Biography of Richard Stoddert

Last Updated on September 1, 2011 by

Richard Stoddert, farmer, stock-dealer and merchant, Charleston; was born in Grayson Co., Ky., March 28, 1812; his early life was passed on his father’s farm, and when quite young, he was apprenticed to learn the tanner’s trade; about the year 1831, he went to Madisonville, Hopkins Co., Ky., where he remained until 1838, when he came to Charleston; he engaged in the tanning business with his brother, Thomas Stoddert, the firm being R. & T. Stoddert, the partnership continuing for about thirty years in tanning, merchandising, farming and dealing in stock; they had at one time about 800 acres of land in the county; in 1870, Mr. Stoddert began the hardware and lumber business with W. S. Minton, who afterward disposed of his interest to George Steigman; since 1876, the firm has been R. Stoddert & Sons; Mr. Stoddert still continues his farming and stock operations, having a farm of nearly five hundred acres in Charleston and Hickory Tps. His first county office was that of Treasurer of Coles Co., to which he was elected in 1839, serving two terms, after which he was for two years Sheriff of the county; he has served as Commissioner of Highways, School Trustee and two terms on the Board of Supervisors; in 1873, he was elected County Clerk, and held that office four years. He was first married Dec. 25, 1844, to Miss Catharine Rizor, of Charleston; she died in February, 1872. leaving five children – -Benjamin (who was born in Charleston Feb. 4, 1846, and is now in the hardware and lumber business with his father), Harry (who was born Dec. 8, 1847; educated in the public schools and at Westfield College, Ill; married Nov. 12, 1873, to Miss Zulima Pinatel, daughter of Charles Pinatel, of Charleston, and has two children – Charles Richard and Catharine; he is of the firm of R. Stoddert & Sons), Thomas (a law student in Charleston), Frank and Fremont. Mr. Stoddert was married a second time, April 27, 1875, to Mrs. G. H. Robinson, of Madisonville, Ky.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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