Biography of Alexander S. Robertson

In the field of political life and commercial activity Alexander S. Robertson has won distinction, and today is numbered among the leading, influential and honored citizens of Nampa. A young man, he possesses the enterprising spirit of the west, which has been the dominant factor in producing the wonderful development of this section of the country. Brooking no obstacles that honest effort can overcome, he has steadily worked his way upward until, having long since left the ranks of the many, he today stands among the successful few.

A native of Ontario, he was born in Elgin County, June 22, 1863, and when a child of two years was taken to Whiteside County, Illinois, by his parents, J. A. and Christina (McFarlane) Robertson. They made their home in Morrison and the father was accounted one of the industrious and leading farmers of that community. In 1878 the father removed with his family to Exeter, Fillmore County, Nebraska, where he carried on agricultural pursuits until 1883, when he went to Custer County, Nebraska, and engaged in the banking business, being president of the State Bank at Arnold for several years. In 1890 he took up his residence in Boise, where he still makes his home. He has put aside all business cares, and now in his sixty-fifth year is enjoying the rest which he has so truly earned and richly deserves. His wife is sixty-two years of age, and they have seven children, all of whom are yet living.

Alexander S. Robertson was educated in the public schools of Fulton, Illinois, and Exeter, Nebraska, and received his business training under the direction of his father, in whose bank at Arnold he served as cashier for six years. In 1890 he came to Nampa, where he established a drug store, which he still conducts. He has built up an excellent trade, for his establishment is well equipped with everything found in a first-class drug store, and his straight forward dealing and courtesy to his patrons have won him their confidence and regard. He is by all accorded the position of the leading druggist of Nampa, and the success which he is now enjoying is well merited.

In political affairs Mr. Robertson has ever taken a deep and commendable interest, studying closely the questions which affect the public welfare and influence the policy of the nation. He voted with the Republican Party until 1896, in which year he was sent as a delegate to the national convention at St. Louis. There the attitude of the party on the money question caused him, together with many other delegates from the northwest, to withdraw, and since that time he has been an active “silver” Republican. His, influence in political life has been marked and has ever been exerted in be-half of the principles which he believes contain the best elements of good government. In 1893 he was elected a member of the state legislature, and later was chosen to represent his district in the state senate in the assembly of 1895-6. In every position of honor and trust which he has filled he has made a creditable record for himself and his constituents, and at all times he views broadly and patriotically the questions which come up for settlement.

On the 13th of March, 1885, occurred the marriage of Mr. Robertson and Miss Lelia D. Gordon, of Whiteside County, Illinois, and they now have four children, two daughters and two sons: James D., Mary, Ada and Stewart. The mother is a valued member of the Presbyterian Church and her many excellencies of character have gained her a large circle of friends. Socially Mr. Robertson is connected with the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Home Forum. He has a wide acquaintance throughout the state and is highly respected as a successful businessman of integrity and ability.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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