Biographical Sketch of J. P. H. Harrah

Last Updated on September 18, 2011 by

J. P. H. Harrah, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of Putnam Co., Ind.; he was born near Greencastle June 4, 18485 and is a son of Daniel F. Harrah; in 1858, he removed with his father’s family to Jasper Co., Ill., where he remained on the farm until 1867; he then engaged in teaching school in Jasper Co.; in August, 1868, he entered Westfield College, Ill., and remained as a student in that institution two years; returning home in 1870, he began reading law, and, in the fall of 1871, went to Newton, the county seat of Jasper Co., as deputy in the office of the County Treasurer, continuing his law studies under the direction of Col. John H. Halley, a prominent attorney of that city; in November, 1872, he was elected State’s Attorney for Jasper Co., although he was not admitted to the bar until October, 1873, owing to a rule of the Supreme Court of the State requiring candidates for admission to spend two years in an attorney’s office; he continued to hold the office of State’s Attorney until 1876; he also served one term as City Attorney; he was appointed a Justice of the Peace in December, 1876, by Gov. Cullom; in 1877, he came to Charleston and has since been engaged in the practice of law in this city. He was married Jan. 8, 1873, to Miss Emma L. Gill, a daughter of Thomas Gill, of Cumberland Co., Ill.; she died Oct. 6, 1,878, leaving two children – Edith A. and Hattie A.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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