Biography of James H. Hawley

No Compendium such as the province of this work defines in its essential limitations will serve to offer fit memorial to the life and accomplishments of the honored subject of this sketch a man remarkable in the breadth of his wisdom, in his indomitable perseverance, his strong individuality, and yet one whose entire life has not one esoteric phase, being an open scroll, inviting the closest scrutiny. True, his have been “massive deeds and great” in one sense, and yet his entire life accomplishment but represents the result of the fit utilization of the innate talent which is his, and … Read more

Biography of Newell Jonathan Brown, M. D.

The well established family physician obtains an influence in any community which is more far-reaching than that of any man sustaining other relations to the public. The reasons for this are too obvious to require mention here. Dr. N. J. Brown is to the people of Hailey the ideal family doctor, and he is the oldest physician and surgeon in the place. He cast his lot with the citizens of Hailey in 1883 when the town was but two years old, and from that time he has practiced his profession in Hailey and its tributary territory, and shown a helpful … Read more

Biography of Isaac N. Sullivan

As long as the history of jurisprudence in Idaho shall be a matter of record, the name of Judge Isaac Newton Sullivan will figure conspicuously therein, by reason of the fact that his has been the distinguished honor of serving as the first chief justice of the state as well as from the fact that he is recognized as the peer of the ablest representatives of the legal profession in the entire northwest. For the third term he is occupying a position on the bench of the Supreme Court, and his career has been an honor to the state which … Read more

Biography of Joseph Geiger

The career of this successful businessman has been crowned with results which must be taken as another evidence of the progressive quality of the German-American character. Joseph Geiger was born in Baden, Germany, July 28, 1853, was educated in the Fatherland and came to the United States at the age of seventeen years, poor in purse and ignorant of the English language. After spending six months in New York city, he went to Texas, where he remained two years. Then he lived two years in Iowa. By that time he was pretty thoroughly Americanized, for he was a studious and … Read more

Biography of David Heron

In a pleasant, attractive brick residence in a desirable section of Boise City, are living to-day David Heron and wife, esteemed citizens and pioneers of Ada County. Mr. Heron has frequently served his neighbors and friends in official positions of much responsibility and trust, and has won their highest praise for the able and conscientious manner in which he discharged the duties resting upon him. For a period of two years he was the recorder and auditor of this County, for a similar length of time was the County assessor and during some six years was one of the commissioners … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Calnan

Henry J. Calnan, publisher and editor of the Weekly Kansas Chief at Troy, had had an unusually varied experience even for a newspaper man. Since acquiring the Kansas Chief he had improved its influence and strengthened its organization and equipment in keeping with the dignity of the paper as the oldest journal under one continuous name in the State of Kansas. The files of the Kansas Chief contain sixty complete volumes. The paper was founded in 1857 by Sol Miller at White Cloud, Kansas, and was first known as the White Cloud Chief. The paper was moved to Troy July … Read more

Biography of Edgar Watson Howe

Edgar Watson Howe. Kansas journalism had produced several men whose names are household words in America. By no means least among them in attainments and influence is Edgar Watson Howe, founder of the Atchison Globe, for many years its editor and publisher, and now in his semi-retirement publishing Howe’s Monthly. His many colleagues and admirers in the newspaper profession have for years been accustomed to referring to him as “Old Ed Howe.” As a matter of fact he is not even now an old man. Mr. Howe was born near Treaty, Indiana, May 3, 1854, and is of English descent. … Read more

Biography of Julius S. Waters

A distinguished jurist has said: “In the American state the great and good lawyer must always be prominent, for he is one of the forces that move and control society. Public confidence has generally been reposed in the legal profession. It has ever been the defender of popular rights, the champion of freedom regulated by law, the firm support of good government. In the times of danger it has stood like a rock and breasted the mad passions of the hour and finally resisted tumult and faction.” A review of the history of Julius Spencer Waters shows that his life … Read more

Biography of James Wilson

James Wilson, deceased, was for many years one of the leading farmers and stockmen of Idaho, and during his residence in this state did as much as any other man in the commonwealth in the interests of agriculture and stock raising. He is properly classed among the pioneers of Idaho, for his residence dated from 1864, and from that time until his death he took an active part in the conduct of business interests that resulted to the benefit of the state, as well as to his individual prosperity. A native of Washington County, Indiana, he was born May 15, … Read more

Biography of James A. Pinney

The enterprise of our American citizens has given the nation a position among the powers of the world that it has taken other countries many centuries to gain. The progressive spirit of the times is manifest throughout the length and breadth of the land, yet even to our own people the growth and development of the west seems almost incredible. Less than half a century ago Idaho, California, Montana, Oregon and other western states were wild and almost unpeopled regions, without the railroad or other transportation facilities, without the telegraph or the varied commercial and industrial industries of the east. … Read more

Biography of J. J. Plumer, M. D.

