Biographical Sketch of James Donovan

Donovan, James; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1867; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Parochial School, Corning, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1903, Evelyn Berry; in 1884, entered the employ of “The Fair” Department Store in Corning, a few years later, removed to Auburn, N. Y., taking charge of a store in that city for the same company; 1894, came to Cleveland, and engaged in his present business of manufacturing typewriter ribbons and carbon papers; pres. The Buck-eye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of Sarah Fairbanks King

SARAH FAIRBANKS KING (Mrs. S.A. King). – The annals of Oregon women, who performed the hard duties incident to pioneer life faithfully, patiently and well, contain no name more justly honored, or more tenderly cherished, than that of Sarah Fairbanks King. Mrs. King was a native of New York, having been born in Potter, Cayuga county, October 12, 1834. While yet in her infancy, she was taken by her parents to Michigan, then scarcely more than an outpost of Western civilization. Here she grew to womanhood, developing traits of gentleness and devotion to duty that were the distinguishing characters of … Read more

John Elliott Todd of Baldwinsville NY

John Elliott Todd6, (John5, Timothy4, Jonathan3, John2, Christopher1) born April 22, 1805, died April 22, 1868, married first, Sept. 12, 1825, Sophia Fox, of Colchester, Conn., who was born July 22, 1805, died Dec. 14, 1866. He married second, May 22, 1867, Eleanor A. Westfall, who was born Nov. 3, 1816. He was a physician. Lived in Auburn, N. Y., Philadelphia, Penn., and Baldwinsville, N. Y. Children: *583. Sophia Helen, b. Jan. 8, 1830. 584. Cornelia Marther, b. Oct. 31, 1832, d. Feb. 7, 1860. 585. John Elliott, b. March 4, 1836; at one time lived in Philadelphia, Pa. 586. … Read more

Harriet Newell Todd Wood of Venice NY

WOOD,Harriet Newell Todd6, (Josiah5, Abner4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 3, 1818, died Nov. 13, 1902, married June 25, 1848, David, son of David and Margaret (Stuart) Wood, who died Jan. 29, 1883. He was an invalid for many years previous to his death. They lived at Venice, N. Y. Children: I. Luman Edwards, b. March 31, 1849, d. June 7, 1911, m. Sept. 20, 1876, Carrie E., daughter of William R. and Sarah Maria (Chase) Cannon. II. Weltha Ermina, b. Feb. 14, 1853, d. Feb. 22, 1860. III. Mary Eva, b. June 1, 1855, m. Jan. 12, 1882, George … Read more

History of Cayuga County New York

Cover of History of Cayuga County New York

This history of Cayuga County New York published in 1879, provides a look at the first 80 years of existence for this county, with numerous chapters devoted to it’s early history. One value of this manuscript may be found in the etched engravings found throughout of idyllic scenes of Cayuga County including portraits of men, houses, buildings, farms, and scenery. Included are 90 biographies of early settlers, and histories of the individual townships along with lists of men involved in the Union Army during the Civil War on a regiment by regiment basis.

Biographical Sketch of John C. Skeel

Skeel, John C.; building contractor; born, Sterling, N. Y., 1846; son of Truman C. and Sarah M. Cooper Skeel; married, Dover, Mich., 1889, Carrie P. Stockwell; issue, five children; served two years in the Civil War, in the 110th Reg. N. Y. S. Vol.; vice pres. The Skeel Bros. Co.; director The Cleveland Builders’ Supply Co.; The Woodward Masonic Temple Co.; member Woodward Lodge, No. 508, F. & A. M.; McKinley Chapter, R. A. M.; Oriental Commandery, Knight Templars; belongs to Cleveland Builders’ Exchange, and Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of Manasseh Stewart Knox

Manasseh Stewart Knox is one of the oldesb residents of Pottawatomie County. His own recollections of that district cover a period of sixty years, beginning in his early childhood. He knew Pottawatomie County when it was a virtual wilderness and when Kansas was still in the throes of the free stats struggle. Mr. Knox is one of the most substantial land holders and formerly one of the largest farmers in Northern Kansas and is president of the First National Bank of Havensville and had banking interests elsewhere. He was born in Cayuga County, New York, August 21, 1843. His ancestors … Read more

Josiah Delbert Todd of Five Corners NY

Josiah Delbert Todd7, (Josiah6, Josiah5, Abner4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 19, 1858, married first, May 29, 1889, Jennie M., daughter of George J. and Sarah J. Morrison, who was born Dec. 15, 1858, died Dec. 27, 1904; married second, Mrs. Jessie (Howell) Mosher. Mr. Todd owns and operates a farm in Five Corners, Cayuga County, N. Y., only a few miles from the place where he was born and brought up. The old homestead has passed out of the possession of the Todd family. Child by Jennie M. Morrison: 1773. Florence Amy, b. July 24, 1893; she is a … Read more

Biography of John Hallenbeck

In March 1864, John Hallenbeck became a resident of Silver City, and from that time until his death, throughout the period of pioneer development and latter-day progress, he was prominently identified with its upbuilding and interests. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Albany, October 24, 1830, and was of Holland lineage. His ancestors were among the early settlers of New York and participated in the events which form the colonial and Revolutionary history of that state. The maternal grand-father of our subject was also one of the heroes of the war for independence, and his wife … Read more

Biography of Francis Eugene Nipher, LL. D.

