Biography of John Graham

John Graham, of Kentucky, married a Miss Dugan, and they had Robert, John, Alexander, Catharine, and Isabella. Alexander died in Kentucky, and John died in Mississippi. Catharine married Tocal Galbreth. Isabella married Alexander Collier. Robert, who was a physician, married Isabella Galbreth, a daughter of Tocal Galbreth by his first wife, and settled in Montgomery County in 1816. He bought a Spanish grant of land, situated on Loutre creek, from Daniel M. Boone, and built an elm bark tent upon it, in which he lived four years. The Doctor was a very small man, but of determined will and a nerve that could not be shaken. He was a staunch Democrat, a voluminous reader, and a great admirer of Benjamin Franklin. He was the only physician in that part of the country at that time, and had as large a practice as he cared to attend to. He was fond of hunting, and devoted much of his time to that occupation. One day a large wolf got caught in one of his steel traps, broke the chain, and dragged the trap away with him. The Doctor, Joseph Scholl, and Major VanBibber tracked the wolf and came upon it where it had gone into the creek and was struggling in the water. Graham waded into the creek for the purpose of killing the wolf with his knife, when it caught one of his hands and bit it nearly off; but he succeeded in killing it. On another occasion the Doctor and a party of hunters ran a large bear into his cave, and tried to smoke him out, but could not succeed, and finally shot him. After the bear was dead the Doctor was the only one of the party who had nerve enough to crawl into the cave and drag the carcass out. Wolves were plentiful then, and one day while out hunting he killed thirteen of them. The children of Dr. Graham were John F., Alexander W., James W., Benjamin R., Robert D., Franklin D., Doctor F., Patrick IL, Maria, Catharine, and Clara A.



Montgomery County MO,

Bryan, William Smith A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri: With Numerous Sketches, Anecdotes, Adventures, Etc., Relating to Early Days in Missouri. Also the Lives of Daniel Boone and the Celebrated Indian Chief, Black Hawk, with Numerous Biographies and Histories of Primitive Institutions. Bryan Brand & Company. 1876.

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