Biography of N. P. Damewood

Last Updated on May 29, 2013 by Dennis

In a history of the agricultural development of Nebraska township and of Page county mention should be made of N. P. Damewood, who for more than half a century has been identified with the farming interests of this part of the state. His home is situated on the county line and comprises one hundred and two acres. That which lies in Page county is on sections 24 and 25, Nebraska township, while twenty-two acres extend across the boundary line into Dallas township, Taylor county.

His life record began in Dubois county, Indiana, November 9, 1852, and in the spring of 1857 he was brought to Iowa by his parents, Isaac and Elizabeth (McFarren) Damewood, who settled in Taylor county. Both the father and mother were natives of east Tennessee, where they were reared and married. They afterward went to Indiana, where two children were born unto them. When they had spent six or eight years in Indiana they determined to seek a home west of the Mississippi and as stated took up their abode in Taylor county. Their last days were spent in Page county where the father served as sheriff for eight consecutive years. He died at the age of seventy-seven years and the mother passed away a year later at the age of seventy-five years. They had a large family of thirteen children: F. A., who for the past twenty-seven years has been a railway mail clerk and is living in Nebraska City; E. C., whose home is in Coin, Iowa, J. H., a resident of Clarinda; Nancy, who died unmarried; N. P., of this review ; Erastus, who died in childhood; Mrs. Sallie Duke, deceased; Bessie, the wife of John Riggle; William, who is living in Wyoming; I. M., of Gravity, Iowa; Carrie, the wife of Wallace Hoskins, of Page county ; U. G., a resident of Clarinda; and Minnie, who died in infancy.

When the family came to Iowa they established their home about three miles south of Newmarket but after living there for three years the parents removed to Nebraska township, where N. P. Damewood has resided most of the time since. He has been on this farm for the past twenty-seven years save for a brief period. The place comprises one hundred and two acres of land, all of which is situated on sections 24 and 25, Nebraska township, with the exception of twenty-two acres which lie across the boundary line in Dallas township, Taylor county. There are good buildings upon the farm which were erected by Mr. Damewood and he is busily employed in tilling the soil and in raising stock. He annually harvests good crops of corn and other cereals and good grades of cattle, horses and hogs are found in his pastures and feed lots.

On the 28th of December 1876, Mr. Damewood was united in marriage to Miss Clara Harrington, who was born in Delaware county, New York, February 27, 1858, and is the daughter of Eli Patton and Phoebe Ann (Olmstead) Harrington, both of whom were natives of New York. During the Civil war the father was a soldier of the Union army for one year, serving in Company H, of the Fifty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was assigned to duty at St. Louis and by reason of his strength was detached for service in the unloading of war vessels. In that work he was exposed to many hardships and to all kinds of inclement weather, and by reason of the fact that he was obliged to work in mud and water he contracted rheumatism and his health became greatly impaired. He never fully recovered and by a year lie was honorably discharged. As a result of his military experience he eventually drew the pension of one wholly incapacitated for physical labor. For more than three years prior to his death he was confined to bed as the victim of paralysis. In 1856 he had removed with his family from New York to Knox county, Illinois, and about 1872 arrived in Page county. After living in Clarinda for seven or eight years he removed to Nebraska township, where his remaining clays were passed, his death occurring in 1901 when he was seventy years of age, the funeral services being held in the Methodist Episcopal church in Hawleyville, where his remains were interred in the Memory cemetery. He was a man of the strictest integrity of character and left behind him that proudest of achievements-a good name. His widow, who had tenderly cared for him through all the years of his suffering, passed away on May 6, 1904, at the age of seventy years. She was born in Delaware county, New York, March 4, 1834. When she was sixteen years of age she was converted and became a member of the Methodist church and throughout her entire life was a most earnest and consistent Christian. Her remains were interred by the side of her husband in Memory cemetery, and three children were left to mourn her loss: Mrs. Damewood ; Dr. J. S. Harrington, a resident of Kansas City, Missouri; and Luella E., who is now residing with her sister. One child, George L, who was the third member of the family, lied at the age of a year and a half. Mr. and Mrs. Damewood have many friends here and enjoy the hospitality of the best homes, for their many sterling qualities have gained them the warm regard of all with whom they have been brought in contact.


Kershaw, W. L. History of Page County, Iowa: also biographical sketches of some prominent citizens of the county. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1909.

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