Perkins, Rufus “Perk” – Obituary

Sparta, Baker County, Oregon

We regret to hear of the death of Rufus Perkins, of Sparta, which occured December 8th, at the home of his family in Illinois, whither he went about a year ago, on a visit.

He had been in bad health for some time and his death was not unexpected, but in his death the people of this vicinity have met a loss that it is very probable will never be replaced.

“Perk” was ever ready to accomodate or extend a helping hand to the deserving when in need, and we fear it will be a long time ere his equal in kindness and generosity takes his place in this vicinity. Peace to his ashes.

Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday
January 10, 1889



White, Judy Wallis. Baker County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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