Biographical Sketch of Smith Thompson

Last Updated on March 21, 2012 by

Smith Thompson was born in Beaver County, Pa., January 15, 1834. Removed to Ohio in 1847; thence to Henry County, Iowa, in 1853. Enlisted in April 1861 in Company F, First Iowa Volunteer Infantry, under the first call of the President. Enlisted again in the fall of 1861, in Company D, Fourteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and held a commission as Lieutenant in said company. Was wounded in the head and side at Shiloh, and in the thigh at Pilot Knob, Mo. He was afterward appointed First Lieutenant of Company F, Seventh United States Veteran Volunteers of First Army Corps (Hancock’s). Was mustered out at Baltimore, June, 1866. Came to Jewell County in 1871. He is a member of G. A. R., Post No. 34.


Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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