Biography of F. A. Dickie

Last Updated on June 27, 2011 by

F. A. Dickie, of Mitchell County, had found that type of success which is a product of a well balanced mind, of sound judgment, of long and persistent industry, of straightforward dealings in all his varied relationships, and there are none who can begrudge and envy his prosperity.

He belongs to some of the fine old pioneer stock in the state. He was born in Illinois April 4, 1862, a son of W. H. and Charity Dickie, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. About the time he was born his father was away fighting the battles of the Union as a private in the One Hundred and Second Illinois Infantry. W. H. Dickie served three years in the army, and he made a most creditable record, terminating in an honorable discharge. He and his wife were the parents of eight children, and the five now living are Mary, F. A., Nettie, William and Nancy.

F. A. Dickie’s parents were good, honest and substantial people, and while they did not give their son wealth they gave him what was much more valuable, a training and inheritance of those virtues which are fundamental to every successful career.

It was in 1869 that the Dickie family came out to Kansas. They remained a short time in Johnson County, and then removed to the St. John and Parker farm, where they made several crops. They then went to Cedar Junction, but finally returned to Olathe, where the parents remained three years.

In 1884 F. A. Dickie started out for himself, and coming to Mitchell County bought his present farm of eighty acres. That was the foundation of his career, and with that as a nucleus he had steadily continued his labors and had extended his land holdings until he is now the owner of 720 acres, all under a high state of cultivation. He had farmed this most profitably and progressively for many years, and while his farming had been conducted along general lines, one special feature of it had been the raising of Poland China and Duroc hogs.

Naturally a man of his substantial interests had been drawn into local business affairs. He is president of the State Bank of Asherville and is also president of the Asherville Elevator Company. Long active in the Baptist Church, he is now superintendent of the Sunday school.

In 1892 he married Miss Clara S. Brown, daughter of C. L. and E. C. Brown. Fraternally Mr. Dickie is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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