Pulaski Greys: Company K, 49th Georgia Volunteer Infantry

Last Updated on October 25, 2013 by Dennis

Company K, 49th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia, C. S. A., as compiled by the late A. C. Pipkin. (Fourth Company, from Pulaski County)

S. M. Manning, captain. Enlisted March 4, 1862; elected lieutenant-colonel, March 22, 1862; mortally wounded at Cedar Run, Va., August 9, 1862; died, 1862.

H. H. Whitfield, first lieutenant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; promoted to captain, March 22, 1862; resigned, June 27, 1863.

John H. Pate, second lieutenant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant, March 22, 1862; promoted to captain, June 27, 1862; elected major, July 28, 1863.

E. A. Smith, second lieutenant jr. Enlisted March 4, 1862; wounded at Frasier’s Farm, Va., June 27, 1862; died of wounds, August 7, 1862.

W. R. Collins, first sergeant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; served through the war; absent on furlough on date of surrender of Lee’s army.

W. R. Sapp, second sergeant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; lost arm at Cedar Run, Va., August 9, 1862, and discharged.

A. M. Smith, third sergeant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; elected first lieutenant, August 28, 1863; absent without leave, February 3, 1865.

J. H. Anderson, fourth sergeant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; discharged August 1, 1862, furnishing Nathaniel Lynch as substitute.

Bart H. Harrell, fifth sergeant. Enlisted March 4, 1862; discharged on account of disability, 1862.

A. C. Pipkin, first corporal. Enlisted March 4, 1862; wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; captured at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865; released from prison July 3, 1865.

Jas. W. Fleming, second corporal. Enlisted March 4, 1862; died in Macon, Ga., November 14, 1863.

Thurman Jennings, third corporal. Enlisted March 4, 1862 captured at Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1865.

E. P. Collins, fourth corporal. Enlisted March 4, 1862; wounded at    , 1863.

Privates as Enlisted

Bailey Abney. May 1, 1862; died in service.

J. S. Allen. May 4, 1862; died in hospital at Richmond, Va., June 24, 1862.

William Allen, Jr. March 4, 1862; discharged on account of disability on June 22, 1862.

R. S. Anderson. May 2, 1862; wounded at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862; elected second lieutenant jr., August 2, 1862; elected second lieutenant, August 26, 1864; also wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; elected captain, February 3, 1865; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

W. M. Anderson. March 4, 1862; discharged May 15, 1862, furnishing Millen Scarborough as substitute.

James Argo, Sr. July 26, 1862. Substitute for A. C. McPhail.

Julius A. Bagby. March 4, 1862; wounded at Seven Pines, Va., March 31, 1862; surrendered with company, April 9, 1865.

George E. Baker. March 4, 1862; died April 12, 1862, in Georgia camp.

James H. Baker. March 4, 1862; killed at Cedar Run, Va., August 9, 1862.

Leander Bellflower. March 4, 1862; deserted December, 1863, at Fredericksburg, Va.

S. W. Bellflower. April 28, 1862, as substitute for James Dykes; served through the war.

R. Bostwick. March 4, 1862; died in Richmond, Va., December 27, 1862.

William Boutwell. March 4, 1862; died at Camp Gregg, January 3, 1863.

J. D. Bradshaw. March 4, 1862; appointed musician, November 1, 1864; surrendered with company, April 9, 1865.

William Brown. March 4, 1862. Died at Goldsborough, N. C., 1862.

S. E. Bolinger. March 4, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, Va., April 9, 1865.

Bright Butler. March 4, 1862; surrendered with company, April 9, 1865.

M. L. Carr. March 4, 1862; promoted to sergeant; died in Richmond, Va., May 20, 1864.

Ivey F. Collins. March 4, 1862; wounded near Richmond, Va., 1862.

Seaborn Cone. January 16, 1863; as substitute for D. G. McCormick; discharged, November 1, 1864.

Matthew Coody. March 4, 1862; died in Richmond, Va., July 17, 1862.

Wm. W. W.  Coody. March 4, 1862; died in Richmond, Va., June 15, 1862.

Geo. Coon. March 4, 1862; served through the war.

Robert Coons. March 4, 1862; died of fever at Staunton, Va., 1864.

W. W. Daniel. March 4, 1862.

J. C. Davis. August 29, 1862; died June 2, 1863, in hospital.

E. W. Dixon. March 4, 1862; wounded at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862; appointed first sergeant, 1864; surrendered with company, April 9, 1865.

