Biography of Nelson Antrim Crawford

Nelson Antrim Crawford is professor of industrial journalism and superintendent of printing with the Kansas State Agricultural College. For several years he was instructor in English in the Agricultural College but has been head of the journalism work since April, 1914. In his special department he has done important work for the Agricultural College. For several years of his early life he was a newspaper reporter and was thus no stranger to the practical phases of journalism when he came to his present position. He has in the past two years increased the work of the department threefold. By virtue … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jefferson Booth

Thomas Jefferson Booth, of Independence, is a native of Illinois, in Adams County, of which state he was born January 4, 1856. He was but eight years of age when his parents removed to Iowa and settled in Des Moines County, where they resided until 1869, in which year they settled in Montgomery County, Kansas, where the father took up a claim and resided until his death in 1878. Thomas J. Booth is a son of Milton and Agatha (Adams) Booth. His father was born in Virginia in 1808, and was a son of John Booth, an Englishman, who came … Read more

Biography of Freeman E. Nipps

Freeman E. Nipps is one of the veteran railroad men of Kansas. Like many who have found success in that army of industrial workers, he began at a country station and as a telegraph operator. For more than a quarter of a century he has been the agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway at Topeka. Unlike many railway men, he has at the same time identified himself closely with local affairs, and at the present time his name is familiarly known throughout Shawnee County as chairman of the board of commissioners. Though most of his life has been spent within … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John C. Heald

Heald, John C.; attorney-at-law; born, Anamosa, Ia., 1865; son of Eli and Lydia A. Williamson Heald; educated, Silver Ridge College, Silver Ridge, Neb.; married, Cleveland, 1902, Amanda E. Kick; one daughter; was prosecuting attorney of Wheeler county, Neb., and police judge at Greeley Center, Neb.; Republican candidate for nomination for Congress from 20th Ohio District, in 1912; member of law firm of David & Heald, doing all the court work for the firm, as well as for several other firms and attorneys; also represent some large corporations; member Loyal Order of Moose, and Modern Woodmen of America; can trace his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adrian Dwight Joyce

Joyce, Adrian Dwight; Sherwin-Williams Co., mgr.; born, Sumner, Ia., Nov. 18, 1872; son of M. H. and Anne Hotham Joyce; educated, Olivet College and University of Michigan; married, Stafford, N. Y., June 9, 1879, Anna Page; issue, Marion, born March 11, 1898, Dwight, born May 31, 1900, Dorothy, born Jan. 27, 1902, Phyllis, born July 23, 1909; lived on a farm until he was 17 years old; taught country school, after leaving home; also village school for three years, unable to finish college course because of poor health; went into the wholesale hay and grain business in Memphis, Mich., in … Read more

Biography of J. Edward Cook

J. Edward Cook. Judicious and legitimate has been the advertising policy that has been utilized in the exploitation of the King Ni-Ko system for the cure of the tobacco habit, and the basis of this advertising has been proved efficacy and definite results. The system of treatment accomplishes all that is claimed for it and this fact constitutes the best of the commercial assets on which has been developed the extensive and beneficent business enterprise of which the popular and progressive proprietor is the well known citizen of Wichita whose name initiates this paragraph. Mr. Cook was born in Keokuk … Read more

Biography of A. H. McCarty

A. H. McCarty. When the Valeda State Bank was organized at Valeda, June 1, 1915, under a state charter, the institution was given a good start not only by reason of its capital of $10,000, and by the subsequent accumulation of a surplus of $2,500, but also because of the excellent men who were its stockholders and original officers and directors. The president of the bank is A. E. Townsend, the vice president W. H. Bollman, and the cashier A. H. McCarty, all well known residents of Valeda and vicinity. The bank erected its home on Main Street in 1915. … Read more

Biography of William Paxton Hazen

William Paxton Hazen, who died at Chetopa, Kansas, April 16, 1909, was for many years a successful Kansas banker. His widow, Mrs. Addie (Glass) Hazen, who survives him, is widely known in women’s circles in Kansas, and is especially active in charitable and philanthropic enterprises in her home city. Mr. Hazen died when at the high tide of his usefulness. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1858. His father, David Hazen, was a lawyer by profession, practiced for many years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but died in Erie, Kansas. Mr. Hazen’s maternal grandmother, Mary Ewing, had her pew in … Read more

Biography of Jackson B. Crane

Jackson B. Crane. Although the founder of the Crane family in Kansas, Jackson B. Crane was neither born nor died in this state, he spent forty-five years here, the best part of his life, and his name deserves preservation in the country’s enduring annals. His was one of the first pioneer cabins built in 1854 within a radius of eleven miles west of Leavenworth, then the frontier. He was one of that hardy band that not only dared the privations of the wilderness but had the resolute will that accepted a life that, at that time, positively demanded eternal vigilance … Read more

Biography of Edgar W. Boardman, M. D.

