Biography of Adelia M. Eaton

Adelia M. Eaton was the second daughter of Harvey Eaton, one of the hardy, prosperous pioneer farmers of Pocahontas County, Iowa. She grew to womanhood on the farm, where she learned to be industrious and earnest.

Biography of Mary A. Flickinger

Mrs. Flickinger is gratefully remembered for five years of untiring service as assistant superintendent of Oak Hill Industrial Academy. The sphere of her observation and suggestion included all the women’s work in the buildings, occupied by the students, and the special care of the garden and Boy’s Hall. In connection with this daily oversight, there was always manifested a feeling of personal responsibility, to carry to completion at the end of the day, any unfinished work, that would otherwise prevent some of the larger girls from enjoying the privileges of the school, during the evening study hour. Trained in her … Read more

Biography of William Clinton Bardo

William Clinton Bardo, vice president of the Security National Bank of Arkansas City, was a pioneer in the Cherokee Strip of Oklahoma, was a homesteader and farmer there for a number of years, but finally moved across the line to Arkansas City, where he had become prominent in financial and business affairs. Mr. Bardo is of an old Pennsylvania family. The lineage goes back originally to France. Four brothers of the name during the turbulent times that led to the French Revolution came from France and landed in Pennsylvania, and from there their families became widely scattered. One of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Steunenberg

Frank Steunenberg was born in Keokuk, Iowa, August 8, 1861, and in the public schools of his native state acquired his literary education. In early life he learned the printer’s trade, and until January 1887, was engaged in the printing and publishing business in his native state. He then came to Idaho, locating at Caldwell, where he began business along the same line. In 1889 he was chosen a member of the convention that framed the state constitution, and served upon several of its important committees. In 1890 he was elected a member of the house of representatives, on the … Read more

Biography of S. D. McLain

The prosperity of any community, town or city depends upon its commercial activity its industrial interests and its trade relations, and therefore the real upbuilders of a town are those who stand at the head of the leading enterprises. Among the prominent representatives of commercial life in Silver City is S. D. McLain, who as a partner in the firm of Shea, McLain & Crete is at the head of the most extensive mercantile establishment of the town. This well appointed store, with its large and carefully selected stock, is a credit to the proprietors as well as to the … Read more

Biography of Lambert L. Strong

Lambert Leroy Strong, one of Lewiston’s representative and enterprising citizens, engaged in the undertaking and embalming business here for the past fifteen years, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, August 8, 1849. He is of Scotch descent and his ancestors were early settlers of New York. The paternal grandfather was a Methodist minister and became one of the pioneer settlers of Ohio. His son, Caleb Strong, the father of our subject, was born in Ohio, and married Miss Albinia Lambertson. When our subject was only five years of age they removed with their family to Cedar County, Iowa. The father … Read more

Biography of James R. Strong

James Russell Strong, judge of the probate court of Latah County, was born in Sullivan, Ashland County, Ohio, September 24, 1849. His great-grandfather, Russell Strong, was a resident of Vermont and participated in the events which go to form the early history of the Green Mountain state. His son, Alvah Strong, grandfather of our subject, was a participant in the war of 1812 when but a boy, and for one year served in the Union army during the civil war as a member of Company F, First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry. He participated in the battle of Fort Donelson and after … Read more

Biography of C. A. S. Prosser, M. D.

Dr. C. A. S. Prosser, born in 1864 in Lunenburg, Ontario, was a respected physician in Boise, Idaho. Descended from Loyalist ancestors who settled in Canada during the American Revolution, he pursued medical studies under his brother’s guidance before graduating from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1887. After practicing in New York and Iowa, he moved to Boise in 1893 due to health reasons, where he established a successful practice and served as a physician and surgeon at Wesleyan Hospital. He married Clara Raymond in 1889, with whom he had two daughters.

Biography of Louis Elg

The man who first used gas for illumination at Idaho Falls, who put in the first telephone and who set up the first soda fountain in the town, is Louis Elg, druggist. Front and Maine streets. In other respects Mr. Elg has been a pioneer as well. His life has been a busy and eventful one and its important details are well worth the writing and the reading. He was born in Sweden, June 8, 1853, and is descended from a long line of Swedish ancestors. His father, also named Louis Elg, was an ironworker and was frozen to death, … Read more

Treaty of June 5 and 17, 1846

Whereas the various bands of the Pottowautomie Indians, known as the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottowautomies, the Pottowautomies of the Prairie the Pottowautomies of the Wabash, and the Pottowautomies of Indiana, have, subsequent to the year 1828, entered into separate and distinct treaties with the United States, by which they have been separated and located in different countries, and difficulties have arisen as to the proper distribution of the stipulations under various treaties, and being the same people by kindred, by feeling, and by language, and having, in former periods, lived on and owned their lands in common; and being desirous … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. J. Donelan