James Dykes. March 4, 1862; discharged April 8, 1864, furnishing S. W. Bellflower as substitute.

David W. Ewing. March 4, 1862; accidentally wounded at Goldsborough, N. C., 1862; appointed third corporal, and surrendered at Appomattox.

J. M. Fann. March 4, 1862; wounded at Seven Pines, May 31, 1862; discharged November 2, 1863.

Jacob Foskey. March 4, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

W. B. Foskey. March 4, 1862; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Va., July 2, 1863; not heard from since.

Columbus Franks. March 4, 1862; captured at Fort Steadman, Va. (Petersburg), March 25, 1865; released from prison, July 1865.

J. W. Gainor. March 4, 1862; elected junior to second lieutenant, April 2, 1862; killed at Second Manassas, August 30, 1862.

J. T. Garrett. March 1, 1863; served balance of war; absent on furlough April 9, 1865.

James Gilstrap. March 4, 1862; died in hospital at Belmont, Va., in June 1862.

Daniel R. Graves. March 4, 1862; died in hospital at Goldsborough, N. C., June 22, 1862.

Thomas Gregory. March 4, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, Va., April 9, 1865.

W. H. Hammock. March 4, 1862; died in Richmond, Va., June 25, 1862.

Joseph G. Hancock. March 4, 1862; appointed color guard June 16, 1862; killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864.

James G. B. Hancock. March 4, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.

G. W. Harrell. March 4, 1862; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 27, 1862; died in camp, July 3, 1863.

John J. Harrell. May 15, 1862; died in Richmond, Va., July 10, 1862.

Levi Harrell. May 15, 1862; wounded at Gaines’ Mill, Va., June 27, 1862; transferred to Company B, April 3. 1863.

Lovett Harrell. March 4, 1862; died in hospital in Richmond, Va., December 27, 1862.

Richard E. Harrell. March 4, 1862; captured at Wilderness, Va., May 4, 1864; died in prison, 1864.

W. L. Harrell. March 4, 1862; served through the war; absent April 9, 1865.

W. P. Harrell. March 4, 1862; died in Camp Gregg, Va., 1862.

J. L. Heath. March 4, 1862; served through the war.

John T. Hendricks. March 4, 1862; served through the war, and was captured at Fort Steadman, Va., March 25, 1865.

Moses Hallond. March 4, 1862; served through the war, and surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

James Holt. March 4, 1862; killed at Gaines’ Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.

William H. Horton. March 4, 1862; died in hospital in Richmond, Va.

Henry Jennings. September 1, 1864; died in service, November 4, 1864.

A. J. Johnson. March 4, 1862; died in hospital, Richmond. Va., July 15, 1862.

Evans Johnson. March 4. 1862; wounded at Fort Steadman, Va., March 25, 1865.

Green E. Jones. March 4, 1862; wounded at Gaines’ Mill. Va., June 27. 1862.

John W. Jones. March 4. 1862; served through the war.

John Kale. March 1862; wounded in 1863 and discharged.

W. J. Kennedy. March 4, 1862; record and fate unknown.

James P. Kinchen. March 4, 1862; wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.

Daniel Knighton. March 4, 1862; served through the war and surrendered at Appomattox, Va., April 9, 1865.

J. A. Knighton. March 4, 1862; killed at Second Manassas, August 29, 1862.

E. E. Lee. March 4, 1862; wounded at Second Manassas, August 29, 1862.

John F. Lee. March 4, 1862; deserted July 1862.

Thomas E. Lee. March 4, 1862; wounded at Second Manassas, August 30, 1862; elected junior second lieutenant, August 29, 1862; advanced to second lieutenant, July 28, 1863; absent without leave and dismissed, April 26, 1864.

J. Lester. March 4, 1862; served through the war, and surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

A. A. Lester; March 4, 1862; record not remembered.

Hugh L. Lester. March 4, 1862; died at Camp Gregg, Va., 1863.

W. M. Lee. March 4, 1862; captured at Gaines’ Mill, Va., June 27, 1862, and imprisoned at Point Lookout, Md.; released April 1865.

Nathaniel Lynch. August 1, 1862, as substitute for John H. Anderson.

D. G. McCormick. May 27, 1862; discharged January 16, 1.865, furnishing Seaborn Cone as substitute; also served in Third Georgia Regiment.

M. M. McCormick. March 4, 1862; elected second lieutenant, August 9, 1862; advanced to first lieutenant, February 23, 1865.

