Biographical Sketch of Clarence R. Hollins

R. CLARENCE HOLLINS was born September 22, 1851, in Todd County, Ky.; he was raised in Montgomery County, Tenn.; he is the eldest of five children born to S. P. and P. F. (Knott) Hollins. The parents were born in Virginia. The father was born September 5, 1822. The mother was born in 1832. They are now living on their farm in Montgomery County, Tenn.; there the subject of our sketch was raised and remained until his marriage, which event occurred November 20, 1879, to Victoria Cole, a native of Mount Pleasant, Va. This union is blessed with two sons. Soon after their marriage they moved to Hadensville, where he is now engaged in farming. On a farm of seventy-five acres adjoining this village he lives. He is also a breeder of thorough-bred Poland-China pigs and black Cochin chickens. These chickens are of a superior breed, and are sold for not less than $5 a pair. Mr. Hollins is a member of the School Board, and Agent for the Louisville & Nashville Railroad and Adams Express Company.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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