Biographical Sketch of Aaron Virgil O’Daniel

AARON VIRGIL O’DANIEL, one of the enterprising young farmers of Todd County, was born September 12, 1845, in Christian County, Ky. He is the second of seven children-four boys and,three girls-three still living, all boys-born to Joshua and Nancy (Colvin) O’Daniel, natives of Christian County, Ky., and of Irish origin. Subject’s grandparents, Joshua and Susan A. (Grissam) O’Daniel were natives of North Carolina, and emigrated to Christian County about 1812, and engaged in farming. Mrs. Susan A. O’Daniel is still living, and is ninety-three years old. Our subject’s early educational advantages were poor; he attended school but little on account of weak eyes. He was reared on a farm and lived with his parents till of age. He was married May 2, 1866, to Miss D. Lindsey, of Todd County, Ky., daughter of John N. and Martha A. (John-son) Lindsey, natives of Christian County, Ky., the former of English and the latter of English-Welsh descent. Their union has been blessed with six children, viz.: Louana (married to Lafayette Marian Bearden), William P., Nannie H., Lanor, Jennie Elizabeth, Archa J. Mr. O’Daniel has held the office of School Trustee or Director for the past four years. He owns 107 acres of land in good state of cultivation, improved with comfortable buildings, etc. Starting in life without a dollar, he has met with uniform good success; by careful management and industry has established a comfortable home. Mr. and Mrs. O’Daniel are members of the Baptist Cburch.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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