Biography of Arthur C. Wallace

Since 1908 Arthur C. Wallace has been identified with the Miami bar and in the intervening period of thirteen years he has become well known throughout Oklahoma as an authority on mining, railroad and corporation law, having been entrusted with much important litigation along those lines. He was born upon a farm near Grace Hill, in Washington County, Iowa, February 20, 1882, his parents being Dr. George C. and Mary E. (Miksch) Wallace, both of whom were natives of Ohio. As a young man the father removed to Iowa, and his professional training was acquired in a medical college at Keokuk, … Read more

Biography of L. E. Phillips

To the list of the many names that are synonymous with the commercial development of Bartlesville may be added L. E. Phillips, who is vice president of the First National Bank and of the Phillips Petroleum Company, and who since 1904 has been one of the substantial and influential citizens of Bartlesville. He was born in Taylor county, Iowa, August 18, 1876. He spent his childhood and early youth on a farm there, attending the common schools to the age of sixteen and also learning many valuable lessons in the school of experience. When seventeen years of age he took … Read more

Biography of General Marion Swanson

General Marion Swanson of Muskogee, well known in real estate circles through his purchase and sale of farm lands, is also engaged in farming, but follows this more as a recreation than as a source of livelihood. He was born in Lineville, Iowa, April 29, 1863, and is a son of William E. and Susan J. (Edgemand) Swanson. His father was always engaged in farming and stock raising and General Swanson, therefore, early became familiar with the various phases of agricultural life. He was educated in the public schools of Millersburg, Cherokee county, Kansas, and when not busy with his … Read more

Trainor, Mrs. Guillia – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Guillia Trainor passed away at the Sheets Hotel last Saturday morning after a long illness. She was a pioneer of Wallowa County, having lived here since 1883. Guillia Scott was born in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 10, 1870 and died in Joseph Feb. 6, 1937, aged 67 years, 26 days. She came by covered wagon with her family when a small child and after living in Milton a short time the Scott family came to Wallowa County. She was married Sept. 10, 1885 to Allen J. Kutch and to this union was born Mrs. Belle … Read more

Biography of Guy Patten

Guy Patten, Mayor of Vinita, is also well known in other connections, being an extensive oil operator and one of the leading agriculturists and stock raisers of northeastern Oklahoma, and in every line of activity to which he has directed his attention he has gained a position of leadership through his ability and tireless energy, which never falls short of the attainment of its purpose. He was born at Keokuk, Iowa, on the 11th of January, 1883, and is a son of F. P. and Emma (Richmond) Patten, both natives of Illinois. The father has devoted his entire life to … Read more

Biography of James A. Campbell, Dr.

Dr. James A. Campbell has been in the successful practice of dentistry at Humboldt for the past eleven years, and aside from his professional success had made himself a leader in the city’s affairs. He is president of the Board of Trade of Humboldt. He was born at Bangor, Michigan, December 13, 1881. His father, Andrew Campbell, was born at Clintyfinea Armory in Ireland in 1847. The grandfather Campbell is still living on the old homestead in Ireland. Andrew Campbell grew up in his native country, learned farming there, and in 1867 emigrated to the United States. His first employment … Read more

Biography of Mary Pearl Smith, D. O.

Mary Pearl Smith, D. O. The theory upon which osteopathy rests is that most diseases and pains are due to some mechanical interference not permitting a free flow of forces and nourishment between the parts of the human anatomy so as to establish normal tissue and harmony of conditions. This adjustment theory had long since passed the experimental stage, and osteopathy is now a widely recognized science. It is a sane factor in lessening the suffering of mankind, and through it, in many thousands of cases, there had been re-established harmony of conditions and action known as health. A capable … Read more

Biography of R. P. Kelley

R. P. Kelley. While the law had been his profession and he had been a member of the Eureka Bar continuously since 1884, R. P. Kelley had found his time increasingly absorbed by his various business affairs and interests. Financial success had come to him in large measure, and he had property and business interests in diverse parts of the country. He had traveled considerably for recreation, had covered most of the states of the Union and Canada, and had well defined opinions on events and affairs outside of his immediate province. Mr. Kelley is a native of New England … Read more

Biography of Paul E. Havens

Paul E. Havens. The late Paul E. Havens, one of the pioneers of Leavenworth, and whose name is closely interwoven with the material growth and prosperity of the city, was a man of unusual force of character. He was born at Ephratah, Fulton County, New York, May 4, 1839, and was a son of C. D. P. and Eleanor (Frey) Havens, a grandson of Paul and Anne (Kennedy) Havens, and a great-grandson of Daniel and Elizabeth (Bostwick) Havens. The progenitor of this family in America was William Havens, a native of Wales, who located at Portsmouth, Rhode Island, in 1636. … Read more

Biography of George H. Grimmell, M. D.