Francis Eugene Nipher, physicist of world-wide reputation, educator and author in the field of his chosen science, was born at Port Byron, New York, December 10, 1847, his parents being Peter and Roxalana P. (Tilden) Nipher. In the paternal line he is descended from Michael Niver, who came from the kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1756 and settled on Livingston Manor in New York. On his mother’s side he traces his ancestry to Nathaniel Tilden, who came from Truterden, Kent, England, in 1634 and settled in Plymouth colony. His collegiate course was pursued in the State University of Iowa, from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest S. Bowen

Ernest S. Bowen, a member of the firm of Fay & Bowen, belongs to that class of society, which has developed our great manufacturing industries, spread our commerce and built up our cities. He is the son of Wilford M. Bowen, who was a farmer, and died in 1893. Ernest S. Bowen was born in Levanna, Cayuga county, New York, May 8, 1858. He attended the public schools of Aurora, New York, then Hillsdale College, Michigan, and finally, Cornell University, from which he was graduated in 1890 from the mechanical engineering department, his name being one of the ten on … Read more

Biography of Amos Fowler, M. D.

AMOS FOWLER, M. D. IN THE galaxy of Albany physicians whose professional labors have done so much toward alleviating physical suffering, the name of Dr. Amos Fowler stands conspicuous. This celebrity he has attained after long years of patient toil, deep study, and constant practice. He was born in the town of Cohocton, Steuben county, N. Y., on the 5th day of July, 1820. His ancestors were among those from the old, enterprising eastern states, who loved so much to set the wheels of civilization in motion and turn the wilderness into a garden. Removing at an early day from … Read more

Cayuga County New York Census Records

1910 New York Census Map

Cayuga County New York Census Records – Search and view the US Federal Census Images from 1790-1940 for Cayuga County, New York for free. Also provided are lists of any state census available online for Cayuga County NY.

Logan Monument, Auburn, New York

Logan Monument

From Syracuse, and the Monument to Onondaga Indians, the Mohawks once more headed down the Great Central Trail of the Iroquois to the City of Auburn. There, in the Fort Hill Cemetery, Fort Street, Auburn, the warriors saw the remains of a huge Indian mound in the center of which was a gigantic stone shaft monument erected to a great Cayuga Chief named Logan. Chief Logan, Tah-gah-jute christened Logan, 1725-1780, renowned Cayuga sachem, statesman, orator and warrior. He was born in the Indian village Wasco near here. His memory remains enshrined in the Finger Lakes Country as the friend of … Read more

Biography of James H. Hoskins

James H. Hoskins, dealer in high grade investment securities, is also well known in the business circles of St. Louis as the president of the Al Fresco Advertising Company. He belongs to that class of enterprising, energetic and farsighted business men upon whose activity the development and prosperity of the city has been built through the past quarter of a century or more. Mr. Hoskins was born in Auburn, New York, December 21, 1859, a son of James H. Hoskins, who was a native of New York and a descendant of John Hoskins, who came from England to the new … Read more

1860 Cayuga County New York Census

1860 Cayuga County New York Census Image - Page 1

The following are part of GenWeb’s Census Project website and provide a complete index and transcription for the 1860 Cayuga County New York Census. Since there is no intro page created by the project which reflects this specific census we have created this page so that our users understand the files they need to view, and how to view them. This 1860 census was transcribed and proofread in 2002 and 2003 by Linda Talbott and L. Medlin. (See transcriber’s notes) It took about a year for them to transcribe and index the approximately 42,000 people enumerated within Cayuga County, New York in 1860.

Biography of Rev. James T. Dougherty

When De Nonville and his French army, in 1687, destroyed the Indian village of Gannagaro and Gaudougarae, the inhabitants were driven eastward and formed a village near the foot of Canandaigua Lake, which village and lake have since then borne that name. Among the Indian inhabitants in those days were many Catholics, some of them Senecas and most of them Hurons and Algonquin captives, the result of fifty years of missionary labor of the zealous Jesuits. Even in our day the beads and crucifixes given the Indians by the missionaries are still picked up on the sites of the old … Read more

Biography of William Henry Seward

William H. Seward was born May 16, 1801, in the village of Florida, Town of Warwick, Orange County, New York. His father, Dr. Samuel S. Seward, was a physician of good standing and the first Vice-President of the County Medical Society. Dr. Seward was a farmer, as well as physician, and also the magistrate, storekeeper, banker and money-lender of the little village. He lived to a good old age, dying after his son’s election to the United States Senate, in 1849. The family was of New Jersey origin. John Seward, the grandfather of William Henry, served in the war of … Read more

Biography of Joseph Thorn

Joseph Thorn, deceased, was a pioneer of 1854. He was born in New York State, December 22, 1811. His parents were Richard and Mary Ann (Armstrong) Thorn, the former a native of New York, the latter of England. Mr. Thorn was a blacksmith by trade. He was married at Niles, New York, June 19, 1836, to Lorana Camp, daughter of Jonah and Barbara (Keith) Camp, from near New Haven, Connecticut. About seven years after his marriage he moved with his wife and four children to Hancock County, Illinois, where he lived five years. He then moved to Council Bluffs and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michall F. Donovan

Donovan, Michall F.; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., 1863; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Corning, N. Y.; married, Auburn, N. Y., 1905, Margaret Holmes; learned the printer’s trade, starting when 14, and worked at it for eight years, working in large cities of New York State, Syracuse, Albany, Troy and New York City; became interested in the manufacture and sale of typewriting machines in 1885; in 1892, started the making of typewriter ribbons in Cleveland; later added the making of carbon papers; see’y and treas. The Buckeye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass’n