Collver, Stephen P. – Obituary

Stephen P. Collver, of High Valley, Oregon, died at the hospital at Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 21, his death being due to a combination of diseases. Mr. Collver was born in Canada, March 2, 1843 and was at the time of his death 65 years and 19 days old. When a lad about twelve years old, he, with his parents, moved to Iowa for a short time; then to Missouri, staying there about three years, going later to Iowa, where his young manhood was spent. On September 13, 1866 he married Delilah O. Barnett, and to them seven children were … Read more

Gray, Nellie Frances – Obituary

Nellie Frances Gray, 91, formerly of Union County, died Tuesday, May 25, 1993, of natural causes in Spanaway, Wash. A funeral service will be held Wednesday at Unger Funeral Chapel in Silverton. Interment will follow in Belle Passi Mausoleum in Woodburn. Mrs. Gray was born Sept. 25, 1901, in Lenox County, Iowa, to George Washington and Alice Mae Wiley Lemon. The family moved to Lynden, Wash., when she was very young. Her father died there when she was six, and her mother moved the family to Union, where she received her education. She married Ernest Merrell Gray on May 28, … Read more

DeBorde, Thomas Jefferson – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Another of Cove’s early day settlers passed from earth to the Better Life, April 17, 1919 at his home in Cove, Oregon, aged 77 years, 11 months and 25 days, after a lingering illness, during which he was tended with loving solicitude by the hands of his children. T.J. DeBorde was born April 22, 1841 in Grants County Wisconsin; was united in wedlock with Miss Sarah J. Franklin in Webster County Iowa, June 2, 1865. Twelve children blessed the union, seven of whom are living, tree sons, Thos. W., John F. and Benjamin F. DeBorde; four … Read more

Devore, Joseph R. – Obituary

Joseph Arthur Devore was born at Boone, Iowa, July 9, 1850, and died at the home of his son Ray in Union, Oregon, August 20, 1927. He was married to Lucinda Ann Shafer at Cherokee, Iowa, in the year 1874. To this union nine children were born, Viola, Mae, James, Bert, ray, Arthur, Charles and Clarence Devore. His wife preceded him to the great beyond three years ago, Jan 6, 1924. One daughter, Viola, died at the age of 3 years. His daughter Mae Mason and son William Devore passed away during the war flu epidemic. He leaves to mourn … Read more

Godsey, Stephen T. – Obituary

The funeral of Stephen T, Godsey took place from the undertaking parlors Saturday morning, February 18, and was attended by a large number of his old friends and neighbors. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Cook of the M. E. Church. Stephen Taylor Godsey was the fifth son of Abram and Margaret Godsey, and was born in Putnam County, Missouri, in 1860. When four years of age he moved with his parents to Mills county, Iowa, where he resided for thirty-eight years, coming to Union in 1905, and has resided on Catherine Creek until the time of his death. … Read more

Hammack, James Lafayette – Obituary

Lostine, Union County, Oregon James Hammack Laid To Rest James Lafayette Hammack was born Oct. 18, 1860 in Wayne County, Iowa, and passed away at Lostine June 13, 1948. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1865, first to Yamhill County, and later to Summerville in Union County, where he lived until he was a young man. He then moved to Wallowa County where he had since made his home except from 1915 until 1928 when he lived in Hermiston, Oregon. He was united in marriage to Sarah A. Allen April 11, 1886. She passed away October 2, 1903. … Read more

Hixson, Jacob DeHaven – Obituary

Pioneer Resident Here Succumbs Jacob DeHaven Hixson, 79, 2111 Maple street, retired railroader, died at 4:15 a. m. today at a local hospital. He was born December 24, 1864 at Des Moines, Iowa, and had been a resident of La Grande for six years. He had come to Oregon in 1883, settling in Baker. He is survived by his widow, Maria M., and 10 children. Earl Hixson of Hermiston, Mrs. Myrtle Pearce of Pendleton, Marion Hixson of Pendleton, Robert Hixson of Reith, Marinda Brown of Portland, Cecil Hixson of Telocaset, Neil Hixson of Phoenix, Arizona, Mrs. Lura Young of La … Read more

Minnick, John W. – Obituary

The funeral of John W. Minnick took place Sunday afternoon, August 21, from the M. E. Church, sermon by Rev. L. A. Cook. Services at the grave by the Knight of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. John Wesley Minnick was born near Leesburg, Ohio, Sept. 15th, 1849. At the age of six years he moved with his parents to Monroe, Iowa, where he spent his early boyhood. Following many of his friends, the call of the west was strong, and he started West, going as far as Evanston and Hilliard, Wyoming, where during the winter of 1865 and the spring … Read more

Biography of W. E. Kearns

W. E. Kearns, a progressive agriculturist of Washington County, resides on a productive and well improved farm near Ramona, and in the development of his property he displays energy, determination and good business ability. He was born at Chepstow, in Washington County, Kansas, September 12, 1874, his parents being Thomas and Jane ( Whitmore) Kearns, both of whom were natives of Ohio. They were married in Williams County, Ohio, and then made their way to La Salle County, Illinois, whence they subsequently removed to Linn County, Iowa, but resided in that locality for only a short time. They next established … Read more

Long, Jacob – Obituary

Union County Pioneer Died Saturday Evening Jacob Long, an aged man, and well known pioneer resident of Elgin and Union County, died at his home in this city, Saturday evening, January 21, 1911, after an illness of only a few days. Death was due to old age more than any other cause. The funeral services were conducted in the Presbyterian Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Reverend H.L. Willis and the interment followed immediately in the City Cemetery. The remains were placed in an air tight casket and placed in the stone vault which the deceased had erected several … Read more

