Houses of the Oto Tribe

Oto dugout canoe, from Kurz's Sketchbook, May 15, 1851

When Lewis and Clark ascended the Missouri during the summer of 1804 they reached the mouth of the Platte July 21. At that time, so they entered in their journal, the Oto were living on the south side of the Platte, 10 leagues above its junction with the Missouri, and 5 leagues beyond, on the same bank, were the Pawnee. Living with the Oto were the remnants of the Missouri who had, a few years before, joined them. On August 3, 1804, the expedition having ascended the Missouri to about the location of the present city of Council Bluffs, Iowa, … Read more

Houses of the Sauk and Fox Tribes

Mat covered lodges

It is not the purpose of the present sketch to trace the early migrations of the Sauk and Fox tribes, or to refer to their connection, linguistically or socially. However, it is evident their villages were similar in appearance, and both had two distinct forms of habitations which were occupied during different seasons of the year. The summer villages of both tribes consisted of bark houses, and near by were gardens in which they raised corn, squashes, beans, and some tobacco, but with the coming of autumn the families scattered and sought the more protected localities where game was to be … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter De Voe

De Voe, Walter; author; born near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 11, 1874; educated at Cedar Rapids; unmarried; teacher and lecturer on new psychology. Author: Healing Currents from the Battery of Life, 1904; Mystic Words of Mighty Power, 1905; Sacred. Science of Regeneration, 1906; The Doors of Life, 1909. Frequent contbr. to New Thought, Nautilus, Unity.

Biographical Sketch of X. X. Crum

Crum, X. X.; real estate; born in Macoupin County, Ill.; educated, public schools Lombard University and Blackburn University, degree of A. B.; in 1883, married Miss Marcia Phelps; issue, two sons; supt. of schools for five years in Carlinville, Dl.; teacher of sciences in Keokuk, Ia.; supt. of schools of Lincoln, Neb.; came to Cleveland in 1881, as sec’y and treas. of the Board of Trade, later known as the Chamber of Commerce; wrote the history ,of the Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Life of Cleveland; organized the National Safe & Lock Co.; charge of Safe Dept. of MacNeale … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Henry Fiebach

Fiebach, Albert Henry; lawyer; born, Brownhelm, Lorain County, O., Aug. 28. 1876: son of Peter and Sarah Leuszler Fiebach; educated, district schools, Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College; studied two years in the University of Michigan; returned to Oberlin for senior year, graduating in 1899; received degree of A. B.; received LL. B. degree from Harvard in 1902; married, Shenandoah, Ia., Nov. 30, 1905, Miss Louise June Bogart; admitted to the bar in December of 1902; since that time engaged in general law practice in Cleveland; member Chamber of Commerce; member of the benevolence committee of the Chamber; member executive committee … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Farrar Emerson

Emerson, Oliver Farrar; university professor; born, Traer, Ia., May 24, 1860; son of Oliver and Maria Farrar Emerson; A. B., Iowa College, 1882, A. M., 1885; Ph. D., Cornell University, 1891; married, Annie L. Logan, of St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1891; supt. schools, Grinnell, Ia., 1882-1884, Muscatine, Ia., 1884-1885; prin. Academy of Iowa College, 1885-1888; Goldwin Smith fellow in English, 1888-1889, instru. in English, 1889-1891; asst. prof. rhetoric and English philology, 1892-1896, Cornell University; prof. English, Western Reserve University, since 1896; member Modern Language Ass’n America, American Dialect Society (pres., 1905). Author: History of the English Language, 1894; A Brief … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklyn Evans McClure

McClure, Franklyn Evans; asst. mgr. Ford Auto Co.; born, Mediapolis, Ia., Nov. 27, 1877; son of Isaac Newton and Susan Elizabeth Parrett McClure; graduate Parsons College, Iowa., 1899, Rush Medical College, 1903; married, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 26, 1905, Marjorie Balkley; one daughter, Marjorie Louise; served as asst. surgeon, Wisconsin N. G.; 1904, interne Cherokee, Ia., hospital; 1905-1906, practiced medicine in Neenah, Wis.; 1906-1910 practiced medicine in Detroit, Mich.; 1910, came to Cleveland as mgr. U. S. Motor Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Frank M. Grant

Grant, Frank M.; electrical contractor; born, Clinton, Ia., Sept. 24, 1868; son of William B. and Sue M. Ball Grant; common country school and two years in High School, Frederickstown, O.; married, Frederickstown, O., July 6, 1892, Cora J. Young; two children, Raymund and Lucille; one of the drafters of the present City Electrical Code; came to Ohio when five years old; spent first twenty years on a farm; five years as teacher of common schools; one year as freight clerk in R. R. office at Columbus, O.; also traveling shoe salesman one year for Columbus shoe house; two years … Read more

Biography of James McGrew, Hon.

Hon. James McGrew was one of the historic characters of Kansas, has a place in the history of the state at large because of his early activities and influence as a free state man, and his service in the office of lieutenant governor, while locally he is to be credited with much of the enterprise which entered into the foundation of the present metropolis Kansas City, Kansas. He was born in Adams County near the great battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, January 26, 1822, and died at his beautiful old home, erected in the early days, and known as McGrew’s Grove, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry McGrew

Henry McGrew, a son of the late Governor James McGrew and his wife Mary (Doggett) McGrew, has spent practically all his life in Kansas City, Kansas, was formerly prominent as a member of the bar of that city, and is still one of the leading business men. He was born at Lancaster, Keokuk County, Iowa, April 18, 1857, the same year that his father came as a pioneer to Wyandotte, Kansas. He grew up at Wyandotte, attended the public schools, and had all the advantages that a young man of ambition would crave as a preparation for a career. Determining … Read more

