Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Everett

Everett, Henry A.; capitalist; born, Cleveland, Oct. 16. 1866; educated, public and private schools, Cleveland; pres. Toledo Railways & Light Co., Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., London St. R. R., London, Can.; chairman board of the Detroit United R. R.; interested in numerous corporations, telephone and traction companies; member Union, Euclid, Century, Colonial, and Electric Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Ernest T. Wright

Wright, Ernest T.; milk bottle exchange; born, England, April 11, 1872; son of James and Mary Rebbeck Wright; educated, Shaftesbury grammar school; married, New York, Sept. 23, 1900, Lilly M. S. Collard; issue, three children; five years was a milk dealer on the west side under name of Wright Bros.; in 1905 the Health Board of the City ordered every milk dealer to retail his milk in glass bottles, to advertise their business, every dealer had his name on his bottles; in the course of the business one dealers bottles would get into the hands of another dealer; at that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ladbrook H. Freeman

Freeman, Ladbrook H.; manufacturer; born, England, June 23, 1870; son of Walter Thomas and Esther L. Healy Freeman; public and high school education; married, Cleveland, May 16, 1894, Emilie Loeber; issue, Harley L. Freeman, born, Dec. 30, 1895, and Ruth E. Freeman, born Sept. 1, 1899; sec’y and treas. The Industrial Machy Co.; pres. The Hall Mnfg. Co.; vice pres. The Guggenheim Ldy. Machy Co.; director the Cahen Mfg. Co.; member Masonic bodies.

Biographical Sketch of Otto J. Kuenhold

Kuenhold, Otto J.; heating business; born, Cleveland, Dec. 9, 1879; son of August and Katherine Greeve Kuenhold; educated, public schools, Y. M. C. A. night schools and correspondence schools, in mechanical drawing; married, Cleveland, March 6, 1906, Miss Rosine A. Kaercher; issue, two sons, Jack and Robert; began work in machine shops, foundries and pattern shops; at the age of 22, entered the draughting rooms of the MacBeth Iron Co.; became designing draughtsman; later went with The National Cash Register Co., as chief draughtsman of Invention Department; after several years, came to The Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co.; as designing and estimating engineer; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Eichhorn

Eichhorn, Charles Henry; banker; born, Racine, Wis., Jan. 17, 1859; son of Jacob and Clara Elizabeth Behring Eichhorn; educated, Cleveland public schools, graduated from West High, in 1879; married, Cleveland, June 27, 1894, Lulu J. Challacombe; one son, 9 years old; taught school Delray, Mich., 1879 to 1882; Cleveland public schools. 1882-1886; sec ‘y to supt. of Schools. 1886-1892; sec’y The Brooklyn Building & Loan Ass’n Co., 1892 to present date; cashier The State Banking & Trust Co.; director The Masonic Temple Ass’n; 33rd° Mason; Past Grand Commander, Knight Templars of Ohio; 1st Lieut. Commander Lake Erie Consistory, S. P. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Wall

Wall, William E.; pres. Fred G. Clark Co.; born, Chatham, Ont., Can., Aug. 23, 1868; educated, common schools and Chatham High School and Collegiate Institute; came to Cleveland in 1890; engaged in the oil business, for the past 24 years identified with the Fred G. Clark Co.; elected pres. of the National Petroleum Ass’n, 1903; pres. the Tiona Refining Co., Indianapolis, Ind., treas. the Conewango Refining Co., Warren, Pa.; director the Monitor Oil Co.; Great Western Oil Co., and Manufacturers Oil Co.; elected sec’y of the Cleveland Petroleum Ass in, 1904; member Euclid, Hermit, and Clifton Clubs; Chamber of Commerce; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Wellington Mercer

Mercer, George Wellington; florist and decorator; born, Toronto, Canada, 1872; son of Albert and Eliza Bye Mercer; educated in public schools of Ontario, Canada; come to United States in 1888; three years with J. F. Sullivan, florist, Detroit; two years with J. H. Rebstock, florist, Buffalo; then came to Cleveland; two years with J. M. Gassers Co.; two years with F. R. Williams Co.; organized own business 1898; married, Cleveland, May 24, 1898, Jessie Withycombe; issue, two children; member Pilgrim Congregational Church.