Lay, Bessie (Conklin) – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Bessie (Conklin) Lay Of Cove Is Dead Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie May Lay, long time resident of Cove who died yesterday at a local hospital, will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Episcopal church in Cove. Rev. Clarence A. Kopp will conduct the service. Mrs. Lay, who was born in Iowa, lived in Union county nearly all her life. She was a member of the Episcopal church at Cove. Mrs. Lay is survived by her husband, Roy Lay of Cove; three brothers, Albert and Thomas Conklin of Cove and Phillip Conklin of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. N. Miller

F. N. Miller, editor of the Manchester Times and a prominent citizen of Manchester, was born at Port Hudson, Louisiana, December 5, 1853, the son of Albert and Delilah (Saunders) Miller, the former born October 18, 1822, in Indiana, and the latter May 1, 1832, in Kentucky, and still living in Port Hudson, Louisiana. The parents were married about 1846. In 1861 the elder Miller enlisted in the Confederate Company E. twenty first Mississippi Regiment Infantry, and was killed in the battle of Chickamauga in 1863. He was a successful brick mason. Our subject is the third of five children, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. P. Dewey

H. P. Dewey, lumber dealer, and a prominent citizen of Tullahoma, was born in Michigan in 1838, and is the son of Cyrus J. and Maria (Beulah) Dewey, natives of the Green Mountain State. The father was born in 1812 and died in 1864, and the mother was born in 1813 and died in 1853. Both were members of the Old School Presbyterian Church. Our subject was raised in Washington County, Michigan, and educated in the public schools and at Monroe College, Michigan. He farmed and attended school alternately until the fall of 1862; he became a member of Company … Read more

McNaughton, Thomas Dr. – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Many Pay Tribute To Late Dr. McNaughton Well Known Character Given Final and Appropriate Honors Dr. Thomas McNaughton died February 9th, 1916, after an illness of five months, terminating in Pleuro-Pneumonia, which was the immediate cause of death. During his illness anxious inquires were made daily from homes where he has been a welcome visitor in times of illness and from others where he was esteemed as well as a friend or neighbor. When it became evident that the end was near, sorrow over his taking was manifestly general. He died at his residence in Elgin, … Read more

McComas, Jennetta Carr – Obituary

Foretold Her Death Mrs. Jennetta Carr McComas died yesterday morning at the residnence of her daughter, Mrs. S.A. Pursel, after a lingering illnes. Mrs. McComas came to Union in 1872 from Iowa, where her husband died twenty-one years ago. A few hours prior to her death she recalled the fact that it was the anniversary of her husband’s death and remarked to her children that she would die that day, a prophesy fulfilled in a few brief hours. Mrs. McComas was born February 3, 1814 and had she lived to her next birthday would have been 76 years of age. … Read more

McComas, John – Obituary

We are sorry to learn that Mr. John McComas, the father of E. S and S. D. McComas, of this place, died after a prolonged illness on the 26th of November, Iowa City, Iowa. Grande Ronde Sentinel, La Grande, Union, OR Saturday, December 19, 1868

McCully, John William – Obituary

A pioneer of ’52, John William McCully dies at the home of his daughter at Lowden, Wash. (1911-Newspaper source unknown, family scrapbook) John William Mccully born 22 Feb 1847, New London, Henry Co., IA; came to Union Co., OR, 1872, resided there and in Wallowa County ever since; he was a freighter in early life, later living on his farm at Lostine, OR. He returned to Elgin, OR, “last fall” (1910), when he was afflicted with Bright’s Disease; he rallied somewhat, but then died while on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Hetta Compau at Lowden, WA 23 May 1911; … Read more

Spencer, Jesse W. – Obituary

Veteran La Grande Trainman Dies Jesse W(ells) Spencer, 53, for the past 32 years a conductor and brakeman for the Union Pacific railroad in the Grande Ronde valley, died at a local hospital yesterday. Coroner L.L. Snodgrass believed from a heart attack. He had undergone an operation for appendicitis. Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Snodgrass Funeral home with Rev F.L. Shoemaker officiating and burial in the Masonic cemetery. Mr. Spencer was born July 5, 1887 in Lucas, IA. He had been a resident of the valley for the past 34 years. He lived … Read more

Spencer, Mary Josephine – Obituary

Death called two of the Grande Ronde valley’s foremost pioneer women during the weekend, when Mrs. Mary Spencer, 83, died Friday afternoon and Mrs. Mary Foley, 72, early Saturday morning. Each had been closely associated with, and helped make, the history of this country for 71 years, each having settled here in 1865. Funeral services for Mrs. Spencer were held at the Snodgrass & Zimmerman chapel yesterday afternoon, with Rev. Paul De. F. Mortimore in charge. Burial followed in the cemetery at Island City beside her husband, Joseph Spencer, who died August 26, 1911. Mary Josephine Buchanan was born in … Read more

See, Benjamin Franklin – Obituary

Benjamin Franklin See Jr. husband of Nancy Ann Hammack See Hermiston Herald – February 21, 1935 Pioneer of Union County called to Final Rest Another pioneer of the plains was called to his final rest last week when Benjamin Franklin See passed away after 89 years of sojourn here on this earth. As a youth, he braved the long journey to the West Coast and Oregon with his parents to help build civilization in the Grande Rhonde Valley in Union County. In later years, about 1865, Mr. See freighted between Umatilla and LaGrande enduring the hardships of the trail. He … Read more