Payments for Property |
Claims Rejected | Claims Admitted |
1792. John Rogers. 4 horses, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. |
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$ 510 00 |
1782. Michael Hindsman. 4 horses, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
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420 00 |
1782. Thomas Lackey. 2 horses. Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
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200.00 |
1777. Charles Heard, deceased. I negro, $500, 2 rifle guns, furniture, &c. and supposed to halve been carried off, $240. This much of the claim is allowed, and provided for by the treaty of Augusta. The charges for property destroyed, amounting to $600, is rejected, because the treaty does not provide for it. |
600.00 |
1782. John Nelson, deceased. 1 negro woman, Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
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350.00 |
1780, ’82. Peter Strozier. 13 horses, |
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1,350.00 |
1776. ’77. Samuel Whatley. 2 horses, This claim. is without evidence in its support, but is considered a fair claim and is reported to the President for his special decision. It is provided for by the treaty of Augusta. |
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189 00 |
1779, ’82. Richard Tiner. 12 horses, &c. Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.. The value of the horses has been ascertained, by reference to the at affidavit of the original claimant, made in 1803, -supported by the testimony of three witnesses. |
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1,020.00 |
1781. James Bishop, deceased. 80 head of cattle, at $5.00 — 400 00 |
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900.00 |
1776, ’78. James Johnson, Sen. 500 cattle, 3 horses, &c. |
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3,080.00 |
1796. Ruben Wilkin. m, deceased. 2 negroes killed. household furniture, notes, money, &c. robbed and destroyed, amounting, in the whole, to – |
3,041.00 | . |
1780. James Gray. For two sums of money, to wit : 47 and 165 pounds sterling, This can hardly be considered a fair claim : it is, however reported to the President for his opinion. Should it be allowed, it is provided for by the Treaty of Augusta. |
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908.57 |