Biographical Sketch of Harry Brinton Jones

Jones, Harry Brinton; florist; born, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 13, 1872; son of William, Jr., and Mary B. Painter Jones; educated, West Chester Friends High School and Pierce Business College, Philadelphia, Pa.; 1890-1893, apprentice to Robert Craig & Co., Philadelphia; 1894-1898, mgr. The Penroch Floral Co., Wilmington, Del.; for four months, floral artist to J. Lewis Lousie, Washington, D. C.; asst. mgr. the J. M. Gasser Co., from Oct. 9, 1899, to July 1, 1909; since then sec’y and treas. The Jones & Russel Co.; member Biglow Lodge, F. A. M., and Rotary Club; member Society of Friends; fond of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Murray Kilgore

Kilgore, Robert Murray; dist. sales mgr. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.; born, Pittsburg, June 14, 1877; son of Jesse B. and Mary Barker Kilgore; educated, public schools and Penn State College (B. A.); married, Pittsburg, 1900, Bertha Wallace; issue, two sons and three daughters, James, Jesse, Robert, EIizabeth and Ruth; with Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. since January, 1898 (no other employer); appointed mgr. of sales Cleveland district, January, 1908; member Kappa Sigma, Union, and Mayfield Clubs, Chamber of Commerce; Royal Arch Mason.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Shadrack Reed

Reed, Charles Shadrack; lawyer; born, North Fairfield, O., Sept. 17, 1862; son of David H. and Caroline Long Reed; attended school at Oberlin College, and Delaware; Law Course at University of Michigan; married, Fredonia, Kas., Nov. 16, 1887, Nellie B. Baughman; issue, three sons and two daughters; prosecuting attorney of Wilson County, Kas., three terms; judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1st Sub-division of 4th Judicial District of Ohio, from September 1899, to September, 1911; elected three times; served twice under appointment of Gov. Bushnell; from law school went West to Fredonia, Kas., practiced law there until 1897; moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry F. Payer

Payer, Harry F.; attorney-at-law: born, Cleveland, July 3. 1875; son of Frank and Mary Cross Payer; 1893, graduated Central High School; 1897, graduated from Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, A. B., Magna Cum Lauda, 1899, Cleveland Law School, with honor; married, Cleveland, June, 1902, Florence L. Graves; issue, one son, Franklin L. Payer, asst. city solicitor, 1901-1907: member Elks and Eagles, and Athletic, and Colonial Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Malcolm Chandler Willis

Willis, Malcolm Chandler; insurance; born, Cleveland, Oct. 5, 1871; son of George Henry and Martha Tiebout Willis; educated, public schools, Cleveland; married, June 21, 1899, Elsie Dutton; with Insurance Exchange for twenty years; sec’y thirteen years; director The Home Financing Co., The Mudge & Beech Co.; sec’y Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange; member Insurance Society of Cleveland; Chamber of Commerce and Clifton Club.

Biographical Sketch of Frank T. Cullitan

Cullitan, Frank T.; lawyer; born, Cleveland, March 5, 1880; son of David and Anna Cullitan; educated St. Ignatius College, Law Dept. Baldwin-Wallace University, 1906, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 21, 1907, Anna Marie Millard; one daughter, Catherine Frances; active in civic affairs; admitted to bar, June, 1906; practiced in Cleveland since; chosen by Citizens Committee to stand for Constitutional delegate, 1912; treas. and director Columbian Bldg. Co.; member Ohio State Bar Ass’n; member Delta Phi Delta Legal Fraternity; Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Foresters, and Ancient Order of Hibernians; district deputy for 1st Ohio District, Knights of Columbus.

