Biography of A. E. Myers

One of the most attractive establishments of Bartlesville is that conducted by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myers, who have here carried on both a wholesale and retail florist business during the past four years. Mr. Myers was born in Iowa on the 13th of September, 1879, and when a little lad of five years accompanied his parents on their removal to Indiana, in which state he obtained his education. Experience that well qualified him for his present line of business came to him during six years’ employment on the Coles Rose Farm at Kokomo, Indiana. In 1912, when a … Read more

Biography of Rev. O. I. Bennett

Rev. O. I. Bennett, pastor of the Christian Church at Boynton and for many years an earnest worker in a vocation which is recognized as the noblest occupation of man, is also ministering to the physical needs of the body as a chiropractor, and along both spiritual and material lines his efforts have been productive of much good. He was born in Cone, Louisa County, Iowa, September 13, 1867, a son of J. W. and Mary Arm (Manley) Bennett, natives of Indiana and of Irish descent. In 1849, when six years of age, the father was taken by his parents … Read more

Cole, Catherine Linford – Obituary

Cole – At her home near Joseph, December 10, 1891, Catherine Lindford Cole, aged 56 years, 6 months and 14 days. Catherine Lindford was born hear London, England may 17, 1835, her parents removing to America the same year. after a short residence in Pennsylvania, they removing to America the same year. After a short residence in Pennsylvania, they removed to Indiana, and finally settled in Clark County, Illinois. In 1854 she was married to Eli Misner who died in 1858. In 1859 Mrs. Misner moved to Iowa. In July, 1860 she was united in marriage to Wiley P. Cole … Read more

Biography of Edward Clarence Fitzgerald

Entering upon the practice of law in 1908, Edward Clarence Fitzgerald has made continuous progress in his profession and is now numbered among the leading representatives of the Ottawa County bar, maintaining his office in Miami, and he has also taken a prominent part in public affairs of the County. He was born in Keystone, Benton County, Iowa, February 19, 1884, of the marriage of Edward and Mary (Quinleven) Fitzgerald, the former a native of Syracuse, New York, while the latter was born in Wisconsin. Both are deceased. The father came west as a boy and learned the trade of … Read more

Biography of W. M. Crawford

W. M. Crawford, pumper for the St. Clair Oil & Gas Company is now active in that connection on the C. Weavel farm, six and a quarter miles northeast of Delaware. A native of Van Buren County, Iowa, his birth occurred on the 19th of September, 1876, a son of J. H. and Susan (Smith) Crawford. W. M. Crawford received his education in the schools of his native County and also in Missouri and Iowa, but when thirteen years of age he put his textbooks aside and came to Indian Territory with his parents. For three years they resided on … Read more

Fisher, Emma Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon The death of Mrs. Emma Rundall Fisher occurred at a LaGrande hospital to which she was rushed from her home in Enterprise, after a severe illness of long duration which required an operation from which she did not recover. Mrs. Fisher was an early pioneer coming to this valley and locating with her family near Union and with her husband, Hiram Fisher, moved to Cove where they resided until going to Enterprise some 35 years ago. She was born on a trek of wagon-train movers, coming west between Iowa and Kansas before making the remainder of … Read more

Baker, John Mrs. – Obituary

Pioneer Woman Who Walked Across Plains La Grande Star: Mrs. John Baker, wife of John Baker, of this city, an old and highly respected pioneer of Oregon and Union county passed away at an early hour yesterday morning at the home of her son-in-law, Frank P. Childers, after a lingering illness of many weeks duration. Apoplexy and old age were responsible. Mrs. Baker commenced to sink rapidly about midnight and passed away at an early hour in the morning. Mrs. Baker leaves behind to mourn her departure, her husband, John Baker, the grand jury bailiff, a son Charles Baker , … Read more

Ames, Maggie P. Mrs. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Died, in Oakland, California, January 7, 1925, Mrs. Maggie P. Ames, age 89 years. Maggie Pelham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrenus Peham, was born at Malone, Clinton county, Iowa. In 1861 she was married to George W. Ames and started as a bride across the plains in a prairie schooner. They landed in the Grande Ronde Valley in 1862. It is said they were the first white folks to cross the river to where Cove now stands. They purchased a tract of land that suited them, and today Union is built on a considerable portion … Read more

Bills, Roy – Obituary

Roy Bills was born in Seymour, Iowa, November 27, 1881, and was therefore 25 years old on the day of his death. He came to this city with his parents in 1897. Prior to his death he held a position of trust in the Post Office. He was a boy of good habits and his death is mourned by a large circle of friends. he leaves a father, mother, sister, brother and other relatives in this city who are grief stricken in losing one who had barely started on life’s journey. The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church … Read more

Blacker, Lot Abraham – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon In Union, Oregon, Sunday, October 8, 1911, at 5 o’clock a. m., Lot A. Blacker, age 85 years. The funeral took place from the Blacker residence in South Union, at 2 o’clock p. m., Tuesday, October 10, Sermon by Rev. Cockrum, of the Presbyterian church. Lot Abraham Blacker, a pioneer of 1862, was born in the state of Ohio, in 1826. He lived in that state until he was about 10 years old, and then he, with his parents, moved to the state of Iowa, where he lived until he was 25 years old. In 1851, … Read more

