Biographical Sketch of Jarrett, G.B., Dr.

Dr. G. B. Jarrett, physician and surgeon, first came to Dodge City, Kan., in October, 1882, and opened the practice of medicine. He was born in Pittsburg, Pa., in 1846. Educated at Jefferson Philadelphia, Medical College, graduating in medicine March 12, 1870. He began the practice of medicine in St. Louis, Mo., in August 1870, continuing there a year he went to Alameda County, Cal., and practiced his profession seven years. He then returned to his native place, and soon afterward came to Dodge City. Was married in 1877, to Miss Almina C. Kimball, of Rochester, Minn. They have one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jones, B.A.

B. A. Jones, Register of Deeds and clerk in hardware house of F. C. Zimmerman. He came to Kansas in 1878 and prospected for some time, after which he began clerking for the above house. Born in Clark County, Ohio, in 1842, and was raised in that county. Enlisted in July 1861, in Company I, Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, participating in all the battles of his command, and was wounded in a skirmish at Cumberland Ford, Ky. in May 1863. Was mustered out of service in August 1865. He soon afterward began clerking in general merchandising. Was married in 1868, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Klaine, N.B.

N. B. Klaine, editor of the Dodge City Times. The paper was established May 20, 1876. He became editor and proprietor in November 1877. The above newspaper now has a circulation of 600, and is Republican in politics. Mr. Klaine first came to Dodge City in November, 1877, and engaged as a Journalist. He took charge of the Dodge City post office by appointment January 23, 1883. He was born in Bordentown, N. J., and February 5, 1839. He came with his parents to Rock Island, Ill., in 1851, where he lived until 1859; thence to St. Louis, Mo. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of McCarty, T.L., Dr.

Dr. T. L. McCarty, physician and surgeon (allopathic school) and dealer in a general stock of drugs and medicines, carries a stock of $3,000. He came to Dodge City, Kan., in November 1872, and opened a medical office. He opened the drug trade in 1877. He was born in Tuscola, Ill., 1848, and educated in his native State. He graduated from the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, Pa., in the class of 1870. Began the practice of his profession at St. Louis, MO., where he continued until he came to Kansas. Was married in 1871, to Miss S. L. Artt, … Read more

Oliver March & Co.,

Oliver March & Co., proprietors of the Dodge City Steam Flouring Mills. These mills were erected in the fall of 1879. Size 60×90 feet, three stories and basement, built of wood at a cost of $20,000. Capacity is 15,000 pounds of flour in twenty-four hours. They employ four men. Oliver Marsh and son became proprietors in 1882. Mr. Marsh first came to Central City, Anderson Co., Kan., with his family in 1857, built a hotel and opened a general store. In 1859 he became a licensed Indian Trader with J. A. Coffey, at Humboldt, Kan., and remained until 1864, when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sitler, H.L.

H. L. Sitler, came to Dodge City, Kans., in 1868, and engaged in freighting for the United States government, and contracting, until 1876. He then engaged in the stock business, and continued until 1882. He is one of the stockholders of the Dodge City Bank. He has since the spring of 1882, retired from business. He was born in Crawford County, Pa., August 24, 1827, and lived in that county until 1865. He enlisted in the fall of 1861, to Company I, Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, and participated in all the battles of his command, and was made a prisoner at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Spencer, W.J.

W. J. Spencer, clerk in dry goods house of Wright, Beverly & Co. He serves as shipping and receiving clerk. He came to Kansas in 1863 as a private of Company G, Second Colorado Cavalry and assisted to establish Fort Dodge. He enlisted in July, 1862, in Company I, Second Colorado Cavalry, and served one year in Colorado. He participated in the battle against Rebel Gen. Price, and did much service on the frontier. Was mustered out in June 1865. He then engaged in freighting for the government, and clerked at Fort Larned, Kan, until 1870. He then clerked in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Anthony, A.J.

A. J. Anthony, stock-raiser, first came to Lawrence in 1857, and engaged in staging until 1863; he then became conductor and express messenger on the Southern Overland Stage Line from Kansas City, Mo., to Santa Fe, N. M., until August, 1867. He then located at a ranch twenty miles west of Dodge City, where he kept a few cattle and a provision store. A year thence he moved to Fort Dodge and engaged in the sutler business until 1874, when he located on a stock-ranch three-fourths of a mile west of where Dodge City now stands, where he has been … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sturm, Henry

Henry Sturm, wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of liquors. He also has a soda factory, where he manufactures all kinds of soda and mineral water and Champagne cider. The building cost $2000 and is 20×30 feet. He employs four men. He has a warehouse 20×75 foot, where he keeps a stock of Joseph Schlitz Milwaukee Lager Beer. His stock of liquors invoice at $3,000. He also keeps a billiard and saloon parlor. He has two icehouses, respectively 20×30 feet and 30×50 feet, and has 400 tons of ice stored to supply the city. He first came to Junction … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sutter, Emile

Sutter, Emile was born in France, October 1, 1855, learned the trade of watchmaker and jeweler in Locle, Switzerland, came to America in 1879, and located in Russell, Kan. Edward & Emile Sutter, dealers in musical instruments, watches, clocks and jewelry. They opened business in March of 1879, and carry a general stock of $600. He was married May 20, 1876, to Miss Laura Amanda Marchand, a native of Switzerland. They have three children Henry E., Lina and Jennie. Edward. Members of the Russell Lodge, A. O. U. W.

