Biography of Edward E. Lorton

Last Updated on April 29, 2012 by

Edward Ewell Lorton, the proprietor of The City Drug Store, at Salubria, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Montgomery County, that state, on the 29th of May 1866. The family of which he is a representative is of English origin, and the ancestry can be traced back to John S. Lorton, the great-grandfather of our subject, who took up his abode in Baltimore, Maryland, at one time owning the town location, whence he afterward removed to Norfolk, North Carolina, in 1801, and there his son, John J., the grandfather of our subject, was born, March 20, 1805. In 1810 John S. Lorton and family removed to Warren County, Kentucky, where William H. Lorton, father of Edward Ewell Lorton, was born, February 20, 1827. Having arrived at years of maturity he married Miss Mary A. Sailor, their union being solemnized November 11, 1854. She was a native of Missouri, in which state William H. Lorton engaged in stock dealing. He owned a large amount of land there and carried on business on an extensive scale. In 1888 he came with his family to Idaho, locating in Salubria, where he is now living a retired life.

Edward E. Lorton, whose name introduces this sketch, is the fifth in order of birth in a family of six children. He was educated in Shell City, Missouri, and for a number of years successfully engaged in teaching school, being a most able and efficient instructor, having marked ability to impart clearly and concisely to others the knowledge that he had acquired. In 1895 he purchased the pioneer drug store of Salubria, it having been established by W. D. Shaw, in 1889. From the beginning Mr. Lorton has enjoyed a good trade, which is constantly increasing, and the prosperity which is attending his efforts is well deserved. As a businessman he is highly regarded for his probity, and his upright, honorable methods commend him to the confidence and support of all. In politics he is a Democrat and religiously he is connected with the Christian church. A popular resident of Salubria, having many friends in the community, he is justly deserving mention among the representative men of western Idaho.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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