Biographical Sketch of L. S. Horne

L. S. Horne, attorney-at-law, was born in North Carolina, September 28, 1828. Removed to Georgia, thence to Indiana, thence to Missouri, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1872. He enlisted in the United States Army, in Company H, Fifty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry; and was promoted from the ranks to the position of quartermaster. Was admitted to practice law in the State of Indiana, and again in Jewell County, Kan., where he has practiced his profession ever since his coming to Kansas. Mr. Horne was the president of the town company that proved upon the town of Mankato in 1874. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. A. Lewis

H. A. Lewis, grain dealer, was born in Georgia December 7, 1859; attended an academy, also St. Benedict College, Atchison, Kan. Came to Jewell City in August, 1872, and engaged in the grain business, and is also purchasing grain in Mankato. Mr. Lewis was in the grain business with his father in Atchison for six years. Is a member of the Odd Fellows’ Lodge, and K. of P. Mr. Lewis has just branched out in business for himself, and is working up a good trade. He is young and enterprising, and will come to the front in the commercial world.

Biography of Joseph T. Minter

Joseph T. Minter, deceased, was born in Putnam County, Georgia, in the year 1818. He married Miss Sarah A. Carter, in the same state, at the age of seventeen years. She was a daughter of a prominent planter and slaveholder. In the year 1853 Mr. Minter migrated to Hopkins County, Texas, and lived in the county until he died. They were the parents of twelve children, nine of whom are living; and all are citizens of the county. Ann E. married W. D. Byrd and raised a large family of boys and girls who are citizens of the county. William … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Crawford Mayes

Crawford S. Mayes was born in Burkes County, Georgia, in the year 1840. He came into Texas in the year 1866, and married Miss Mary E. Hooser of Red River County in the year 1873, and moved into Hopkins County and settled where he is still living. They are the parents of eight children equally divided as to sex. Mr. Mayes is a successful farmer and an all around businessman. He was a soldier in the time of the war, is a quiet citizen in time of peace, is a devoted husband, a kind and loving father, a good neighbor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Simms

James A. Simms, deceased, was born in the state of Georgia. When he arrived at his majority he married Miss Emily Jane Hansom, a daughter of a prominent slave holder and planter in the same neighborhood in which he was raised. He moved into Hopkins County in the year 1853, where he settled and raised a large and interesting family. Jonathan Simms, was his eldest child. The others were Uca C., Tom K., Amanda, J. M. Simms, Jr., Britton B., Bianca, and Kendrick,D. three of these children are living in the county. Uca C. is now Mrs. Shugart, a prosperous … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Coghan Ransom

Croghan M. Ransom was born in the state of Georgia in the year 1833. In the year 1855 he married Miss Susan Hanson in Heard County, Georgia; and immediately he and his bride left the state of Georgia and came to Texas and stopped in Hopkins County, where Mr. Ransom still lives. Twelve children were born to this marriage, six of whom are living. John, the eldest son married Miss Looney Titsworth, and lives in San Saba County. Martillus married John Tom Jennings. They live in Chickasha, Indian Territory. They have no children are prosperous and well to do. Robert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred W. Conly

Fred W. Conly was born in the state of North Carolina, August 29th, 1828. His father moved to Georgia when he was an infant three year old. He grew into manhood in the state of Georgia, and came to the state of Texas in the year 1852, and stopped in Cass County, where he met Miss Zilpha Peacock, won her affections and married her in the year 1857. By this union one child was born. This wife died very soon, and he afterwards married Miss Mary Hancock and moved into Hopkins County where he has resided ever since. By this … Read more

Biography of Haywood Mooney

Haywood B. Mooney first saw the light of day in the state of Georgia, seventy-three years ago. His father moved to Alabama when Haywood was a child. When he had grown to be quite a lad, being rather precocious, he was stolen from his home and from his parents by sporting men who gambled on horse racing of fine-blooded stock. They used him for light riding and he proved to be the very chap they needed in their profession, so they kept him for a period of three years by offering such inducements as would please the boy. About this … Read more

Biography of Thos. S. Glover

Thos. S. Glover was born in Troupe County, Georgia, in the year 1836, and migrated with his parents to the state of Mississippi. When only a boy he came to Texas with his uncle William Glover in the year 1845, and stopped for a time in Harrison County, and in the fall of the same year moved to Hopkins County. Thomas was only ten years of age at this time. They settled near where the old town of Tarrant was located. Mr. Glover relates many incidents of early life in Texas. It was at this old town that he first … Read more

Biography of A. T. Melson

A. T. Melson was born in the state of Georgia on the 4th of February, 1827, and grew to manhood in the home of his birth. His ancestors were old southern aristocracy, and a noble and manly set of gentlemen, while the women were unexcelled for purity and gentleness. At the age of twenty-two years Mr. Melson married Miss Martha Ransom, a daughter of Col. Samuel Ransom, a large slaveholder and planter of great prominence in the county. Miss Martha was eighteen years of age when she married Mr. Melson. Within a few years after their marriage they moved to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Harlow Bates