Biographical Sketch of Fred A. Pease

Pease, Fred A.; gen. mgr. Engineering Co.; born, 1873, Kingsville, O., gen. mgr. The Fred A. Pease Engineering Co.; after wide experience in engineering and construction work, entered chosen profession; 1898 to 1900, asst. county engineer; 1901, organized his own company; engineers for various villages in this county, also executed municipal improvements, designing subdivisions, and engaged in electric railway work; firm has been engineers for Gates Mills development for the Maple Leaf Land Co., Oakwood-on-the-Lake, at Rocky River; at present are engaged upon improvements for the Shaker Heights Land Co., and the Deming Forest Hill Subdivision, and other properties; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank A. Sarstedt

Sarstedt, Frank A.; tax adjuster; born, Medina County, O., Aug. 27, 1864; educated, public schools, Cleveland; in the dry goods business, 1878-1881; with C. C. S. & St. L. R. R., 1881-1893; gen. mngr. Barrett & Columbia Brewing Co., 1893-1899: deputy county auditor, 1899-1901; appointed member board of Review by the state board of assessors and appraisers, 1901, and pres., 1904; serving to 1913; interested in several local corporations: Scottish Rite Mason, and K. Templar; Cleveland Commercial Travelers, National Union, Elk, Eagle; pres. Western Reserve Club, and originator Crawford Memorial Building, in E. 55th St.; Republican; Cleveland Athletic Club Recreation; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rasmus Hansen

Hansen, Rasmus; building contractor; born, Denmark, Jan. 6, 1870; educated, Technical School in Denmark; married, Cleveland, Nov. 4, 1904, Bertha A. Simmon; three children; director and vice pres. American Construction Co.

The Czechs of Cleveland

The Czechs of Cleveland

“The Czechs of Cleveland” by Eleanor Edwards Ledbetter provides a historical and sociological overview of the Czech (Bohemian) immigrant community in Cleveland, Ohio. This study explores their initial settlements in the city’s East Side, their contributions to its growth, and their cultural integration, reflecting the broader narrative of Czech immigration and settlement patterns in America from the mid-19th century onward.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Higley

Higley, Frank; lawyer; born, near St. Paul, Minn., March 16, 1861; son of Aaron and Charlotte Finney Higley; educated, Cleveland Central High School, graduated, University of Michigan Law School, 1884; married, Cleveland, 1891, Carrie M. Maltby; issue, Raymond, Albert and Charles Higley; deputy clerk of Supreme Court of Ohio; practiced law in Cleveland since 1884; director The National Safe & Lock Co.; member Chamber of Commerce and Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of Charles L. F. Wieler

Wieler, Charles L. F.; electric automobiles; born, Cleveland, Feb. 15, 1861; son of Jacob and Salomi Zipf Wieler; educated, public schools and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, Jan. 8, 1889, Martha E. Dietz; three children living, Carl L. F. Wieler, Jr., Alvina E., Martha E.; for many years pres. and gen. mgr. of the Wieler Co., from which he retired to take the general management of The Rauch & Lang Carriage Co.; pres. and gen. mgr. The Rauch & Lang Carriage Co., pres. The Detroit Street Investment Co.; director and on finance committee The Forest City Savings & Trust Co., … Read more

Biography of Rt. Rev. John Patrick Farrelly, D. D.

Farrelly, John Patrick, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Cleveland; born, Memphis, Tenn., March 15, 1856; son of John P. and Martha Clay Moore Farrelly; early education in the grammar schools of Tennessee, Arkansas and Kentucky; studied classics for three years at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.; in 1873, went to Europe, to complete classical education; graduated from the College of Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium; from Namur, went to the American College, Rome, to study philosophy and theology; at the conclusion of a brilliant course received the Doctorate in Sacred Theology from The University of the Propaganda, … Read more