Biography of Lambert L. Strong

Last Updated on April 29, 2012 by

Lambert Leroy Strong, one of Lewiston’s representative and enterprising citizens, engaged in the undertaking and embalming business here for the past fifteen years, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, August 8, 1849. He is of Scotch descent and his ancestors were early settlers of New York. The paternal grandfather was a Methodist minister and became one of the pioneer settlers of Ohio. His son, Caleb Strong, the father of our subject, was born in Ohio, and married Miss Albinia Lambertson. When our subject was only five years of age they removed with their family to Cedar County, Iowa. The father served his country in the war with Mexico, and in 1862 started across the plains to California, but died at Fort Kearney, at the age of fifty years. His wife still survives him and is now sixty-eight years of age. They had four children, of whom three are living.

The eldest of the family, Lambert L. Strong, spent his boyhood days under the parental roof, and as soon as old enough to handle the plow began work in the fields. He assisted in the cultivation of the fields through the summer months and in the winter season pursued his education in a little log schoolhouse. On attaining his majority he enlisted in the regular army, and served for three years, receiving an honorable discharge on the expiration of that term. In 1879 he came to Lewiston and entered from the government a claim of one hundred and sixty acres of land, which he has improved and still owns. He has erected a good residence on the place and now has the fields planted to wheat. He also has a good residence in Lewiston, where he and his family make their home. For some years Mr. Strong has been engaged in the undertaking business, and in 1888 pursued a course in the embalming school conducted by Dr. Rogers, of San Francisco. He was graduated there October 23, 1890, and has since done most excellent work in the line of embalming. He keeps a large line of caskets and everything pertaining to a first-class undertaking business, and has acquired an excellent reputation. His reliable business methods have gained him a very desirable position in the ranks of the leading business men of Lewiston, all of whom entertain for him the highest regard and accord him their confidence.

In 1877 Mr. Strong led to the marriage altar Miss Ester A. Blackington, a native of Illinois and a daughter of M. R. Blackington, who removed from Vermont to Illinois. Mrs. Strong is a valued member of the Methodist church, and Mr. Strong holds membership in the Knights of Pythias fraternity. Both have many warm friends in Lewiston, won through their sterling qualities of mind and heart. In his political views and affiliations Mr. Strong was for many years connected with the Republican Party, but now disagrees with it on the great money question. He has served his city as one of her councilmen and has twice been elected coroner of Nez Perces County. His duties have been promptly and faithfully performed, and no trust reposed in him, whether of a public or private nature, has ever been betrayed.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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