Payments to | Claims rejected | Claims Admitted | |
1788. Langley Bryant. 200 head of cattle, at $ 4 50, —$900 Dwelling house, &c. burnt, – – – .. – 500 |
1,400.00 |
. | |
1788. James Moore. Two horses, |
160.00 |
. | |
1788. Leonard Harper. One horse, $300; two horses, $160, 150 head 01 cattle, a $4, – – – – 600 |
1,060.00 |
. | |
1787. James Patrick. Four horses, — $430 |
655.00 |
. | |
1789. Josiah Norris. One mare, $100; two houses and fences burnt, $150, |
250.00 |
. | |
1788. Needhan. Norris. Two horses, |
80.00 |
. | |
1789. Isaac Mckelroy, One mare, The foregoing claims. commencing at Thomas Espey, (page 35, and ending at Isaac Mckelroy, are for property, other than negroes, taken between the dates of the Treaties of Shoulderbone in 1786, and of’ New York, in 1790: they are, therefore, comprehended in the period embraced by the last mentioned Treaty. By reference to that Treaty, it will appear that the only provision contained in it, on the subject of spoliations committed on property of the citizen, of Georgia. is in the following words "The Creek nation shall deliver as soon as practicable to the commanding officer of "the troops of the United States stationed at Rock Landing, on the Ocona river, all "citizens of the United States, white inhabitants or negroes, who are prisoners in any part of the said nation." Hence, it appears the Crete nation undertook only the delivery of the white inhabitants or negroes who were then in the nation, without intending to incur any responsibility as to other descriptions of property. If this be the correct construction, (and it is believed no other can be given to it,) the property embraced in the various claims above mentioned is not provided for by the treaty. The claims, therefore must be rejected. |
65.00 |
. | |
1779. Absalom Eilands. 2 horses, 192.22 Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. 1791 horse. 64.22 Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. In fixing upon the time when the horses were lost. and their value, reference has been had to the affidavit of the original claimant, supported by a witness, sworn to in 1796, which has been adopted as the criterion, in preference to the affidavits made in 1821. The claim for the value of the horse lost in 1787, amounting to six hundred-thirty-six dollars, is rejected, the treaty of New York, which followed the loss, not having provided for it |
636.00 |
256.44 | |
1792. William Scarborough, deceased, 2 horses, Allowed. Provided tier by the treaty of Coleraine. The value of the property has been ascertained by reference to the affidavit of the original claimant, (supported by two witnesses) sworn to in 1802. |
280.00 | ||
1780. Samuel Huff, 1 horse, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. | . | 100.00 | |
781. Daniel Conner, one horse. Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
. | 75.00 |