, 1855; son of Adelbert and Fanny Roubicek; German public schools of Prague, College of Hydro-Therapeutics of Sulz, Stangan, near Vienna; expert in Professor Wintemiss’ method; married, Prague, May 7, 1882, Miss Anna Roubitschck; two sons, Leo and Adelbert; drillmaster and file leader in the 24th Sharp-Shooters; member of “Maximilian Maximilian Club,” in Prague, a restricted and honorary military association; citizen of Cleveland since 1904; worked at profession since leaving the army; came to this country for a visit and liked it so well, concluded to stay; his son, Adelbert, is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Rowland Hopkins

Hopkins, William Rowland; lawyer; born, Johnstown, Pa., July 26, 1869; son of David J. and Mary Jeffreys Hopkins; educated, Western Reserve Academy, 1892, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, 1896, A. B.; Law School, Western Reserve University, 1897, LL. B.; married Cleveland, June 11, 1903, Ellen Louise Cozad; member City Council, 1897-1899; active in promotion and construction of the Cleveland Short Line B. R., working out a system of rapid transit for Cleveland; director The Cleveland Short Line R. R. Co.; vice pres. and treas. the Belt & Terminal Realty Co.; pres. The Cleveland Underground B. R. Co., the Subway Realty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elmer E. Teare

Teare, Elmer E.; lumber; born, Warrensville, O., Dec. 18, 1861; son of John and Catherine Shimmin Teare; public school education; married, Cleveland, Nov. 16, 1887, Mary Louise Jackson; issue, two sons and one daughter; member co-partnership, Potter, Teare & Co.; pres. Potter-Teare Transit Co., The Cleveland Board of Lumber Dealers; director Cleveland Savings & Loan Co., Land & Title Abstract Co., Virginia Hill Coal Co., Waccaneaw Lumber Co.; trustee Windimere M. E. Church; member Euclid, Colonial, and Athletic Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Clark

Clark, Frank H.; electrotype business; born, London, Eng., Apr. 17, 1869; son of Robert and Elizabeth Steeds Clark; public school education, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Jan. 10, 1900, Edith Handy Johnson; four sons, John Steeds Clark, born Nov. 16, 1900; Robert Johnson Clark, born Sept. 30, 1903; Frank Henry Clark, born Jan. 23, 1908; William Handy Clark, born Dec. 12, 1909; The Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co. was established by Howard and Henry White in 1882; he became identified with the firm in 1887, and came into control in 1897; The Eclipse Electrotype & Engraving Co. moved to 2041 East 3rd … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Everett

Everett, Henry A.; capitalist; born, Cleveland, Oct. 16. 1866; educated, public and private schools, Cleveland; pres. Toledo Railways & Light Co., Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., London St. R. R., London, Can.; chairman board of the Detroit United R. R.; interested in numerous corporations, telephone and traction companies; member Union, Euclid, Century, Colonial, and Electric Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of James Gormsen

Gormsen, James; manufacturer; born, Fyn, Denmark, Oct. 6, 1870; son of John and Christina Jensen Gormsen; common school education; married, Cleveland, Dec. 15, 1894, Anna Louise Carlson; issue, Ray, born Dec. 30, 1903, and Hilda, born Sept. 14, 1899; Republican Councilman in Lakewood for four years; blacksmith business for fourteen years, and hardware business for one and one-half years; his business, as it stands today, is hand made harness and repairing; dealer in implements, vehicles, horsemen’s supplies, gas engines, auto wagons; in April, a year ago he added a furniture dept., which met a long-felt want of the community; he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Bissell Cody

Cody, Henry Bissell; real estate; born, Painesville, O., Oct. 12, 1866; son of Lindus and Sarah Amelia Farnsworth Cody; educated, Central High School and Western Reserve University, 1891, A. B.; married, Cleveland, Feb. 26, 1895, Alma C. Canfield; one son, Louis Faucher Cody; pres. 1st Cleveland School Board; pres. Union Woodhill Realty Co.; treas. Woodhill and E. Boulevard Realty Co.; trustee Woman’s Hospital Ass’n, of Cleveland; member civic committee, Federated Churches; member Delta Tau, and Delta Upsilon College Fraternities; Chamber of Commerce and Euclid Club; owner and operator 28 allotments in and about Cleveland.

