Biographical Sketch of B. D. Johnson

B. D. JOHNSON .was born on the same farm on which he now resides, on November 18, 1832, and is a son of Samuel and Margaret (Hudson) Johnson. The father was a native of Maryland, being born there on November 27, 1786. When a mere youth his father moved to Fayette County, where the latter died. Subject’s father came to this county in 1815, where he settled on an adjoining farm. Here he pro-cured a Government patent for 400 acres; but only resided there two years; returning to Jessamine County he married Miss Hudson on October 2, 1816, who was born in that county on May 21, 1797. Soon after his marriage he returned to this county, and settled on the farm now owned by subject. He finally owned some 1,200 acres, which he after-ward divided among his children. He died on December 12, 1861; the mother on July 30, 1837. Subject is the youngest of seven children, of whom three are living: J. H., J. W. and B. D. The latter’s education was received in the common schools of the county. He commenced to have charge of the home place at eighteen, and ran it until his father’s death; he then inherited 275 acres, and of this he now has about 200 acres in cultivation. Mr. Johnson was married in the Hadensville District in January, 1863, to Miss Helen Hollins, who was born in Hadensville District, February, 1838; she is a daughter of Richard and Susan (Higgason) Hollins. They were natives of Louisa County, Va., and came to this county in 1837, settling in the Hadensville District. There the father died in 1809; the mother in 1844. This union has resulted in two children-Ida and Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are members of the Christian Church.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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