Slave Narrative of Will Oats

Interviewer: Hazel Cinnamon Person Interviewed: Will Oats Location: Mercer County, Kentucky Place of Birth: Wayne County KY Date of Birth: 1854 Age: 84 Mercer County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Hazel Cinnamon) Interview with Will Oats-Ex-Slave: Will Oats, 84 years of age, was born in Wayne County, up Spring Valley in 1854. He was the son of Betty Oats and Will Garddard of North Carolina. He has three sisters: Lucy Wilson, Frances Phillips that live in Ohio, and Alice Branton of Mercer County, Kentucky. He has two brothers; Jim Coffey and Lige Coffey of Harrodsburg. As a child he lived with his mother, … Read more

Mercer County, Kentucky Census Records

1790 Mercer County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Mercer County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Mercer County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Mercer County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Surname A – C Surname D – J Surname K – Q Surname R – Z Hosted at … Read more

Biography of Thomas C. Fletcher

One of the earliest pioneers of this region of the country, a man whose life has always been dominated by wisdom prudence and upright principles,. having ever manifested also stanch virtues and a reliability that are becoming a good citizen and faithful man, the subject of this article is vie of the leading men of Malheur County, and a prominent resident of Ontario. Thomas C. was born in Mercer County, Kentucky, on October 11, 1841, being the son of Jewett and Elizabeth Fletcher. When our subject was six years of age he had the misfortune to lose his father and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Cecil

Henry Cecil, farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Charleston; owns 215 acres worth $40 per acre; he was born in Mercer Co., Ky., Feb. 15, 1826; lived on the farm, engaged with his father in farming until 21 years of age. Was then married to Hannah E. Robinson Oct. 7, 1847; she was born in Shelby Co., Ky., July 23, 1827; they have had seven children – Keziah F., Margaret J., Henry H., Mary R. E., Adda, Daniel E., and John I., who is dead. Mr. Cecil held the office of School Director six years, and Constable three years; Mrs. Cecil’s … Read more

Fisher Genealogical History

Fisher Genealogical History by Gertrude Fisher Harding

This manuscript starts with Sebastian Fisher, a native of Germany, with his wife Susanna and their two small children, embarked for England at Rotterdam, Holland, on July 28, 1708. The family came with the intention of settling on land in the Schoharie Valley in New York, but found on arrival that they did not hold legal tender to the land, since the land was not first purchased from the Native Americans. Sebastian then moved with other German immigrants who had also purchased land to the Tulpehocken Valley of Pennsylvania, where he settled his family. The 76 pages of the manuscript take some of the descendants of Sebastian and Susanna Fisher into the 20th century.

Slave Narrative of Aunt Harriet Mason

Interviewer: Eliza Ison Person Interviewed: Harriet Mason Location: Lancaster, Kentucky Place of Birth: Garrard County KY Date of Birth: April 14, 1847 Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) [HW: Ky 11] Aunt Harriet Mason-Ex-Slave: She was born one mile below Bryantsville on the Lexington Pike in Garrard County, and was owned by B.M. Jones. She gives the date of her birth as April 14, 1847. Aunt Harriet’s father was Daniel Scott, a slave out of Mote Scott’s slave family. Aunt Harriet’s mother’s name was Amy Jones, slave of Marse Briar Jones, who came from Harrodsburg, Ky. The names of her … Read more

Biography of David Knox

David Knox was born in Ireland, in 1700. He had a son named Andrew, who was born in 1728. In 1732 Mr. Knox came to America, bringing his little son with him, and settled in Philadelphia County, Pa. Andrew married Isabella White, of Pennsylvania, and they had-Robert, David, Martha, James, John, William, Mary, and Andrew, Jr. Mr. Knox was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and having taken an active part in the events of the day, a reward was offered for him, dead or alive, by the British authorities. On the night of the 14th of February, 1778, he … Read more

Biography of Alfred F. Barnett

Alfred F. Barnett was born in Mercer County, Kentucky, November 23,1816, and lived there two years, when his parents, Zacharius and Nancy Burnett, migrated to Missouri and settled near Fayette, Howard County. There he was reared, and lived until 1847, when he removed to Daviess county and settled on a farm in Jefferson township, continuing in agricultural pursuits for two years. In 1849 he came to Gallatin and engaged in the mercantile business with R. S. Owings, under the firm name of Barnett & Owings, and continued in the business until the summer of 1851, when he retired from the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Kerr

The father of William Kerr, whose name was Thomas, died when he was six years of age. They were originally of Virginia, but at the time of Mr. Kerr’s death they were living in Mercer County, Ky. William was bound out by his mother, who did not feel able to raise him; and in 1827 he came to Montgomery County. Here he married and had James H. H., George W., Elizabeth, William A., John T., Melissa C., Benjamin, Sophia, William, Douglass M., and Milton. Two of the children are dead, and all the others, except one, who resides in Lincoln … Read more

Biography of James Wheatley

James Wheatley, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Hinesboro; the subject of this sketch was born in Charleston, Clarke Co., Ind., Aug. 9, 1826; he married Miss Mary E. Work Jan. 10, 1850; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., Dec. 20,1831; they had six children, five living, viz., Junius, Dessie, Carlos, Lucien and Ozeta; he lived in Indiana about eight years, when, with his father, he went to Kentucky and lived in Lexington and Harrodsburg until his 18th year, when he returned to his birthplace in Indiana and engaged in farming until he was married; after his marriage, he removed … Read more