J. J. Donelan is secretary, treasurer and manager of the Concordia Gas Company, the progress and development of which have largely depended upon his ability as an engineer and as a business executive. The plant of the Concordia Gas Company was erected by the American Gas Construction Company. The Lowe-Tenny process of manufacture is used, and the company manufactures gas for lighting, heating and cooking purposes to the amount of about 16,000,000 cubic feet annually or 150,000 feet per day. They have storage capacity for 70,000 feet. The company now had fifteen miles of gas pipe about the city, with … Read more

Biography of Roley S. Pauley

Roley S. Pauley. The greater part of forty years Roley S. Panley had given to farm ownership and management on a large scale in Marshall County. His achievements classify him as one of the leaders in Kansas agriculture. As a practical man of affairs his advice and counsel have naturally been sought by his fellow citizens, and among other honors a term in the State Senste was conferred upon him, He is also interested in banking and other affairs in his section of the state, but essentially first and last he is a farmer and had always kept in close … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Potter, M. D.

Horace E. Potter, M. D., had been located at Clifton for over thirty years, and besides his successful associations with the profession is a man of high standing and wide repute for his active relations with community affairs. Doctor Potter came to Kansas on his graduation from medical college. He was born in Henry County, Illinois, December 25, 1858. His ancestry is Scotch and his forefathers came from Scotland to Connecticut in colonial times. His father, Loren E. Potter, was also a physician. He was born at Potter’s Corners near Buffalo in Erie County, New York, in 1822. When he … Read more

Biography of Eldred Lloyd Eaton

Eldred Lloyd Eaton has been engaged in practice as a lawyer for the past six years, and in many ways had justified his choice of a profession and calling. In attainments and ability he now ranks as the leading lawyer of Chase County, his home and offices being. in Cottonwood Falls. Mr. Eaton had had a very active career, and he entered the legal profession after considerable experience as a teacher and business man. He was born at Hillsboro, Iowa, November 23, 1876, a son of Eugene E. and Etta Charity (Fligg) Eaton. His grandfather, Ebenezer Ancel Eaton, was a … Read more

Biography of Nathan Frank Frazier

Nathan Frank Frazier. Among the names that have been long and prominently identified with the businese, agricultural, mining and financial interests of Kansas, few have attained greater prestige than that which attaches to the name of Frazier. There is hardly an industry of importance that can be mentioned that had not beneflted by the activities of the men who have borne it, and today there are found two able and worthy representatives of the family in the persons of Nathan Frank Frazier and Ray E. Frazier, vice president and president respectively of the Citizens State Bank of El Dorado and … Read more

Biography of George P. Nieman

George P. Neiman. A career of singular interest and one that had been characterized by marked achievement is that of George P. Neiman, executive head of the Bank of Whitewater, an extensive farmer and stockman, and a citizen who had contributed in many ways to the growth of Butler County, and particularly to the thriving community of Whitewater, which he promoted and which is situated upon a portion of his original homestead, on which he filed in 1869. Mr. Neiman is a native of Pennsylvania, born at New Berlin, Union County, January 24, 1842, and a son of Isaac and … Read more

Biography of Frank Levi Root

Frank Levi Root has lived in the vicinity of Oketo for thirty years. he had prospered in a degree sufficient to meet his sanguine expectations, and not only owned and controls a large body of rich farming land in Marshall County but is also actively identified with Oketo’s business affairs and its civic and community life. Mr. Root was born in Cedar County, Iowa, May 21, 1865. His father, Levi Root, born in Ohio July 9, 1832, grew up in his native state and when a young man moved to Iowa. He was married in Cedar County and had a … Read more

Biography of Addison V. Scott

Addison V. Scott is well known throughout southern Idaho as a shrewd and public-spirited financier and real estate operator, and Mrs. Adelia B. (Dugan) Scott, his wife, has wide distinction as having been the first women in Idaho elected to the office of justice of the peace, the important functions of which she is discharging with admirable ability. They were married in 1883 and are among the prominent families of Idaho Falls. Addison Scott was born in Madison County, Iowa, January 14, 1858, and is descended from English-Irish ancestry. His forefathers settled early in Indiana, and Joseph Scott, his grandfather, … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Hulse

Joseph B. Hulse, proprietor of the only photograph gallery in Hailey, is a native of Iowa, born in Glenwood, on the 3d of January 1859. The family, of German origin, was planted on American soil at an early period in the history of New England. The grandfather, Joseph Hulse, was a pioneer settler of the state of Ohio, and his son, Henry A. Hulse, the father of our subject, was born near the old home of Abraham Lincoln, in the vicinity of Springfield, Illinois. Having arrived at years of maturity, he married Caroline Maloon and removed to Iowa, whence he … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Neal

For the past six years this enterprising young businessman has occupied the responsible position of cashier of the Capital State Bank, of Idaho, and is rapidly acquiring the reputation of being one of the ablest financiers in the state. Prior to his connection with this well known banking institution, now regarded as one of the best in the great northwest, he had had experience in the handling of finances, having for several years been engaged in the loan business in this state and in Colorado, and having served as the first county treasurer of Kit Carson county, Colorado, after its … Read more