Belfield, Charles M. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Charles M. Belfield, aged 70, died suddenly at his home in North Powder at about 4 o’clock Sunday morning. Mr. Belfield has been in poor health for the past several months, following an attack of pneumonia. He was up and about the house after midnight Sunday morning, and was found dead by his bedside about 7 o’clock. For the past fourteen or fifteen years, Mr. Belfield has been a resident of North Powder and North Powder vicinity. Mr. Benfield (sic) was born in VanBuren County, Iowa, May 28, 1857. He is survived by his wife, … Read more

Biography of William H. Bell

Since 1918 William H. Bell has been holding the office of post-master of Pryor and he is carrying out to the best of his ability the duties devolving upon him as the incumbent in that office. He was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the 2d of January, 1894, a son of William B. and Walburga (Muschawick) Bell, both of whom are living. The father is engaged in farming near Salina, Oklahoma, and the mother is residing in Waynoka, that state. Two sons and one daughter have been born to their union, William H. being the second in order of … Read more

Bay, David Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Bay Funeral To Be Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. David Bay, former pioneer resident of La Grande, who died in Portland, will be held at the Snodgrass ands Zimmerman mortuary here at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Burial will take place in the Masonic cemetery beside her husband, who died about eight years ago. Mrs. Bay, a native of Iowa, born in 1860, came to the Grande Ronde valley when a child. She was married to David Bay in 1882. She moved to Portland from La Grande about 25 years ago. Survivors include three sons, Harve, … Read more

Bay, David – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Dies During Evening Burial Tomorrow David Bay, Eastern Oregon pioneer and the father of Harve Bay, of this city, passed away at his home in Portland, last night, according to word received here this morning., Mr Bay had been ill for some time and his three sons and his wife, Mrs May Bay, were with him at the time of death. Funeral services are to be held at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and the body will be laid to rest in the Masonic cemetery. The officers of the Masonic … Read more

Childers, Adla Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Childers, Pioneer, Dies At Home Here Death removed another pioneer from the Union county ranks this morning with the passing of Mrs. Adla Childers at her home at 1808 Oak street. Born in Iowa March 25, 1861, she crossed the plains to Oregon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, arriving in La Grande on Sept. 8, 1862. News of her death was a sad shock to her large circle of friends throughout the valley. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Della Wagner, of Lewiston, Ida.; Olive Childers, of Seattle; Wallace P. Childers, of Dunsmuir, Cal., … Read more

Carnes, Effie May Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Passed Away Last Saturday Morning The community was saddened last Saturday morning to learn of the death of Mrs. Homer M. Carnes, a prominent young matron of this vicinity. Mrs. Carnes had been ill only a short time, many of her friends not being aware of her serious condition. Mrs. Effie May Carnes was born in Whitten, Hardin County, Iowa, February 9, 1895. She came to North Powder, March 3, 1907, where she has since lived. She was baptized into the M.E. Church, at this place, by Rev. Harry Young, in February, 1914. She was … Read more

Bryant, J. A. Childers Mrs. – Obituary

Well Known Citizen of This County Indigestion Victi. At 1:15 this morning Mrs. J. A. Childers Bryant, aged 68 years and 12 days, died at 1514 Jefferson of acute indigestion. The deceased was born in Wayne County, Iowa, April 26, 1848 and was married to J. A. Childers, Jan. 6th 1878. Mr. Childers died in 1893. The funeral will be held from the Christian church Thursday at 2 o’clock preceded by a short service at the home at 1 o’clock. She was the last family of 10, and her parents are both dead. Her children who survive here are Grace … Read more

Conner, C. W. – Obituary

Mrs. H.H. Hug and Mrs. I. Denham received a telegram Wednesday morning from Des Moines, Iowa, conveying the sad news of the death of their father, C.W. Conner, which occurred Tuesday, Sept 12. Mr. Conner had been ill for several months and died from paralysis. Elgin Recorder Friday September 15, 1905

Conklin, A. G. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Albert G. Conklin, widely known pioneer of eastern Oregon, passed away at his home in Cove, Oregon, March 22, 1921, after prolonged illness, which finally terminated in heart trouble. Left to mourn his loss are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Bessie C. Lay and three sons, Albert, Philip and Thomas. Impressive funeral services were conducted at the Ascension Episcopal church of Cove by Rev. Chas. H. Powell, of Salem. Beautiful music was rendered b a double quartette composed of Mrs. Leonard Towle, Miss Hazel Duncan, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Gane, Messrs. Kaufman, Rowe, Thos. Gardner and Antles; … Read more

Clark, Chauncey – Obituary

Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Cline, in Union, July 31st, 1927, Chauncey H. Clark, age 78 years, 9 months and 23 days. Chauncey Clark was born September 8, 1849, at Peoria, Ills. He was married to Harriet Hepner in Pacific City, Iowa, August 16, 1872, moved to the Oregon country in 1878, where he has since made his home. To this union seven children were born-three preceding him to the great beyond. He is survived by two sons and two daughters-James H. Clark of San Diego, Calif.; George I. Clark, of Union, Ore.; Mrs. Maude Cartright, … Read more