Biography of James T. Penrick

JAMES T. PENICK was born in Todd County, Ky., April 30, 1848. He is the eleventh of a family of thirteen children, born to Nathan and Nancy H. (Caldwell) Penick. His father was a native of Virginia; was born in 1807, and was brought by his father, William Penick, to the State of Kentucky in 1814. This family located in Green County, where Nathan grew to manhood, and where his father, William Penick, died. About 1828 Nathan married Miss Nancy H. Caldwell, and they remained residents of Green County until 1847. At the latter date they came to Todd County, and settled on the Allensville road, five miles from Elkton. Nathan Penick there engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in April, 1864. Nancy H., his wife, was the daughter of Beverly Caldwell, who removed from Green to Christian County, and who died in Todd County, at the residence of Nathan Penick. Nancy IL was born in Green County, Ky., in 1809, and died at the Penick homestead, Todd County, in 1869. Of the thirteen children, eight sons are now living, viz.: William B., Thomas EL, John R., Isaac N., Nathan B., James T., Creed H. and Joseph C. Penick. James T. has devoted himself to merchandising and the pursuits of the farm. In 1878 he removed to Elkton, where he now lives, being that year elected to the office of Tax Assessor of Todd County, to which office he was re-elected in 1882, and which he now fills with acceptance. He was married December 20, 1870, in Green County, to Miss Mattie M. Hancock, daughter of Burrell and Elvira Hankcock (nee Cabell). Mrs. Penick was born in Green County, on the 18th of November, 1851. Their children-five in number-are: Minnie M., Nora, Irene, Ellis C. and Walter J. Mr. Penick is engaged in the agricultural implement trade; in politics is a Democrat, and both he and wife are worthy members of the Christian Church.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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