Biographical Sketch of George Washington Schaffer

The subject of this sketch, George Washington Schaffer, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, July 4, 1847. His parents removed, during his boyhood, to Galesburg, Illinois, where they resided several years. Returning to St. Louis, Mr. Schaffer engaged in the butcher business, and continued there until the fall of 1868. His next field of operation was Kansas City, where he followed his trade for some time. From Kansas City he went to St. Joseph, where he remained until 1874, and then returned to St. Louis. He lived in St. Louis one year, during which time he had a rib broken while separating some unruly cattle. The butchers association, to which he belonged, then sent him out with Cole’s Lightning-rod Company, and he traveled with them in Kansas. After another trial of the butcher’s business in Kansas City, he went to Chicago in the fall of 1875 and remained there one year in the employ of Fowler Brothers. From Chicago he proceeded to Atchison, Kansas, and thence again to St. Joseph. On first coming to Daviess county, he stopped in Gallatin, but moved out to Jamesport in the spring of 1880, and again began butchering beef for the hungry. He is one of the firm in the meat-market business of Dinsmore & Schaffer, and is also senior member of the firm of Schafer & Parks, confectioners and restaurateurs.

He is a good business man, and has the confidence of the citizens of Jamesport and vicinity. Born on the anniversary of our national independence, Mr. Schaffer’s parents could not have given him a more appropriate name than George Washington.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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