Biography of John W. Petree

JOHN W. PETREE, a leading and enterprising citizen and farmer, was born November 27, 1830, about four miles east of Fairview, and is the third of children-three boys and two girls-three now living, born the third of five children to John and Sythie (Mobley) Petree, natives respectively of South Carolina and Johnson County, Ga.; the father of Scotch-Irish descent and the mother, on her father’s side, of Irish origin. Subject’s father was born in May, 1El 806; emigrated to Todd County, Ky., in an early day and settled near Elkton, where he lived till about 1871, when he moved to Kansas, where he still lives. Subject’s grandfather, Hazel Petrie, died about 1870. Our subject attended the common schools and received a fair education. He was reared on a farm and lived with his parents till the age of twenty-two, when he went to the Iron Works of T. G. Welch & Co., on the Cumberland River, where he was engaged as general manager, contracting for wood and furnishing coal, etc. There he remained two years. In December, 1854, he returned to Fairview, Christian County, where he engaged in blacksmithing and wool-carding, in which business he was engaged, with good success, till 1863, when he sold his business to T. H. Harned, and engaged in farming 260 acres of land on A. J. Brown’s farm. He has speculated considerably in cattle, and at farming has met with good success. He now owns 450 acres, one-fourth mile east of Fairview; his farm is embellished with one of the finest brick residences in the county. Starting with about $30 in money, he has by good management and industry established one of the best homes in the county of Todd. On February 19, 1856, he married Miss Mary Ann Harned, a native of Christian County, and daughter of John and Mary (Carroll) Harned, natives of Virginia and Christian County, Ky., respectively, both of Irish descent. This union was blessed with ten children, all living: William S., Mary E. (now the wife of J. C. Terry), Joseph E., Charles B., Thomas L., Abilene, John W., Hazel, Paul and Harry. Mr. Petree takes special interest in giving his children a good education. He and wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was formerly a member of I. O. O. F.; was also a member of the Grange. Possessing a strong constitution and an iron will, Mr. Petree bids fair to spend many years of usefulness in the community where he is an honored and upright citizen.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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