Biography of Carl Judge

Last Updated on April 13, 2012 by

Carl Judge. While Carl Judge, the well known journalist, the owner and editor of the Beverly Tribune, at Beverly, Kansas, could ill be spared from the newspaper profession, there are other lines in which he was trained, and in which he would have undoubtedly gained recognition had he chosen to pursue them. Mr. Judge was a man of considerable newspaper experience before he came to Kansas, and had owned and very ably edited other journals than the Tribune.

Carl Judge was born in Osage County, Kansas, July 10, 1878. His parents were Martyr C. and Mary (Roberts) Judge. His father was born in the State of New York, March 23, 1841, and died at Perkins, Oklahoma, in February, 1914. His mother was born in Wales, in 1848, and died in 1880, in the City of Austin, Texas. To this marriage three children were born, namely: William H., who resided on the old Judge farm near Perkins, Oklahoma; Herbert T., who is a farmer in the same locality; and Carl. Later in life Martyr C. Judge was married to Lavinia B. See, who was born in 1841, in Virginia, and died near Perkins in the spring of 1917, leaving no children.

Martyr C. Judge was of English ancestry and his father founded the family in New York, from which atate, in the son’s boyhood, he removed to Wisconsin. Martyr C. Judge spent his early youth in Wisconsin and in young manhood went to Illinois but when the Civil war came on he returned to Wisconsin and in 1862 enlisted in the Third Wisconsin Cavalry, serving three years and six months. He was injured in the back during the service and then served for a time in the commissary department. After the war he returned to his home, but in 1869 he came to Kansas and was one of the pioneers in Osage County, where he homesteaded and engaged in farming until 1889. From there he once more sought a new home, locating in Payne County, Oklaboma, and remained there during the rest of his life. Wherever he lived he was a man of consequence, one who entertained strong convictions and had the courage to assert them. He was one of the earliest members of the prohibition party as an organization, and was a worker in the cause of temperance as long as he lived. He was a deecon in the Methodist Episcopal Church and through precept and example made this connection valuable as an influence for good. He belonged to the Grand Army of the Republie and to the fraternal organization, the Knights of Honor.

Carl Judge was but two years old when he lost his own mother but he was kindly reared by his stepmother. He accompanied his parents when removal was made to Oklahoma and received his primary education in the schools of Payne County. Later he attended the State Agricultural College at Stillwater, Oklahoma, for four years, during that time taking the regular course and also special work. Following his return home he entered a commercial college at Oklahoma City, where he completed a business course in 1900, and then read law for one year at El Reno, and while there he, versatile as he is, found his most satisfying occupation, that being work in a printing office. He learned the trade and then started out as a journeyman printer, traveling through Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and South Dakota and then returned to Kansas and in 1905 worked in the office of the Randall News, of which he subsequently became the owner.

In the meanwhile, however, Mr. Judge went from the News office at Randall to the Ledger at Cawker City, and in 1906 again left the state, going to Missouri, where he purehased the Watsonian at Watson. He continued to issue and edited that paper until the spring of 1909, when he purchased the News at Randall and retained that journal until 1913, when he came to Beverly and bought the Beverly Tribune. This newspaper was established in 1908 by C. L. Mc-Afee, and under its present management and editorship had a circulation that extends all over Lincoln and in other counties. The plant is modern and with the offices is located on Main Street, Beverly. It is issued weekly and is a republican organ. Additionally Mr. Judge owned and publishes the Tescott Press in Ottawa County, and is owner of the Culver Record, which he bought in April, 1914. He is prominent in political matters, a republican, and is serving as a police judge at Beverly and in many non-official capacities.

Mr. Judge married, September 3, 1903, at El Reno, Oklahoma, Miss Lenora A. Woolsey. Her parents, George and Esther Woolsey, were pioneers near Randall, where Mr. Woolsey is a farmer, Mrs. Woolsey being deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Judge have four children: Deena, born July 2, 1905; Oren W., born August 22, 1907; Blair, born December 31, 1909; and Herbert, born November 29, 1914. Mr. Judge and family are members of the Baptist Church, in which he is a deacon and is also chorch clerk. As a newspaper man Mr. Judge is highly regarded, being scrupulously honest and thoroughly alive to the great responsibilities resting upon him.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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