1851 Chippewa Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Niagara River, in the Townships of Willoughby and Stamford. Canada West, distant from Hamilton, 50 miles from Toronto, by water, 50 miles, by land, 110 miles. Population about 1200. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Aberdeen, R., M. D. Amm, James. tailor. BARNEY, R. A., dealer in groceries, provisions, &c., &c. Bond, Henry, carriage maker and blacksmith. Bristol. James M., teacher. Callaghan, John. mason. Carlo, James, shoemaker. CAVANAGH, MICHAEL, Emerald hotel. CHIPPAWA ADVOCATE AND WELLAND COUNTY ADVERTISER, A … Read more