Biography of Otto E. Janzow

Last Updated on July 13, 2012 by

Among those men who confine their activities to the real estate field and have won success in handling and managing property interests is Otto E. Janzow, of St. Louis, who was born in Lewiston, Minnesota, February 22, 1877. His father, Charles L. Janzow, now deceased, came to the new world from Usedom, Pomerania, Germany, when but five years of age. He entered the ministry of the Lutheran church and was engaged in pastoral work from 1883 until 1911. He married Wilhelmina Miller in St. Louis and they became the parents of three sons and four daughters, Otto E. being the second of the living children. The others are: Paul, who married Clara Trainpe and is a mover; Nina, who is the wife of Herman Ritz, a bookkeeper in Minnesota; Clara; Laura; Hilda, and Carl.

Otto E. Janzow was educated in parochial schools of St. Louis and also attended Walther College of this city and also Concordia College at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. From 1898 until 1901 he was pastor of a church in Minnesota and from 1901 until 1910 was connected with ministerial duties in St. Louis, being pastor of the Grace Lutheran church throughout that period. In the latter year he became identified with the Wellston Trust Company of Wellston, Missouri, serving as secretary and treasurer until 1914. He then turned his attention to the real estate and loan business in Wellston, conducting his interests under his own name. Through the Intervening period he has continued to operate in real estate as a general dealer, buying and selling property, and he has negotiated many important realty transfers. He has thoroughly acquainted himself with the real estate market and his enterprise and sound judgment are manifest in all of his transactions.

In St. Louis, on the 7th of September, 1898, Mr. Janzow was united in marriage to Miss Ellen S. Gerling, a daughter of L. W. Gerling, now deceased. To them have been born two daughters and a son: Otto H., who is a graduate of the Soldan high school and is planning to attend Washington University; Gertrude and Eleanor, at home.

During America’s connection with the World war Mr. Janzow did active work in connection with home service and was appointed captain of a committee for securing Liberty loan subscriptions. He introduced many speakers in connection with the promotion of the loan and personally subscribed to all the various war drives. His political allegiance Is given to the republican party and he served as city collector of Wellston from 1910 until 1911. He also belongs to the Wellston Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the Soldan School Patrons Association. His religious faith is that of the Lutheran church, his membership being in the Grace Lutheran church of St. Louis. He is continually putting forth earnest and effective effort for public welfare along all the lines leading to material, intellectual, social and moral progress, and his worth as a man and citizen is widely acknowledged.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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