Biography of Justus Nathan Baird

Justus Nathan Baird. Since his admission to the Kansas bar in February, 1909, Justus Nathan Baird has concentrated every energy upon the worthy task of building up a clientage and reputation at Kansas City, Kansas, and the esteem paid him by his fellow lawyers and the large practice he enjoys is ample evidence of his success. He practices in all the courts of the state and has offices in the Husted Building. Mr. Baird is a graduate in law from the University of Michigan, and was influenced to locate in Kansas by the presence in this state of two brothers, … Read more

Biography of Samuel Baughman

Samuel Baughman. In the career of Samuel Baughman, now one of the leading real estate and insurance men of Chanute, there are found those qualities which make for success in business life. Industry, perseverance, a wise direction of talents and a quick grasp of opportunities have always characterized his actions, and throughout his life he has governed his operations by principles of fair dealing, so that his reputation in business matters is one which places him in an enviable position. He has been interested in a number of lines of endeavor, and in each has made a success, and the … Read more

Biography of Edward Alexander Enright, Hon.

Hon. Edward Alexander Enright. Distinguished as a statesman as well as for his achievements at the bar, Edward Alexander Enright is an honored, valued and admired citizen of Kansas City. For almost a quarter of a century he has been a prominent factor in the law and in public affairs, and his name stands foremost among the leaders who have organized, fathered and vitalized many of the progressive movements which have made Kansas the great commonwealth it now is. Edward Alexander Enright was born September 17, 1858, at West Burke, Vermont, the seventh in a family of nine children born … Read more

Biography of William Clyde Tomlinson

William Clyde Tomlinson. As one of the representative and old established undertakers of Southeastern Kansas, William Clyde Tomlinson, of Chanute, belongs to that class of men in his line who have elevated the calling to a profession and conduct their work scientifically and expertly. Mr. Tomlinson established his business in Chanute seventeen years ago and with the exception of an interval of three years, has been here continuously since. During this time has witnessed remarkable advancements made in his field of endeavor. The modern undertaker and embalmer must be the possessor of qualities which fit him for his calling, for … Read more

Biography of Tillman E. Dale

Tillman E. Dale. Distinguished as the oldest oil contractor and driller in the mid-continent fields, Tillman E. Dale, one of the substantial men of Chanute, Kansas, is one of the best known oil men in Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming, having operated in every field in earlier days in the business and is the pioneer in Neosho County. Mr. Dale was born March 1, 1862, in Buchanan County, Iowa. His parents were George and Mary Robinson (Davey) Dale, both natives of England. George Dale, the paternal grandfather, was born in England in 1807 and remained in his own country until he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Wellington Luce, D. D.

Luce, Frank Wellington, D. D.; minister (Methodist Episcopal); born, Iowa, March 24, 1858; son of Israel and Almira Denison Luce; educated, public schools, Anamosa, Ia., Cornell College. Mt. Vernon, Ia., D. D., degree from Upper Iowa University, at Fayette, Ia.; married, Anamosa, Ia., Aug. 11, 1878, Mary E. Snyder; two daughters, Mrs. A. C. Hartman, and Miss Lillian A. Luce; was licensed to preach when 19 years old; first pastorate at 22; began as Home Missionary on the frontier of Iowa; pastor of the following churches: Clear Lake, Hampton, Marion, Davenport and Cedar Falls, Ia.; Maple Ave. Church, St. Louis, … Read more

Biography of William H. Moffit

William H. Moffit. In the group of surviving territorial pioneers of Kansas, William H. Moffit of Highland Park, a suburb of Topeka, has an important place. Mr. Moffit carries within his individual recollection practically the entire story of Kansas from the beginning of the border warfare until the present, a period of fully fifty years. He has been a witness of great and stirring events, and in those events has not been himself an inconsiderable participant. His birth occurred in Henry County, Iowa, January 6, 1842. That date indicates that the family history has been identified with the pioneer times … Read more

Biography of Edwin J. Moffitt, M. D.

Edwin J. Moffitt, M. D. A physician and surgeon of Manhattan for the past fifteen years, Doctor Moffitt is highly esteemed professionally and also as a citizen. He is a man of wide experience and thorough professional qualifications, yet is unostentatious and allows his merits and abilities to speak for themselves. He was born at Jesup, Iowa, May 23, 1872, a son of William and Alice (Muncey) Moffitt. William Moffitt, who was born at Cadiz, Ohio, of Scotch parents, was a Union soldier in the Civil war, as was also his father. Grandfather Moffitt attained the post of provost marshal, … Read more

Biography of Mary Pierce Van Zile

Mary Pierce Van Zile. A very important member of the faculty of the Kansas State Agricultural College is Mrs. Mary Pierce Van Zile, dean of women and dean of the division of home economics. Her name is a household word in many widely separated homes, for each year Mrs. Van Zile has under her immediate care and instruction from 800 to 900 girls. They come from many environments and are mostly in the most receptive period of their lives, and the influence exerted by Dean Van Zile largely moulds their future. Mary Pierce Van Zile was born on her father’s … Read more

Biography of Gilbert Leroy Jordan

Gilbert Leroy Jordan. Through persistent aspiration and unceasing labor, Gilbert LeRoy Jordan has won his way to the most satisfying and stable compensation of business life. Still a young man, with his best years before him, he is at the head of one of Topeka’s prominent business establishments, the College Hill Bakery, located at 1509 Lane Street, an enterprise which he has built up solely through his own efforts. Mr. Jordan commenced his business career without the aiding influences afforded by the possession of financial resources and has been the builder of his own fortune. He has kept persistently at … Read more