Biographical Sketch of Sutter, Edward

Sutter, Edward a native of France, born February 6, 1858. Went to Locle, Switzerland, with his brother Emile, and learned the same trade, but Edward came to America in 1876 and located in Wooster, Ohio, remaining there a year. Then he came to Kirwin, Kan., where he engaged in the jewelry business, and thence he came to Russell. He is unmarried. Members of the Russell Lodge, A. O. U. W.

Biographical Sketch of Tusten, H. W.

Tusten, H. W. farmer, P. O. Russell, came here with the Northwestern Colony, in the spring of 1871. He opened the first general store and continued merchandising for six years. At the same time he opened a farm of 320 acres, and now has 200 acres of it under cultivation. He makes a specialty in the stock business, dealing largely in cattle and horses. He keeps the Membrino stock of horses. He was born in Ontario County, N. Y., in 1833, lived in his native State until 1841, and then came with his parents to Kenosha, Wis., where they lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walker, Joseph H.

Walker, Joseph H. farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Fairport, Russell County, located in Saline Township, Ellis County, August 5, 1882, on Section 20. He has a homestead and timber claim, and railroad land, consisting of Section 20, 640 acres of land, sixty acres of which he has under plow. He has 360 head of cattle, amongst which can be found some fine Durham stock. He first landed in Kansas in April 1881, and prospected until he located as above named. He was born in West Townsend, Mass., in 1857, and removed to Cambridge, Mass., in 1865. Lived in his native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Yoxall, Albert

Yoxall, Albert farmer. His parents came with the Northwestern Colony from Oshkosh, Wis. to Russell in the spring of 1871. His father opened a lumberyard in Russell and continued until 1876. Then engaged in farming, locating on Section 32. Has 160 acres of fine land, 140 of which are cultivated. His father, John Yoxall, died in October 1880. He was a native of England, born in 1815, came to America in 1869, and settled in Oshkosh, Wisconsin where he engaged in lumbering, until he came to Kansas. Albert Yoxall, his son, was born in England, January 1, 1856, married in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bradbury, J. M.

Bradbury, J. M. dealer in grain, farm implements, and general merchandise. Began the grain trade in 1873, coming to Bunker Hill in February 1871. He bought the first grain and erected the first elevator in the village in 1878. The elevator is 24×36 feet, 28 feet high with a capacity of 10,000 bushels. He carries a general stock in merchandise of $8,000. He has officiated as Probate Judge and Clerk of the Court, each one term. Born in Ross County, Ohio in 1841. Was raised and educated in his native state. He began business in life as a clerk then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dixon, James J. A. T.

Dixon, James J. A. T. dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc., opened business in February 1882 and carry a stock of $3,500. Mr. Dixon first came to Bunker Hill October 5, 1872 for his health, and after eighteen months he began agricultural pursuits and became pastor of the Congregational Church, since which time he has followed preaching irregularly. In the fall of 1875 he was elected to represent Russell County in Kansas State Legislature. Re-elected to same position in the fall of 1876. He was appointed to fill vacancy of Probate Judge in 1878, elected to the office the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fleck, Ira S.

Fleck, Ira S. dealer in agricultural implements, and farmer is the son of Gabriel and Rebecca Fleck, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. Ira S. was born in Sinking Valley, Blain (sic) Co., Pa., March 24, 1847. While a lad he attended common school, and such advantages as the public schools offered were the only means he ever had of receiving an education. As he became older he would work on the farm in summer and attend school in winter, and this course he pursued until 1866, when his time was divided between farm work and teaching. In March, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gross, Daniel

Gross, Daniel first came to Abilene, Kan. in 1874 and clerked some time, finally came to Bunker Hill and became a member of the firm of Eyler & Gross, dealers in general merchandise, opening the business July 21, 1879, and carrying a stock of about $12,000, occupying two rooms, 22×40 and 22×50 feet. Mr. Gross was born in York County, Pa in 1857. Was raised and educated in his native county; married in 1879 to Miss Katie Gardner, a native of Ohio.

Biographical Sketch of Moore, O. S.

Moore, O. S. proprietor of the Golden Rule steam flouring-mills. These mills were erected in 1880, size of which are 32×52 feet and 45 feet high, built of stone, capacity is 100 barrels in twenty-four hours, cost is $22,000. They do an exchange business only in custom work. They employ six men besides their own help. Mr. O. S. Moore first came to Bunker Hill in August 1878. He was born in Brown County, Ohio in 1848; was raised and educated in Rush County, Ind.; family moving there in 1854. Married in 1879 to Miss Carrie S. Edwards, of Binghamton, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Smyser

Smyser, George W. of the firm of J. A. T. Dixon & Co., located on a homestead near Dorrance, in 1871 and farmed three years. He then served as County Treasurer four years, then into general hardware trade at Russell two years, then farmed two years south of the latter village, then went into business at Bunker Hill. Born in York County, Pa., in 1832, where he was raised and educated. Married in 1854 to Mary Hunes of the same place. They have three children: Leila J. Emma E. and Martin B. He is a member of the A. O. … Read more