George H. Grimmell, M. D. One of the first graduates of medicine to set up in practice at Howard, Kansas, was Dr. George H. Grimmell, who rendered his first professional services in that section of Elk County thirty years ago. With the exception of about eight years spent at Onaga, Doctor Grimmell had been continuously in practice at Howard since 1898, and is accounted one of the most competent surgeons in that locality. The first authentic records of his ancestry is found in the annals of the first crusade of 1096, A. D. There was a Sir John Von Grimmell, … Read more

Biography of George Washington Smith

George Washington Smith. On first coming to Kansas thirty-three years ago Mr. Smith engaged in educational work, and was at the head of several city school systems for a number of years. He finally entered business at Lawrence, living in that city while his own children were finishing their educations, and in recent years had resumed teaching and is now superintendent of the city schools of Neosho Falls. He is one of the most widely experienced and competent school men in Kansas. He was born at Knoxville in Marion County, Iowa, May 25, 1860. His paternal ancestors came out of … Read more

Biography of Burton Emory Clifford

Burton Emory Clifford. Chances for success are slight with the lawyer of modern times unless he be a man of sound judgment, possessed of a liberal education and a stern training, combined with a keen insight into human nature and motives. The reason for this lies in the spirit of the age with all its complexities, for modern jurisprudence had become more and more complex because of new laws and conditions. Years of experience and a natural inclination for and inherent ability in his profession are superinduced upon a careful training in the case of Burton Emory Clifford, ex-prosecuting attorney … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Varner

Samuel C. Varner, a retired banker and merchant at Moran, is a veteran of the Civil war, and was one of the earliest business men to locate in Moran. His paternal ancestors came out of Germany and were colonial settlers in Pennsylvania. Samuel C. Varner was born in Pennsylvania at Monongahcla on December 10, 1845. His grandfather, John Varner, was born in the eastern part of that state at Lancaster, was a cabinet maker by trade, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and spent most of his years at Monongahela City and at Pittsburg. He married Elizabeth McKnight, … Read more

Biography of William L. McNaughten, M. D.

William L. McNaughten, M. D., had been long and favorably known as a capable physician and surgeon in Chautauqua County, and now controls a large practice at Sedan. In his younger days he met and overcame obstacles and had to work for every step of his advancement while gaining his education and preparing himself for his profession. When nineteen years of age his education in the common schools was completed, and he then began working on a farm and learning the carpenter’s trade. As a carpenter he worked in Missouri and in 1883 moved to Kansas, locating in Montgomery County. … Read more

Cussins, Samuel Jefferson – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Samuel Jefferson Cussuns was born in Athens County, Ohio, August 14, 1835 and died at his home near Lostine May 1, 1919 being 84 years, 8 months and 13 days old. When 17 years old he moved with his parents to Lee County, Iowa. In 1863 he was united in marriage to Miss Louise Nelson. To this union were born: James Gaston and George Cussins of Wallowa; Joe of Beatrice, Neb.; Frank, Leander, Arthur, and Henry of lostine, and Mrs. Odelia Jacobs, of Chico. Mr. Cussins was a veteran of the Civil War. He moved with … Read more

Biography of A. E. Hepner

One of the most successful agriculturists of Washington county is A. E. Hepner, the owner of a productive farm near Copan. He figures prominently in public, affairs as county Commisioner, in which office he is serving for the second term. He was born in Greene County, Iowa, December 14, 1871, his parents being John and Elizabeth (Batdoorf) Hepner, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. In 1889 the father came to Indian Territory, settling on the George B. Keeler place on Cotton creek, where for thirteen years he engaged in farming and stock raising, being assisted by his son, at … Read more

Biography of L. L. Warner

L. L. Warner, who is successfully engaged in business as a dairyman of Bartlesville, was born in Pennsylvania on the 17th of March, 1867, a son of Joseph and Catherine (Warner) Warner, who though of the same name were not related. They removed to Illinois six weeks after the birth of their son, L. L. Warner, settling in Fulton County, that state, where Joseph Warner carried on farming until 1879. In that year the family home was established in Fremont County, Iowa, where Mr. Warner of this review remained until he was twenty-three years of age, when he was married … Read more

Searle, Rachel Mrs. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Services Held For Mrs. Rachel Searle Memorial services for Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth Searle, of Wallowa, who had been ill for several months, and who passed away at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital on Thursday morning, July 16, 1964, were conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. by the Bollman Funeral Home at the Wallowa Methodist church. The pastor, Darwin Seacord, officiated and Mrs. Ivan Johnson was pianist and accompanied Mrs. Clayton Sutphin who sang, ‘Whispering Hope” and “The Lords Prayer.” Casket bearers were: Verdo Baird, Howard Johnson, Thorsten Shell, Donald Conner, Tom Willett, and Stanley Shell, and vault entombment … Read more

Leslie, Glenn E. – Obituary

Glenn E. Leslie died last Friday, September 19, 1919, at Joseph, after an illness of only a few days. He had not been in rugged health for some years, and at the last, a weakness of the heart proved fatal. At the first of the week Mr. Leslie went fishing for yanks at the head of the lake. He had not been feeling any too well before, and pneumonia developed. With the best of attention and nursing, the fever was broken and the patient seemed to have every chance of recovery, but his heart failed him in the crisis. His … Read more

Hester, Ray C. – Obituary

Troy, Wallowa County, Oregon Ray C. Hester, who was engaged in stock raising at Troy a few years beginning in 1918, died at Pendleton Monday after a short illness. He was born at Emmetsburg, Iowa, 54 years ago, and the family moved to Lewiston, Idaho in 1904. After leaving Troy he moved to Pendleton, and at the time of his death he was assistant cashier of the branch of the First National Bank of Portland. Surviving are the widow, a son and a daughter and a brother and a sister. Source: Enterprise Record Chieftain, Enterprise, Oregon, February 29, 1940, page … Read more