Biography of Fred B. Caldwell

Fred B. Caldwell. The cultivation of broad acres of land, the growing of crops, the raising of cattle and hogs, proved a stronger influence with Fred B. Caldwell than the profession of law, in which he was trained and which he followed for several years in Iowa before coming to Kansas. While Mr. Caldwell had occupied his ranch near Howard in Elk County only a few years, there is no mistaking the fact that he is one of the well-known stockmen and diversified farmers of the state. His Poland China hogs in particular have gained him at least a national … Read more

Biography of Ulysses Schuyler Wolfe

Ulysses Schuyler Wolfe is sole proprietor of the Alfalfa Milling Company of Emporia. This is a business of more than local proportions and makes a specialty of converting the great alfalfa crop of Kansas into special feed and combination of feed for livestock. Mr. Wolfe had been a resident of Kansas since early boyhood and his family were among the early settlers of Emporia. His original ancestors came from England in colonial times and many of them settled in Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania. Grandfather David Wolfe was born in Maryland in 1821 and died in Hagerstown of that state in … Read more

Biography of Fernando A. Parsons

Fernando A. Parsons. The career of Fernando A. Parsons, of Chanute, is remarkable in many ways, but principally because of the number of fields which it had invaded and the success which had attended the ventures in which its author had been engaged. From his youth, when he paid his own way through college, Mr. Parsons had pushed steadily forward, always assisting his community’s interests while advancing his own. With a handsome fortune gained through his good business ability and persistent labors, and at an age when most men are content to retire, Mr. Parsons still continues as an active … Read more

Biography of H. J. Huiskamp

H. J. Huiskamp. The continuation and extension of the business enterprises which bring reputation and prosperity to a community, in these days of keen competition, depend largely upon the sound business methods under which they are operated, under the management of able and efficient officials. While vast capital is invested in so great an enterprise as is the Buffalo Brick Company, at Buffalo, Kansas, much of its unexampled prosperity must be credited to the energy and good judgment of its general manager, H. J. Huiskamp, who is also secretary. Mr. Huiskamp had developed this into the largest concern of its … Read more

Biography of Calvin M. Spencer

Calvin M. Spencer, a well known Emporia business man and citizen, is head of the firm of Spencer & Baltz, proprietors of the New Process Steam Laundry, one of the two leading laundries of Emporia. Both are expert men at the business, and by extensive remodeling and equipment have made their plant in fact and in name a place of service, and consequently their patronage is not confined to the City of Emporia, but their work is distributed all over that part of the state. The Spencers are an old American family, and it is said that they originated in … Read more

Biography of James A. Walker

James A. Walker, a resident of Kansas for more than thirty years, had applied himself with credit to various lines of business and official activity, but is now most widely known as state deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America, with headquarters at Emporia, where he had had his home for the past six years. Born at Winterset, Iowa, February 12, 1866, he grew up on his father’s farm in Missouri, gained his early education in the public schools of that state, and early in 1884 at the age of eighteen arrived in Jefferson County, Kansas. Then followed two years … Read more

Biography of William A. Richards

William A. Richards has found his work in life in the field of education, and is one of the youngest city superintendents of schools in the state. He is now serving in that capacity at Toronto. Mr. Richards is of English ancestry. His grandfather Richard Richards was born in England in 1831, and came to the United States when twenty-one years of age. He passed through New York City and Chicago and soon settled on a farm in Illinois, and from there moved to Adams County, Iowa, in 1864. He spent the rest of his career there as a farmer … Read more

Biography of Charles Fussman

Charles Fussman was a Kansas pioneer. He was one of the first settlers at Humboldt, and that community and Allen County will always pay a respectful regard to his memory and the high-minded and conscientious citizenship that he exemplified. He was a German by birth, and had those substantial virtues and qualities for which the German people are most respected. He was born at Frankfort on the Rhine in 1829. In the old country he learned the trade of tinsmith. Coming to the United States in young manhood, he first located in Uniontown, Iowa, but in 1857 arrived in the … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Endres

Benjamin F. Endres, son of the late John Adam Endres, whose career is sketched elsewhere, had been a successful lawyer of Leavenworth, and had also figured in public affairs, being now in his second term as a member of the State Legislature. He was born at Leavenworth, January 27, 1875, was educated in the public schools, read law under Thomas P. Fenlon and John H. Atwood, and was admitted to the bar on his twenty-first birthday. Since then, for twenty years, he had been in the active practice of his profession. In 1903 he was elected police judge of Leavenworth … Read more

Biography of Albert Henley

Albert Henley has been a resident of Lawrence for thirty-nine years. In all that time he had been actively and conspicuously identified with the material growth and commercial development of the state. Mr. Henley was a pioneer manufacturer of barbed wire in Kansas. Barbed wire is now accepted as a commonplace product of American industry. Only the old timers recall with what prejudice this wire was introduced into general use and also the crude forms in which it was at first manufactured. Mr. Henley’s early attempts at the manufacture were on a very small scale. He began at Lawrence under … Read more

