Biography of F. A. Dickie

F. A. Dickie, of Mitchell County, had found that type of success which is a product of a well balanced mind, of sound judgment, of long and persistent industry, of straightforward dealings in all his varied relationships, and there are none who can begrudge and envy his prosperity. He belongs to some of the fine old pioneer stock in the state. He was born in Illinois April 4, 1862, a son of W. H. and Charity Dickie, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. About the time he was born his father was away fighting the battles of the Union … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Rees

Benjanin Rees. For a half century the Rees family had been known in Mitchell County, Kansas. While largely agricultural, it had been otherwise connected but had always been numbered with the stable, reliable, progressive and law-abiding class. The leading representative at present, Benjamin Rees, a substantial farmer residing at Asherville, was born on the site of this village in 1869. He is a son of John and Nancy Bees, the former of whom is an honored retired resident of Barnard, Lincoln County, Kansas, and the latter of whom died there in 1906. John Rees was born in Wales and from … Read more