Biographical Sketch of G. B. Davis

G. B. Davis, farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Loxa; born in Hutton Tp., Coles Co., Dec. 12, 1836; was brought up a farmer; received his education in a common school during the winter months. Mr. D. resided at home with his parents until he was 32 years of age, during which time he assisted on the farm and also taught school; he taught school in Hutton Tp. and the district where he now resides 104 months in all. He was married to Elizabeth Atkins Aug. 12, 1869; she was born in Clark Co., this State, Sept. 3, 1844; have two children – Sarah Annie and Mattie L. Held office of Town Clerk one year, and Justice of the Peace eight years; was a soldier in the late war; served in Co. C, 68th I. V. I.; held rank of Second Lieutenant; went from Charleston. He was in the expedition that captured John Morgan at the time of his famous raid in Ohio. Mr. D. is a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. D. belongs to the Church of United Brethren. His parents, John C. and Elizabeth, were among the pioneer-settlers of this county. Both are now deceased.


Biography, Civil War,

Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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