Biography of William Hunter McKenzie

William Hunter McKenzie has found his work in the business administration of gas companies, and since 1905 had held the responsibilities of general manager of the Wyandotte County Company of Kansas City, Kansas. It was a boyhood experience while in a state institution in Ohio that gave him the permanent bent of a vocational experience. Mr. McKenzie was born in Harrisonville, Ohio, November 15, 1862, one of the four children of James T. and Mary C. (Hoover) McKenzie, both also natives of Ohio and of Scotch and Dutch extraction. James T. McKenzie was a cabinet maker by trade. At the … Read more

Biography of Nathan L. Hollowell

Nathan L. Hollowell is grand keeper of records and seals for the Knights of Pythias of the State of Kansas. He had his offices in the Husted Building at Kansas City, Kansas, and had been a resident of that city for several years. The office is an elective one and for an annual term. Mr. Hollowell became grand keeper May 15, 1910, and had been re-elected every year since then. He had long been prominent in the Knights of Pythias order and became active in the fraternity while living in Indiana. In that state he was a member of the … Read more

Biography of William George Jack, M. D.

William George Jack, M. D. Though born and reared on a farm and spending most of his early years in the vicinity of Chautauqua, William G. Jack had an early ambition for a professional career and gratified it after a thorough course in colleges and clinics and for the past fifteen years had successfully practiced as a physician and surgeon at Chautauqua. He is regarded as one of the best informed physicians and most skillful surgeons in this section of the state. A resident of Chautauqua County since he was nine years of age, William George Jack was born in … Read more

Sturm, Armintia A. – Obituary

Funeral Services For Armintia A. Sturm Paradise, Oregon Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at Paradise for Mrs. Armintia A. Sturm who passed away at her home there Sunday, May 26, 1940. E.E. Callahan, pastor of the Enterprise Christian church, was in charge of the services, and interment was in the Paradise cemetery beside her husband and son. Pall bearers were Albert Wilson, William Curry, Doc Shelton, B.D. Beach, William Frazier and Baley Shelton. Armintia Angeline Winters was born in Booneville, Iowa, April 13, 1863, and crossed the plains when 18 years old, settling at Baker where she was united … Read more

Stanley, James Jacob – Obituary

Pioneer James Jacob Stanley Joseph, Oregon A pioneer of this country before Wallowa county had a separate political existence, entrusted frequently with the duties and responsibilities of public office by his fellows, a prominent figure in the county to-day, and one who has assisted materially in up building the same and in its substantial advancement, the subject of this sketch is deserving of especial mention. Since also he is one of those brave and self-sacrificing men who left home and loved ones for the field of bloodshed and carnage of war, when the flag of freedom was attacked by the … Read more

Southwick, Arthur – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Southwick of Promise received word that their son, Arthur, who was a Corporal in Company A, 14th Infantry was seriously ill with pneumonia. They immediately left for Fort Dodge near Des Moines where he was stationed. Monday word came that he had died of pneumonia following an attack of Spanish Influenza. Wire was immediately dispatched to them and they were over taken at Sidney, Nebr. and returned home at once. The body will be sent to Wallowa for burial by the government. Wallowa County Reporter, Thursday October 17, 1918 Monday morning … Read more

Yeager, Welthy Serelda Kimberly – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Mrs. Yeager Passes After Long Illness Mrs. Welthy Yeager passed away at the home of daughter, Mrs. Jennie Action of Joseph Sunday morning following a long illness. Welthy Serelda Kimberly was born January 11, 1860 in Oskaloosa, Iowa and died March 3rd, 1940, aged 80 years, 1 month, 28 days. She came to Walla Walla by ox team with her parents in 1865. May 10, 1875 she was united in marriage to George M. Birdsell. To this union six children were born all of whom survive. They are Mrs. Hattie Wolfer, Lostine; Mrs. Jennie Action, Joseph; Mrs. Mabel … Read more

Wright, Mary – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon The passing of one of Wallowa’s pioneers occurred Tuesday morning July 9th, when Aunt Mary Wright died at her home in Enterprise after an illness of several months. She and her husband homesteaded on Alder slope among the very first settlers in the county. Had she lived until December would have 89 years. Three sons are living in this city: George, Layfayette and Tom Wright. One son, Henry Wright lives in Portland and a daughter, Mrs. H. A. Owenby at Oregon City. The funeral is this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Alder church, Rev. Sibley officiating. Wallowa … Read more

Biography of James J. Rooney

James J. Rooney, contractor and builder of Muskogee, who died July 8, 1922, was well known throughout the state. His building operations carried him into various cities where there stand as monuments to his skill and ability some of the finest structures found within the borders of the commonwealth. Mr. Rooney was born in Iowa City, Iowa, January 2, 1864, and was a son of Lawrence and Maria Rooney. The father devoted his life to merchandising. The son obtained a public school education and then started out to make his own way in the world. He first learned the trade … Read more

Curtis, Emma Irene – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Emma Irene Curtis, of Vale and formerly of Enterprise, died June 4, 2007, at an Ontario Care Center. She was 95. Mrs. Curtis was born Dec. 28, 1911, in Lenox, Iowa to Willis Marion and Ella Inez Wolfinger Davis. She received her schooling in Coffeyville, Kansas. On March 10, 1935 she married Paul Wayne Curtis in Coffeyville. In 1943, the couple moved from the Midwest to Richland, Wash., where her husband was employed as an electrician on the construction of the Hanford Nuclear Plant. In 1948, they moved to Enterprise where Mr. Curtis opened a Radio and TV … Read more