Fisher Genealogical History

Fisher Genealogical History starts with Sebastian Fisher, a native of Germany, with his wife Susanna and their two small children, embarked for England at Rotterdam, Holland, on July 28, 1708. The family came with the intention of settling on land in the Schoharie Valley in New York, but found on arrival that they did not hold legal tender to the land, since the land was not first purchased from the Native Americans. Sebastian then moved with other German immigrants who had also purchased land to the Tulpehocken Valley of Pennsylvania, where he settled his family. The 76 pages of the manuscript take some of the descendants of Sebastian and Susanna Fisher into the 20th century.

While this book is listed as being published in 1942, it is obvious that somebody inserted two pages at the end of the manuscript taking the family of William Solomon and Mary Fisher into the 1980’s. Book has no table of contents, or index, and has irregular page numbers and there are pen markings and highlights on some pages. Numbers placed before names of individuals are for convenience and do not indicate the number of descendants, many of whom have not been included A page number placed in parentheses at the left margin before a name indicates where the short biographical sketch of that individual may be found.


  • Book has no table of contents.
  • Irregular page numbers.
  • Pen markings and highlights on some pages.


Harding, Gertrude Fisher. Fisher Genealogical History. Self-Published, 1942.



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