J. R.McEachern. March 4, 1862; died at Camp Gregg, Va., of self-inflicted wound received December 13, 1862.

Alex McPhail. May 7, 1862; record not remembered.

Augustus C. McPhail. March 7, 1862; discharged July 26, 1862, furnishing James Argo as substitute; killed at Griswoldville, Ga., while serving with State troops.

R. McPhail. March 4, 1862; record not remembered.

John J. McPhail. March 4, 1862; made fourth sergeant, 1861; served through the war, and surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

R. L. McPhail. November 12, 1862; served balance of the war, and surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

R. S. Marchman. March 7, 1862; captured at Fort Steadman, Va., on March 25, 1865; imprisoned at Point Lookout, Md., and released July 1, 1865.

W. H. Marchman. March 4, 1862; wounded at Second Manassas, August 30, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

J. A. Martin. March 4, 1862; wounded in Maryland campaign, 1862.

John R. Martin. March 4, 1862; wounded and captured at Seven Pines, Va., May 31, 1862.

John T. Minnix. December 17, 1862; served remainder of war; absent on furlough April 9, 1865.

W. B. Mobley. March 4. 1862; wounded at Gaines’ Mill, Va., June 27, 1862; discharged 1862.

John T. Moreland. March 4, 1862; discharged on account of disability, June 15, 1864.

Dr. R. H. Pate. May 7, 1862; appointed assistant surgeon, May 16, 1862.

James Phillips, Jr. March 4, 1862; captured at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864.

W. A. Pierce. March 4, 1862; died at Goldsborough, N. C., May 22, 1862.

John C. Polhill. May 7, 1862; discharged June 16, 1862, furnishing John Ray as substitute.

John Ray. June 16, 1862; substitute for J. C. Polhill; deserted June 17, 1862.

W. H. Robuck. March 4, 1862; died during the war.

G. W. Rollins. March 4,1862; died in hospital in Richmond, Va., July 12, 1862.

S. C. Rollins. May 15, 1862; died in Richmond, Va., September 14, 1862.

O. A. V. Rose. March 4, 1862; elected first lieutenant, June 27, 1862; promoted to captain, July 29, 1863; captured at Orange C. H.; surrendered at Appomattox, 1865.

J. D. Rozar. March 4, 1862; served through the war.

Shadrich Rozar. April 28, 1862; served through the war.

William Rozar. March 4, 1862; served through the war.

W. F. Rozar. April 28, 1862; died in hospital, December 7, 1862.

John B. Scarborough. May 15, 1862; arm disabled at Seven Pines, May 31, 1862.

Miller Scarborough. May 16, 1862; substitute for W. M. Anderson; captured at; died November 20, 1863, in prison at Fort Delaware.

Drew W. Smith. March 4, 1862.

J. T. Smith. March 1, 1862; missing at Wilderness battle, May 6, 1864; fate unknown.

T. B. Smith. March 4, 1862; served through the war; absent on furlough, April 9, 1865.

W. J. Smith. March 4, 1862.

T. B. Snider. March 4, 1862; wounded at Second Manassas, August 29. 1862; died of wounds, February 15, 1863.

James Taylor. March 4, 1862; died in Virginia during the war. J. M. Taylor. March 4, 1862; served through the war; absent on furlough, April 9, 1865.

J. C. Thompson. March 4, 1862; wounded in 1863; surrendered at Appomattox, 1865.

J. T. Thompson. March 4, 1862; died at Camp Gregg, Va., January 16, 1863.

M. V. Thompson. March 4, 1862; died in Virginia during the war.

Charles Walker. March 4, 1862; captured at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; died in Northern prison, 1865.

D. N. Walker. March 4, 1862; wounded at Second Manassas, August 29, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

J. F. Walker. May 12, 1862; captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1862; in Northern prison, April 9, 1865.

John H. Walker. May 15, 1862; record unknown.

W. H. Walker. May 18, 1863; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

W. Hamilton Weeks. March 4, 1862; captured September 20, 1862; died in Elmira, N. Y., prison, May, 1864.

W. W. Wilkinson. May 15, 1862; discharged, 1862.

Josiah Williams. October 23, 1862; deserted May 15, 1864.

Robert Williams. October 28, 1862; surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865.

A. C. Wooten. March 4, 1862; record not remembered.

Felix F. Wright, March 4, 1862; served through the war.

J. W. Wright. March 4, 1862; served through the war.

R. W. Wynne. March 4, 1862; killed at Riddle’s Shop, Va., June 13, 1864.

Total officers, noncommissioned and privates, 138.

Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. History of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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