Payment – 03

Payments for Property

Claims Rejected Claims Admitted
1792. John Rogers. 4 horses,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine.


$ 510 00

1782. Michael Hindsman. 4 horses,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


420 00

1782. Thomas Lackey. 2 horses.
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.



1777. Charles Heard, deceased. I negro, $500, 2 rifle guns, furniture, &c. and supposed to halve been carried off, $240.
This much of the claim is allowed, and provided for by the treaty of Augusta. The charges for property destroyed, amounting to $600, is rejected, because the treaty does not provide for it.




1782. John Nelson, deceased. 1 negro woman,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.



1780, ’82. Peter Strozier. 13 horses,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.



1776. ’77. Samuel Whatley. 2 horses,
This claim. is without evidence in its support, but is considered a fair claim and is reported to the President for his special decision. It is provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


189 00

1779, ’82. Richard Tiner. 12 horses, &c.
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.. The value of the horses has been ascertained, by reference to the at affidavit of the original claimant, made in 1803, -supported by the testimony of three witnesses.



1781. James Bishop, deceased. 80 head of cattle, at $5.00 — 400 00
80 head of horses, valued at 500.00
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.



1776, ’78. James Johnson, Sen.  500 cattle, 3 horses, &c.
There is no evidence in support of this claim : it is, however, one of very long standing, and appears to be entitled to a favorable consideration; it is reported to the President as a fair claim. It is provided for by the treaty of Augusta.



1796. Ruben Wilkin. m, deceased. 2 negroes killed. household furniture, notes, money, &c. robbed and destroyed, amounting, in the whole, to –
This case is comprehended in the class of excluded claims, originating subsequently to the treaty of Coleraine, and is provided fill by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson. (in 1802.) by the second article of which, the sum of $ 5.000 is stipulated for the payment of such claims, upon their being established agreeably to the act of Congress regulating trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes. The provisions of that treaty are yet in force, and the evidence in support of the claim appears to be entirely sufficient ; there can be no difficulty, then. fore, in prosecuting the claim in the manner painted out by the provisions of the act referred to.

3,041.00 .
1780. James Gray. For two sums of money, to wit : 47 and 165 pounds sterling,
This can hardly be considered a fair claim : it is, however reported to the President for his opinion. Should it be allowed, it is provided for by the Treaty of Augusta.


Creek, History,

Payments to Citizens of Georgia. Issue 268 of Document, United States 20th Congress, 1st session, 1828. Gales & Seaton. 1828.

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