Biography of Samuel Chesnut

THE CHESNUT FAMILY. Among the prominent families who early immigrated to Todd County in the pioneer days, may justly be mentioned the one appearing at the head of this brief sketch. Near the beginning of the present century the widow Chesnut removed from North Carolina to Todd. County, Ky., and settled on the Elk Fork of Red River. With her came her sons, Samuel, James, John and Alexander. They were zealous members of the old Seceder Church. Of these sons, Samuel, born in North Carolina, 1793, was a valiant soldier in the war of 1812, and died in 1866. His son, William A. Chesnut, was born October 4, 1819, in Princeton, Ky.; removed to Todd County with his parents in 1828, where he married Margaret M., daughter of David N. and Lydia (McElwain) Russell, of this county, where he died January 30, 1879. Mrs. Margaret M. Chestnut was born September 24, 1822, and is still living. Their children are: Lydia A. (deceased), Samuel D., James W. and Martha J. (Burge). Samuel David Chesnut was born August 2, 1857, at the place of his present residence, in Todd County, Ky., where he has all his life retained his residence. He was favored with a fine classical education, and is still an intelligent student of standard works, and the current literature of the day. He is actively engaged in farming and stock-raising, superintending the family homestead of 540 acres of valuable land, which he successfully cultivates. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and also of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. James W. Chesnut, Trenton, is a native of Todd County, where he was born August 20, 1862, and where he has all his life resided. He is the son of William A. and Margaret (Russell) Chesnut. He early obtained a good education, and in the midst of active duties finds time to devote to reading. In 1881, he commenced merchandising in Trenton (firm style Chesnut & Russell) at which he has been fairly successful. He is extensively engaged in the implement trade, and the firm handle a fair proportion of the produce shipped from Trenton. In religion he is a Cumberland Presbyterian, and in politics a Democrat.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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