Biography of Hon. Granville Hogan

When the city boy crosses swords with the country lad in the struggle for ascendency, the odds are against him. There is something in the daily habits of the farm bred boy-the early rising, the necessity to make each blow tell-which develops in him a sturdiness and determination that count as most forceful factors in the world’s work when coupled with persistency and laudable ambition. This statement finds verification in the life record of Hon. Granville Hogan, judge of the circuit court of St. Louis, who was born October 20, 1878, at Merrimac, Kentucky, a son of the late Thomas Hogan, who was likewise born in the Blue Grass state and belonged to one of its old families that was founded in Virginia about two hundred and fifty years ago. The family is of Irish lineage and representatives of the name participated in the Revolutionary war. With the western emigration the Hogan family became connected with the pioneer development of Kentucky, where Thomas Hogan was afterward a successful farmer and stock raiser and also engaged in the tobacco business. He passed away at Merrimac, Kentucky, February 8, 1896. He had been a stanch republican in politics and was very active in supporting the party in his state. He married Lydia Rhodes, a native of Merrimac, Kentucky, whose people had also settled in the state in pioneer times, coming from Pennsylvania and Virginia, the Rhodes family being of English descent. Mrs. Hogan is still living, making her home at Merrimac, where she reared her family of three sons and a daughter, all yet living.

Judge Hogan was the second in order of birth. He was educated in the public schools of his native city and also through self-study, whereby he qualified for academic training and entered the Valparaiso University at Valparaiso, Indiana. He was there graduated with the LL. B. degree as a member of the class of 1902, but long before he had qualified for the practice of law he was earning his own livelihood. At the time of his father’s death, which occurred when the son was eighteen years of age, Granville Hogan started out to provide for his own support. He entered the lumber business and was engaged at manual labor, not only providing for life’s necessities but also thus securing the means for his education. On the completion of his law course he removed to Wilburton in the Indian Territory and there became principal of the public schools, occupying that position for two years. But looking ahead, he saw the vast opportunities for practice in a city and, resigning his school position, removed to St. Louis, where he took up his abode in May, 1904. Here he entered upon the private practice of law, in which he has continued most successfully. Advancement at the bar is proverbially slow and yet within a comparatively short time Mr. Hogan had won recognition as a lawyer of ability and power, well versed in the principles of jurisprudence and correct in his application of such principles to the points in litigation. During 1912 he became a member of the firm of Hogan & Blodgett. He served as assistant circuit attorney under S. B. Jones and was elected judge of the city courts in 1915, filling that position for a period of tour years. In November, 1918, he was called to higher judicial position in his election as judge of the circuit. court for a six years’ term.

The important events of life often hinge upon seemingly trivial circumstances. It occurred that in the course of his practice Mr. Hogan often had occasion to call at the office of Mayor Kiel, and one day on entering the mayor’s room he was surprised to find him chatting with a most attractive young lady. He hastily started to withdraw, but Mayor Kiel called him back, saying: “Mr. Hogan, you are just in time, as I wish you to meet my daughter.” The introduction proved the beginning of an acquaintance that soon ripened into a warmer feeling and on the 15th of November, 1909, Judge Hogan and Miss Henrietta Kiel were united in marriage in St. Louis. They have become the parents of three children Hortense, Muriel and Ardeth.

During the war period Judge Hogan was a most active worker In support of the interests of the government In its connection with the allies. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and his connections along professional lines are with the American Bar Association and the St. Louis Bar Association. Fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America, while in club circles he Is well known as a representative of the Riverview and Century Boat Clubs, being vice president of the former. Aside from his professional interests he has become a director of a number of corporations, is a director of the Republic National Bank of St. Louis and thus in various ways and along many lines has become recognized as a potent factor in the life of the city. Giving ready heed to the call of opportunity, he has steadily advanced and has ever maintained that even-balanced character which results from a recognition of one’s duties and responsibilities in the way of physical, mental and moral progress.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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