Biographical Sketch of Francis Wilcox Treadway

Treadway, Francis Wilcox; lawyer; born, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 7, 1869; son of Augustine Russell and Mary L. Mansfield Treadway; educated, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, B. S., 1890; Yale University, LL. B., 1892; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1907, Esther L. Frisbie; Frances Sessions and Augustine Russell Treadway, children; law firm, Treadway and Marlatt, since 1893; treas. Cleveland Bar Ass’n, 1907 to 1912; United States Commissioner, 1902-1903; member Ohio House of Representatives, 1904-1905; nominated vice mayor of Cleveland, 1907; pres. Tippecanoe Club, 1906-1907; director Chamber of Commerce, 1911-1913; lieut. gov. of Ohio, 1909-1910; director Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Peck, Stow & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dan T. Miller

Miller, Dan T.; county office; born, Oct. 13, 1867, at Dover, O.; father died when a year and a half old and mother when 16 years old; lived on a farm, educated in district schools of Dover; in 1895, elected justice of the peace for Dover; in 1897, began the study of law in Cleveland College of Law while teaching district school in Dover; in May, 1900, graduated from Baldwin University Law School; admitted to the bar in June, 1900; began law practice at once, taking active interest in Republican politics, and for a number of years member of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Max Wertheim

Wertheim, Max; merchant; born, Cleveland, June 24, 1866; son of Julius and Rosa Wise Wertheim; educated, Cleveland Mayflower and Central High School; married, Cleveland, Jan. 25, 1899, Rebecca Mae Sloss; issue, three children; worked for S. Halle for two years, then went into the office of Dryfoos & Klein, who were succeeded by Klein, Goodhart & Koch; became bookkeeper and went into business in 1880 with Kaufman & Sol Hexter for period of ten years; dissolution for the firm of The Max G. Wertheim Co.; pres. and treas. The Max G. Wertheim Co., importer and jobbers of tailors’ trimmings for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Walter Tyler

Tyler, John Walter; lawyer; born, South Newburg, O., May 4, 1841; son of Cutler and Sarah Fisher Tyler; educated, common and High schools; A. B., Oberlin College, 1867, and A. M., 1870; graduated from the Union Law School, Cleveland; admitted to the bar at Wooster, O., in 1862; married, Castile, N. Y., Dee. 29, 1875, Mary E. Higgins; issue, two sons, Walter J. and Paul W. Tyler, three daughters, Mrs W. K. Hayes, Mrs. Charles J. Johnson, and Marie S. Tyler; member and clerk of Board of County School Examiners, Lake County, 1862-1868; law partnership in Painesville with Franklin Paine, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis S. Bing

Bing, Louis S.; merchant; born, Washington Court House, O., Dec. 31, 1860; son of David and Rosina Bing; educated, Cincinnati, O.; married, Jan. 12, 1892, Theresa Nathan; issue, Hortense R. Bing, born Jan. 12, 1894, Louis S. Bing, Jr., born, March IT, 1899; pres. The Bing Co.; member Masonic Fayette Lodge; Excelsior and Oakwood Clubs. Favorite recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Edgar Elliotte Adams

Adams, Edgar Elliotte; general supt. Cleveland Hardware Co.; born, Cleveland, Dee. 2, 1871; son of Edgar and Mary Jane Elliotte Adams; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1914, Elizabeth Carlton; two daughters; first employment in father’s art store on Euclid avenue; time-keeper for Cleveland Hardware Co., eventually working up to position of general supt.; director and member of executive committee Cleveland Hardware Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, National Civic Federation of New York; trustee and member executive committee of Legal Aid Society; trustee and member executive committee Hiram House Social Settlement.

Biographical Sketch of Harry Wheelock King

King, Harry Wheelock; pres. King Bridge Co.; born, Cleveland, Oct. 15, 1863; son of Zenas and Miranda C. Wheelock King; educated, public and private schools, Cleveland; married, Mineral Point, Wis., Nov. 21, 1889, Margery Gundry; issue, Margery, Jane, Harriett; pres. and director King Bridge Co.; sec’y and director Osborn Building Co.; vice pres. and director Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co.; pres. Stratford Building Co.; member Union, Country, Tavern, Hermit, Roadside, and Hunt Clubs; five years a member of the Cleveland Gaffing Gun Battery.

Slave Narrative of Charley Watson

Interviewer: W. W. Dixon Person Interviewed: Charley Watson Location: South Carolina Age: 87 “Dis is a mighty hot day I tells you, and after climbing them steps I just got to fan myself befo’ I give answer to your questions. You got any ‘bacco I could chaw and a place to spit? Dis old darkie maybe answer more better if he be allowed to be placed lak dat at de beginnin’ of de ‘sperience. “Where was I born? Why right dere on de Hog Fork Place, thought everybody knowed dat! It was de home place of my old Marster Daniel … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank B. Carpenter

Carpenter, Frank B.; atty. and general counsel The N. Y., C.& St. L. R. R. Co.; born, Oberlin, O., July 17, 1866; son of John D. and Charity G. Lester Carpenter; educated, Oberlin College, A. B., 1888, and Columbia Law School; married, Morrison, Ill., June 3, 1890, Edna Woods; one daughter, Florence, and two sons, John and Edward; 1901 to 1912, assistant general counsel for The N. Y., C. & St. L. Ry. Co.; in 1912, appointed general counsel for the same road; administrator and trustee of the estate of W. J. Gordon, since 1903, succeeding Hon. Samuel E. Williamson, … Read more