Biographical Sketch of Isaac Johnson

Isaac Johnson, farmer, Section 10, Township 5, Range 6, P. O. Randall Station, came to Kansas in April, 1870, and located on his farm, in Allen Township, Jewell County, where he has resided since. He is a member of the Church of the United Brethren. He participated in the last war as a member of Company A, Ninety-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and enlisted in Nelsonville, Athens Co., Ohio, July 25, 1862, and was discharged at Washington, D. C., and June 29, 1865. He took part in the battles of Hoover’s Gap, Tenn., and Chickamauga, where he was severely wounded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Beeler

Fred Beeler stock dealer and farmer, P. O. Ionia, was born in Linn County, Iowa, January 15, 1844. He came to Jewell County, Kan., in April, 1870, and pre-empted and took a homestead sixteen miles southwest of Mankato. He is now the owner of 800 acres of land, and keeps 500 head of cattle, 725 hogs and 20 head of horses. He is also Director of the First National Bank of Cawker City, in Mitchell County. When Mr. Beeler settled in Jewell County it was necessary to watch as well as pray, as the settlers had to contend with the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. L. Marks

A. L. Marks, general merchant, was born in Prussia August 7, 1842. He came to America in June 1855, and located in Chicago, Ill. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted May 22, 1861, and was discharged June 24, 1865. Was taken prisoner May 17, 1864; was in prison at Cahaba, Ala., and Meridian, Miss., and was held until April, 1865. Returned to Chicago, then went to Lee County, Iowa, the same year; thence to Missouri; thence to Nebraska; thence to Jewell City, Kan., where he went into the merchandise business, and went in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. F. Dillman

D. F. Dillman, livery, was born in Decatur County, Ind., February 21, 1854. Removed to Iowa in 1856 with his parents, thence to Cass County, Neb., thence to Wyoming Territory. Came to Jewell City in 1874, and took a homestead in Washington Township the same year. Held the office of Constable and City Marshal of Jewell City. Mr. Dillman left home when but fifteen years old to do for himself, and all that he has was accumulated by his own individual effort.

Biographical Sketch of C. C. King

C. C. King, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Springwater, N. Y., and July 9, 1838; removed to Iowa in 1855; thence to Nebraska in 1860. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted as private in Company F, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry. Was discharged in September 1862, for disability. Re-enlisted in March, 1863, in Company M, Second Nebraska Cavalry, to serve nine months; discharged in December following, and returned to his farm in Nebraska. He was married March 20, 1864, to Miss Lucinda J. Horner. Again he entered the army, August 15, as Sergeant … Read more

Biographical Sketch of N. S. Stewart

N. S. Stewart, hardware merchant, was born at Battle Creek, Mich., February 27, 1853. Removed to Clayton County Iowa; thence to Jackson County, Minn; came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1872; clerked for McLain in the implement business for five years. In May 1882, he engaged in the hardware business, under the firm name of Faidley Bros. & Stewart. Mr. Stewart, by hard work as a clerk for several years, made the foundation for his present flourishing business. The firm is one of the best in Burr Oak, and they are doing a splendid business. He was married at Smith … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. E. Hawley

Dr. J. E. Hawley, was born in Delaware County, N. Y., June 1, 1852, removed to Chickasaw County, Iowa, in 1865; removed to Clay County, Neb., thence to Burr Oak, in Jewell County, Kan., in 1878. Held the office of City Councilman of Burr Oak for two years, and was elected Mayor of the City in April 1882. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. The doctor studied medicine in Iowa, and graduated at the St. Joseph’s Hospital Medical College, February 27, 1882. He was married in Spring Ranch, Clay Co., Neb., November 27, 1871, to Miss Alice J. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. T. Hollenbeck

J. T. Hollenbeck, merchant, was born in Indiana October 14, 1835; removed to Louisa County, Iowa, thence to Johnson County, thence to Grundy County, came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1871, and took a homestead, moved to Burr Oak, and engaged in general merchandising and is also extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising, making fine stock a specialty. Is now doing business under the firm name of Faidley, Hollenbeck & Smith. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in Walnut Township, in Jewell Co., Kan. Was a soldier in the United States Army, in Company D, Sixteenth Iowa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. W. Mann

A. W. Mann, merchant, was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, September 4, 1845. He removed to Webster County, Iowa, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in May, 1870, and took a homestead two and a half miles from Burr Oak. He engaged in the drug business in Burr Oak in the fall of 1875. In 1877 he engaged in general merchandising, under the firm name of McLain & Mann; afterward the firm was changed to Mann, Faidley & Gilbert. The present firm is Mann & Gilbert. Held the office of Justice of the Peace and was second Justice of the … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Abernathy

There are few of the representative and respected men of Idaho whose residence in the state antedates that of Mr. Abernathy, who came to the territory thirty-seven years ago and has been identified with the development of the Salubria valley since 1868. The old Indian trails, the uncultivated lands, the unopened mines and the uncut forests then to be seen, all told that the work of civilization lay in the future, and the subject of this review has been one of the advance guard that has carried forward the work of progress and improvement until Idaho is, indeed, the veritable … Read more

Biography of Ervin W. Johnson

For many years actively connected with the development and progress of different sections of this state, Mr. Johnson is now the proprietor of the Overland Hotel, in Boise, and is regarded as one of the most popular and best known citizens of Idaho. A native of Ottumwa, Iowa, he was born March 17, 1857, a son of William W. and Eliza A. (Myers) Johnson. His father, a native of Indiana, born in 1829, died in Ottumwa, Iowa, in 1867, and his wife, who was born in Botetourt County, Virginia, also departed this life in Iowa. By profession Mr. Johnson was … Read more

