Biography of Joseph D. Daly

Last Updated on May 12, 2012 by

Among the officers of Ada County, Idaho, is Joseph DeWitt Daly, who is now acceptably filling the position of tax collector and assessor. He possesses that spirit of enterprise which has produced the rapid and wonderful development of the vast region west of the Mississippi, and in the discharge of his duties manifests a loyalty and faithfulness that has made his service most efficient, winning him the commendation of the best citizens of the community.

A native of Missouri, he was born in Putnam County, on the 13th of January 1850, his parents being William and Permelia (Holland) Daly. His father was a native of Kentucky, born in 1801, and by occupation was a farmer. He continued his residence in Missouri until 1852, when he removed to Oregon, his death occurring at his home near Jacksonville, that state, in September, 1892. His wife, who was born in Tennessee, in 181 1, died in Missouri, in 1866. This worthy couple were the parents of twelve children, ten of whom are living. Six of the sons were soldiers in the Union army during the civil war, and two of them served throughout the entire conflict. Few families can show such a record for military valor or have so effectively labored for the welfare of the nation. Six brothers loyally following the old flag and defending the cause it represented, is a history of which any family might well be proud, and the name of Daly is deeply engraved on the military annals of the country.

Joseph D. Daly acquired his education in the public schools of northern Missouri, and was reared to manhood on his father’s farm, early becoming familiar with all the duties and obligations which fall to the lot of the agriculturist. After attaining his majority he continued the pursuit to which he had been reared, being numbered among the energetic farmers of Missouri until 1887, when he removed to Idaho, locating in Ada County, ten miles west of Boise, where he still owns a farm, of which twelve acres has been planted to fruit-trees. In the cultivation and improvement of his land he displayed great energy, industry and sound judgment, and his vantageously, and then returned to Oregon. In 1863 he came to Idaho with a pack train, bringing the first sawmill to the Boise basin.

Since that time Mr. Galloway has been prominently connected with the development and progress of this section of the state. For some time he engaged in mining in the Boise basin, and also transported goods for others by pack trains, and in the month of September came to the present site of the now thriving and beautiful little city of Weiser. He erected the first building a structure of willow logs, plastered with mud and covered with a dirt roof, but having neither floor nor door. He kept the pony-express station and furnished food to the traveler. This was the first hotel in the town, but though he supplied the meals the visitors slept in their own blankets. In 1865 he built the first frame house in the town, paying forty dollars per thousand feet for the lumber, and hauling it ninety miles. From 1864 until 1868 he was an express agent, ‘and for many years served as postmaster of Weiser. He became extensively engaged in stock raising, and still has large numbers of cattle and horses. He was instrumental in inaugurating the movement which resulted in the construction of the splendid irrigation ditch which takes water from the Weiser River, eight miles above the town, and carries it nine miles beyond the town. It now irrigates six thousand acres of land and has a much great-er capacity. This enterprise was started by the farmers in 1881 and was not a success until Mr. Galloway took charge of the same in 1885. He finally sold an interest in the property, in order to get money to complete the ditch. There is neither bond nor mortgage on it, water is sup-plied to the farmers at the rate of a dollar and a quarter per acre and the enterprise has proven of incalculable benefit to this section of the state. Some of the finest crops of grains and fruits are raised on the lands thus irrigated, and it is the only irrigation company in Idaho that is not in debt or has its system mortgaged. Mr. Galloway is one of the most extensive landowners of the state, having thirteen hundred and sixty acres in the vicinity of Weiser, and eighty acres within the city limits. In 1890 a disastrous fire swept over the city, destroying a large part of the old town, twenty-two houses being reduced to ashes, but these have been replaced by better building sand Mr. Galloway has lived to see the town which he founded becoming an enterprising center of trade, enjoying a stable growth and continued prosperity.

On the 27th of February 1868, Mr. Galloway married Miss Mary Flournoy, who was born in Missouri, but was of Virginian ancestry. Her father was A. W. Flournoy, one of the pioneers of Idaho. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Galloway have been born nine children, all of whom are living. The entire expenses incurred by the family for physician’s services is thirty-seven dollars and a half, and the lawyers’ fees have only amounted to ten dollars a remarkable record indicating the healthfulness of Idaho and the good sense and sound judgment of Mr. and Airs. Galloway. Their eldest daughter, Anna, is now the wife of Lewis Dickerson, who resides in Weiser; Francis H. and Mary F. are graduates of the State Normal School and are popular teachers in Idaho – Charles is now a volunteer soldier in Manila, having enlisted with the cadets of the university, at Moscow; Flournoy, Guy, Kate, James and Thomas C. are all at home with their parents.

In his political belief Mr. Galloway is a silver Republican. He has been twice elected and served for two terms in the territorial senate, has also been trustee and justice of the peace of Weiser, and has ever discharged his official duties with promptness and ability. He and his wife have a large and commodious residence, in which they are spending the evening of their lives in peace and comfort. Their home is surrounded by fruit trees of their own planting, and their labors of former years now supply them with all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. Mr. Galloway takes a deep and abiding interest in everything pertaining to the well being of Idaho, and is justly accorded a place among her honored pioneers.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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