Biographical Sketch of William P. Newby

Enterprising and industrious in all his ways, the subject of this sketch is one of the men that have added materially to the wealth of Wallowa County, developing here, in an excellent manner, the resources with which the county abounds so fully, meanwhile manifesting that continuity of purpose and determination which brook no defeat and stop not at any obstacle, while his moral qualities of genuine worth and high order have shone without intermission, giving him the approbation, esteem, and confidence of all who may have the pleasure of his acquaintance.

William Newby was born in Iowa on July 29, 1862, to Nathan and Mary (Ravenhill) Newby, natives of England. The parents were pioneers to Iowa, the father being instrumental in laying one of the first roads that coursed through that portion of the populous state. The parents now live at Tacoma, Washington. In 1880 they came to the Cove country in Union county and for three years made their home there, never investing, however, in real estate there. During those years, they were exploring the various portions of the country, gaining information relative to settling permanently. In 1883 our subject made up his mind that Wallowa county was the place to abide and accordingly came thither, and soon selected a homestead, where he lives at the present, two miles southwest from Joseph. His estate has increased from the original quarter section to four hundred acres. His estate is in every way well improved and skillfully and tastily handled and presents an appearance of thrift and wisdom equal to, if not in advance of, any farm in the county. In addition to producing fruits of the field, Mr. Newby gives much attention to handling and raising stock, having some fine herds. His buildings are comfortable and commodious and he displays a sagacity and untiring attention to his business that has won the smiles of fortune and he enjoys his due meed, excellent success and a generous income.

On April 16, 1893, Mr. Newby married Miss Minnie Daugherty, a native of Oregon, and they have become the parents of two children, as follows: Bolds, born March 20, 1895: Grace, born February 28, 1898. Mr. Newby affiliates with the I.O.O.F., Silver Lake Lodge, No. 84. Among his fellows he is highly esteemed and is very popular and his unswerving integrity and genial nature have won him hosts of stanch friends from every walk of life and he stands today one of the prominent men of the county, respected because of his intelligence and good sound judgment, and admired because of his real moral worth.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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