Edgar W. Boardman, M. D. Medicine is constantly making tremendous strides forward, with scientific progress shown on every side, and discoveries and inventions are practically changing methods of practice and broadening the viewpoint of both physician and patient. To practice according to the enlightened ideas of the present century requires not only a most careful training but a certain, sure aggressiveness, and no physician of Parsons has this and other admirable qualities in greater degree than has Dr. Edgar W. Boardman, a practicing physician and surgeon of this city since 1888. Doctor Boardman was born at Fort Dodge, Iowa, January … Read more

Biography of Peter J. Ringler

Peter J. Ringler, who is manager and part owner of the Parsons Bottling Works, one of the largest concerns of its kind in the state, has had a very active and successful business career. He was born in Livingston County, Illinois, December 14, 1868. His grandfather Peter Ringler was born in Kurhessen, Germany, came to the United States about 1876 after his wife had died in Germany, and lived on a farm in Livingston County, Illinois, until his death. In Germany he was a contractor for the building of railroads, and he also served his regular term in the German … Read more

Biography of A. J. Whitmore

A. J. Whitmore is an old timer in Kansas, having been identified with this state most of the time since 1885. He has been well known both in business and in public affairs, and for a number of years has lived in Tepeka. He was born in Lake County, Illinois, in 1859. His father William D. Whitmore was born in Seneca County, Ohio, in 1836, a son of James Whitmore, who was born in Lockport, New York, in 1794. James Whitmore was an early settler in Ohio, and in 1837 took his family to Illinois and secured a homestead in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Eugene Wettstein

Wettstein, Frank Eugene; banking and real estate; born, Rochelle, Ill., June 6, 1867; son of Otto and Louise Tracy Wettstein; educated, Rochelle High School, class of 1884; married, La Porte City, Ia., Sept. 22, 1896; married Maud Wagoner; issue, two sons, William and Frank Jr.; republican; five years a member of the Illinois National Guard; in 1889, organized First National Bank, La Porte City, Ia.; in 1900, organized First National Bank, Dysort, Ia.; vice pres. and gen. mgr. Guarantee Title & Trust Co.. Cleveland; 1903 to 1908, promoted Gates Mills property; built all roads at Gates Mills; pres. Pease Engineering … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William A. C. Smith

Smith, William A. C.; pres. The Ohio Quarries Co.; born, Chebanse, Ill., Dec. 15, 1876; son of William and Frances M. Rice Smith; educated, public schools, Chebanse, Ill., and one year at Academy, North-Western University, Evanston, Ill.; married, Davenport, Ia., Sept. 12, 1889, Nettie Grant; issue, three children, Janet, 11, Helen, 6, Richard Murray, 4; two years clerked in general store; two years in Chicago National Bank; 1901-1906, salesman, auditor, sec’y and treas. The Bedford Quarries Co. of Chicago; 1903-1906, treas. The Ohio Quarries Co.; 1907, moved to Cleveland as gen. mgr. of the Ohio Quarries Co.; in 1910, made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren Sanford Stone

Stone, Warren Sanford; labor leader; born, Ainsworth, Ia., Feb. 1, 1860; son of John and Sarah Stone; educated, Washington Academy and Western College; married Carrie E. Newell, of Agency, Ia., Oct. 15, 1884; has spent entire railroad service with the Rock Island System, beginning as fireman, Sept. 27, 1879; promoted to engineer, April 12, 1884; appointed grand chief of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers on the death of Grand Chief Arthur, August, 1903; elected at Los Angeles meeting, 1904; member Industrial Peace Commission, which commission is the custodian of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Biography of Orion Littell Rider

Orion Littell Rider, a leading attorney of Vinita whose professional ability is indicated by the large and distinctively representative clientage accorded hire, has served his fellow citizens in various capacities and has always done able and conscientious work. His birth occurred in Mason county, Illinois, on the 7th of January, 1874, and his parents were Dr. Robert G. and Harriet M. (Littell) Rider, the former born near Cleveland, Ohio, and the latter in the state of New Jersey. The father was a physician, acquiring his professional training in Pennsylvania, and he first opened an office at Mobile, Alabama, whence he … Read more

Biography of Thomas F. King

Thomas F. King, who has devoted his entire time and attention to the banking business since making his initial step in business circles, is now the cashier of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee. A native of Ohio, he was born in Marion on the 13th of May, 1886, and is a son of James and Margaret (Martin) King, the latter a sister of T. H. Martin, former mayor of Muskogee. The father was commissioner of public safety under the charter form of government. With the removal of the family westward, Thomas F. King pursued his more advanced education in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene Edwin Neale

Neale, Eugene Edwin; insurance; born, Mt. Pleasant, Ia.; March 31, 1865; son of Richard W. and Emma Lennox Neale; public school education in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, April 16, 1890, Lucy W. Hubbell; issue, three sons, Harold Hubbell, Robert Dudley, Eugene Edwin, Jr.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 21, 1905, Elizabeth L. Hubbell; issue, one son, Sterling Lennox; vice pres. Neale-Phypers Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Athletic, Mayfield, and Willowick Clubs; member Cleveland Grays since 1886.

McEwen, Martha Grewell – Obituary

Old Pioneer Of Valley Dies At Toppenish Mrs. Martha Mcewen Passes Away After Lingering Illness Of Several Months Mrs. Martha Grewell McEwen, an old pioneer of this vicinity, passed away at Toppenish Sunday morning at 7 o’clock after a lingering illness which confined her to her bed for the past several months [died December 22, 1918]. Mrs. McEwen was born February 22, 1860, in Iowa, and three years later crossed the prairies in an ox team with her parents, settling at Vancouver, Wash. When she was 13 years old she moved to this vicinity where she has since made her … Read more

Wigle, Malinda Jane Dixon – Obituary

Mrs. Malinda J. Wigle died in Mabton, Dec. 29, 1916, aged 86 years, 2 months and 13 days. Funeral services were held in the M. E. Church Sunday, and burial was in Mabton cemetery. Mrs. Wigle was a native of Illinois, residing there until her marriage to Thomas Grewell, and moved to Corydon, Iowa. In 1863 she, with her husband and family, started across the plains. When in Wyoming, her husband was taken ill and died at Independence Rock, Wyo. With her children she resumed her journey westward, arriving at Vancouver, Wash. the same year. Two years later she was … Read more