Dr. J. J. Plumer, the physician and surgeon of the De Lamar Mining Company, also engaged in general practice in De Lamar, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Edina, April 8, 1860. He traces his ancestry back to England, whence in the year 1832 members of the family who belonged to the sect of Puritans crossed the Atlantic to America. They braved the dangers so common to ocean voyages in those days in order to have liberty of conscience in the New World, and they and their descendants were connected with the early history of the … Read more

Biography of Franklin P. Ake

The historian Bancroft has said. “Taken altogether Idaho is the most grand, wonderful, romantic and mysterious part of the domain enclosed within the federal Union;” and no one who has ever looked upon its beautiful and off times sublime scenery will doubt that it rightly deserves to be called “The Gem of the Mountains.” Its natural resources are probably more diversified than any other state can show, for in the midst of its high hills, rich in their mineral de-posits, are fertile valleys affording ample opportunity to the agriculturist, horticulturist and stock farmer. The owner of one of the finest … Read more

Biography of Joseph F. White

Among the public officials of Lincoln County is Joseph F. White, who is now serving as sheriff. A native of Iowa, he was born in Allamakee County, July 4, 1854, and traces his ancestry back to the Emerald Isle, whence his grandfather, Andrew White, emigrated with his family to New Orleans. For many years he was engaged in merchandising in the Crescent City, and at an early day in the history of Ohio removed to that state, where Joseph P. White, the father of our subject, was born and reared. He married Sarah Heffron, a native of Ireland, and later … Read more

Biography of William Clarence Howie

Out of the depths of his mature wisdom Carlyle wrote, “History is the essence of innumerable biographies,” and Macaulay has said, “The history of a nation is best told in the lives of its people.” It is therefore fitting that the sketches of Idaho’s eminent and distinguished men should find a place in this volume, and to the number belongs William Clarence Howie, a prominent lawyer of Mountain Home. A native of Iowa, he was born in Davis County, near the Missouri state line, November 27, 1860. The Howie family originated in France. Two brothers, who were French Huguenots, were … Read more

Biography of Jonas W. Brown

Jonas W. Brown, of Boise, is an honored pioneer both of California and of Idaho. He crossed the plains with ox teams to Shasta county, California, in 1853, and since that time his life record has been inseparably interwoven with the history of this section of the country. At all times he has been the advocate of those measures tending to-ward the advancement and development of the region, and his influence is that of an honorable, upright man, whose force of character stamps itself indelibly for good upon the public life. This work would be incomplete without mention of Jonas … Read more

Biography of John L. Weaver

Among the distinguished citizens of Boise is Hon. John L. Weaver, who is now serving as adjutant-general of the state. For many years a prominent representative of the Christian ministry, honored and respected in every class of society, he has for some time been a leader in thought and action in the public life of the state and his name is inscribed high on the roll of fame, his honorable and brilliant career adding luster to the history of Idaho. General Weaver was born in Switzerland County, Indiana, May 26, 1856, and is descended from Swiss, French and Scotch ancestors, … Read more

Biography of David T. Miller

In both the military and political service of his country David Truxton Miller has won distinction by his loyalty to the public good, his fidelity to the trust reposed in him. On southern battle-fields he has followed the stars and stripes to victory, and in the civic department of the nation’s service he has labored to promote the principles which underlie good government and form the foundation upon which all stable prosperity must rest. He has inscribed his name high on the roll of Boise’s distinguished citizens, and is now serving as deputy collector of internal revenue there. Born in … Read more

Biography of Albert K. Steunenberg

Numbered among the successful and representative citizens of Caldwell, Canyon County is Albert K. Steunenberg, brother of the present governor of Idaho. He is cashier of the Commercial Bank of Caldwell, which institution was established in January, 1894. During the five years of its existence the bank has flourished, largely owing to the fine executive ability and genius as a financier which are marked qualities of Mr. Steunenberg. The capital stock of the bank is twenty-five thousand dollars, and an annual dividend of ten per cent is paid to stockholders. The volume of business transacted has materially increased from year … Read more

Biography of Joseph Carman Pence

For thirty years Joseph Carman Pence has been a resident of Idaho, and has been extensively interested in one of the leading industries of the state stock-raising. He was born in Des Moines County, Iowa, on the 28th of May 1844, and is a representative of an old Pennsylvania-Dutch family that was founded in America in colonial days. Some of its members participated in the Revolutionary war, valiantly aiding in the struggle for independence. William Pence, the father of our subject, was born in the Keystone state, and in early manhood married Miss Mary Thurston, who was a native of … Read more

Biography of Bertha Louise Ahrens

Bertha Louise Ahrens (B. Feb. 26, 1857), missionary teacher among the Choctaw Freedmen of Indian Territory since 1885, and principal teacher at Oak Hill Academy, 1905-1911, is a native of Berlin, Prussia. Her parents, Otto and Augusta Ahrens, in 1865, when she was 8, and a brother Otto 5, came to America and located on a farm near Sigourney, Iowa, after one year at Bellville, Illinois; and four, at Harper, Iowa. The schools and Churches first attended used the German language. Her first studies in English were in the graded schools at Sigourney and here at seventeen, she became a … Read more