Biographical Sketch of J. B. Flenner

Last Updated on October 23, 2011 by

J. B. Flenner, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Westfield; was born in Butler Co., Ohio, Nov. 18, 1829; up to the age of 24, he remained engaged in farming with his parents; in 1853, they started West, stopping in Clark Co. for five years, when they moved to Coles Co., reaching here in August, 1858, and settled on a farm in Sec. 30, Hutton Tp., near “Otterbein Cemetery,” where his mother died Aug. 1, 1859; shortly after, Mr. Flenner settled upon the farm where he now resides, his father, since the death of his mother, residing with him; his farm contains 570 acres, all improved, upon which he has built what is considered the finest residence in this section of the county; has been School Director for three or four terms. He married Miss Ursula Moore, daughter of Levi D. Moore, of Butler Co., Ohio), Feb. 17, 1853; they had five children – three boys and two girls; two boys living – Wilbur F. and Charles B., one dying in infancy; and two girls both living – Alice F. (now Mrs. Albert Connelly, of Hoopeston, Vermilion Co. Ill.), and Ella. Mr. Flenner has been engaged in breeding Poland-China hogs for nearly forty years, and was instrumental in developing and establishing this breed of hogs in Coles Co; he raises on an average 250 hogs of this breed each year; one year the average weight was 598 pounds, and average age 18 months. Mr. Flenner’s parents connected themselves early in life with the Methodist Church, and were always consistent and upright members of that denomination.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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