Biography of Walter Clark

Walter Clark, now the leading merchant of Ketchum, is numbered among the honored pioneers of Idaho of 1863, and for more than forty-five years has been closely identified with the development of the northwest, having taken up his residence in Oregon in 1853. Into a wild region infested by Indians and by ruffianly white men, the forests standing in their primeval grandeur, the mountains still holding their rich treasures, he came and established his home. He was one of the vanguard of civilization, and has borne an important part in opening up this region to industry and commerce. Few men … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dan Freeman Bradley

Bradley, Dan Freeman; clergyman; born, Bangkok, Siam, March 17, 1857; son of Dan Beach and Sarah (Blachly) Bradley; educated, Oberlin College, 1882, Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1885, Oberlin Honorary Degree Doctor of Divinity, 1909; same degree, Cornell College, 1904; married, Oberlin, O., July 9, 1883, Lillian Jaques; three sons, Dwight J., Robert G., and Theodore Bradley; pastor Steubenville Ohio, Congregational Church, 1885-1887; Yankton, S. D., 1887-1892; Grand Rapids, Mich., 1892-1902; pres. Iowa College, Grinnel, Ia., 1902-1905; pastor Pilgrim Church, Cleveland, 1905 to date; has gymnasium, branch of public library cooking school and mothers club; has been instrumental in the organization of … Read more

Biography of Perry E. Cook

Perry E. Cook has for more than twenty years been one of the principal carpenter contractors and builders of Topeka. His work and skill have been particularly exemplified in some of the finer residences of the city, and a large clientage have always felt a peculiar degree of assurance when any contract was entrusted to the firm of Cook & Son. The firm has also handled a great deal of the better class of repair and remodeling contracts. A resident of Kansas for thirty years, Perry E. Cook was born in Boone County, Indiana, December 12, 1859, a son of … Read more

Biography of John Franklin Haskell

John Franklin Haskell is the Topeka and Kansas representative of the greatest creamery organization in America. He is general manager and vice president of the Beatrice Creamery Company, consolidated, with headquarters in Topeka. Both he and his brother George Everett have long been prominently identified with this business. His brother George E., who is president of the Beatrice Creamery Company, lives in Chicago. George was the founder of the industry at Beatrice, Nebraska, about 1890. He pushed the enterprise with so much success that it soon outgrew the limits of its home city, but the company still bears the name … Read more

Biography of Archie Markland Baird

Archie Markland Baird. One of the additions to the manufacturing interests of Topeka, Archie Markland Baird has for many years been known in railroad circles of the state, and has been connected with numerous movements national in their character. His present business is the manufacture of pneumatic labor-saving devices. His knowledge of the business, his wide connections, and his executive capacity have brought his enterprise to a foremost and commanding position. Mr. Baird was born at Kilmarnock, near Glasgow, Scotland, in 1857, and is a son of William and Janet (Markland) Baird, and a grandson of Archibald Baird, also a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman O. Bader

Bader, Herman 0., sec’y and treas. Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing Co.; born, Keokuk, Ia., Mch. 16, 1866; educated public schools, Cleveland, and Lehmans Scientific Academy Worms-on-the-Rhine; degree of M. B. graduate of first Scientific station N. Y., 1887; took charge of the Baehr Brewing Co., later consolidated with the Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing Co.; elected County Recorder, 1904; former Republican Mayor of Cleveland; director Forest City Savings & Trust Co.; member Chamber of Commerce; Cleveland Gesengverein, Star Turner Society, and active in other German societies; 32 degree Mason; Shriner past Chancellor K. of P.; B. P. O. E.; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Emerson Burton

Burton, Charles Emerson; clergyman; born, Iowa, March 19, 1869; son of John Henry and Jane A. Simons Burton; educated, Carleton College, A. B., 1895, M. A., 1898, Chicago Theological Seminary, King; issue,B. D., 1898, Carleton College, D. D., 1911; married; Menoken, N. D., Oct. 17, 1898, Cora Viola Dorothy Viola, Lyndon David, Malcolm King and Myron Simons; preached before and during college course in the missions and churches of the Congregational order of Minneapolis; spent summer vacations preaching in home missionary churches in Minnesota and North Dakota; pastor Puritan Church, Chicago, 1895-1898, Lyndale Church, Minneapolis, 1899-1909; associate pastor to Dr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lyman W. Childs

Childs, Lyman W.; physician; born, Lee, Ill., Oct. 1, 1867; son of Charles and Ann Eliza Smith Childs; graduate, Illinois State Normal University, 1890, at Western Reserve Medical College, 1894, studied in University of Vienna, 1899-1900; married, Waterloo, Ia., 1902, Colene C. Hogg; issue, Evelyn L., Frances B., Eleanor M., Lyman W., Jr.; member sanitation committee, Chamber of Commerce, for three years; instrumental in introduction of medical inspection in Cleveland public schools; introduced first fresh air school in Cleveland in 1911; house physician, City Hospital, 1894; medical examiner, Cleveland Public Schools, 1910-1913; member Cleveland Medical Society and American Medical Ass’n; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Howard Chapin

Chapin, Fred Howard; face brick mfg.; born, Iowa, April 11, 1875; son of Fred Wallace and Eliza Pauly Chapin; grammar and high school education in Clarksville, Ia., Highland Park Normal, Des Moines, Ia., University of Minnesota; married, Minneapolis, Minn., June 7, 1899, Helen N. Lakue; leaving college in 1894, was asst. city clerk of city of Minneapolis four years, resigning to accept position with Minneapolis branch, Hydraulic Press Brick Co.; gen’l sales mgr., St. Louis, 1905; appointed vice pres. and Ohio mgr., June, 1909, with headquarters in Cleveland; vice pres. and mgr. Hydraulic Press Brick Co.; director Owners Garage Co., … Read more