Bates, Albert Harlow; patent lawyer; born, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 24, 1869; son of Cyrus S. and Lavena S. Bates; educated, Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O.; Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland; Lehigh University; graduated, 1889, Mechanical Engineer, Ohio State University; graduated, 1892, LL. B.; married, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 11, 1904, Kathleen Jones; two daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth; one son, Darwin Bates; in 1892-3, in legal dept. of The Brush Electric Co., Cleveland; 1893-96, with Robert H. Parkinson, patent lawyer, Chicago, Ill.; 1897-1905, member the firm of Thurston & Bates, patent lawyers, Cleveland; 1906-9, member firm of Bates, Fonts & Hull, patent lawyers, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Finney Donaldson

Donaldson, Albert Finney; real estate dealer; born, Charlestown, O., Aug. 17, 1889; son of Levi Judson and Margaret Frew Donaldson; early education in the district schools of Florida and Georgia, later attending Oberlin College at Oberlin, O., took gold medal as 1st prize for original oration in Oberlin, 1910; spent about two years traveling for Frontier Press Co. of Buffalo, N. Y., doing general agency work; went to the Northwest, and engaged in the real estate business in Vancouver, B. C.; returned to Cleveland, and established the firm of Heintz & Donaldson, specializing in the sale of East End property; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Waller Deering

Deering, Robert Waller; university dean; born, Hogansville, Ga., June 27, 1865; son of Rev. John R. and Fannie (Covin) Deering; A. M., Vanderbilt University, 1885; A. M., Ph. D., University of Leipsiz, 1889; married Jessie Winn, of Mt. Sterling, Ky., Sept. 9, 1891; adj. prof. Germanic languages, Vanderbilt, 1890-1892; prof. Germanic languages since 1892, dean, Grad. Faculty, since 1893,. Western Reserve University. Editor: The Little Gipsy (translated from Cervantes La Jitanilla), 1891; Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, 1894; Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, spl. edit., 1900; Goethe’s Egmont, 1903; also monographs and reviews on philol. subjects.

Biography of Hiram W. Lewis, Col.

Col. Hiram W. Lewis. In many important ways the city of Wichita expresses the life, ideals, and activities of the late Col. Hiram W. Lewis. In his time he was undoubtedly one of the most forceful figures and one of the ablest business men and citizens in the State of Kansas. When he came to Wichita about 1875 he had already acquitted himself with credit both as a soldier in the Civil war and as a business man. Born near Warren, Ohio, he lived in Ohio during his youth and on May 25, 1863, enlisted in Company E of the … Read more

Biography of Jason Clarke Swayze

Jason Clarke Swayze. Judged by the standard which must be applied to the men of his time and circumstances, Jason Clarke Swayze had many of the elements of greatness. He guided his life through a period of tense factional struggle, and always kept his rudder true and in the direction which his conscience told him was right and just. Kansas, and the City of Topeka particularly, has a just pride in recalling the record of this man. His home was in Kansas at Topeka from 1873 until his tragic death on the streets of Topeka. He was born in 1830 … Read more

Botts, Eliza A. Mrs. – Obituary

Flora, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs Eliza A. Botts pioneer resident of the county and of the Flora District, died Thursday Nov 24 1938 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Eva Fleet, where she had made her home for 15 years. Her funeral was held at the Flora Methodist church Saturday afternoon and burial was in Flora cemetery. The pallbearers were six grandsons; Dwain Fleet, Twain Conley, Ivan, Bradford, Gerald and Orville Botts. Eliza A Powell was born in Calhooun county , Georgia. July 19, 1853, and passed away at the age of 85 years four months and five days. … Read more

Botts, Eliza A. Mrs – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa county, Oregon Mrs. Eliza A. Botts a pioneer resident of the county and of the Flora District, died Thursday Nov 24 1938 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Eva Fleet, where she had made her home for 15 years. Her funeral was held at the Flora Methodist church Saturday afternoon and burial was in Flora cemetery. The pallbearers were six grandsons; Dwain Fleet, Twain Conley, Ivan, Bradford, Gerald and Orville Botts. Eliza A Powell was born in Calhoun County, Georgia. July 19, 1853, and passed away at the age of 85 years four months and five days. … Read more

Biography of Middleton L. Perry, M. D.

Middleton L. Perry, M. D. Among the men of Kansas who are carrying on the highly important work of caring for the afflicted and irresponsible members of society, one of the best known is Dr. Middleton L. Perry, superintendent of the State Hospital for Epilepties, at Parsons. Doctor Perry was born at Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas, August 15, 1868, and is a son of Middleton and Ellen (Ellis) Perry. The family is of English extraction and settled during colonial times in Virginia, where the grandfather of Doctor Perry, Franklin Perry, was born. He was a farmer by vocation and in … Read more

Biography of Chester Lee Hill, M.D.

The medical fraternity of Haskell finds a prominent representative in Dr. Chester Lee Hill, who is an exponent of all that is highest, best and most advanced in the, practice of medicine and surgery, and of all that is most worthy and honorable in his relations toward his fellowmen. He was born in Canton, Cherokee county, Georgia, May 1, 1876, and is a son of Andrew H. and Maria (Phillips) Hill, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of South Carolina. The father was one of the early planters of Georgia, becoming the owner of fourteen hundred acres … Read more

Biography of George Miller, Jr.

George Miller, Jr., engaged in the practice of law in Muskogee, concentrating his efforts and attention upon civil law, was born in Leon county, Florida, December 18, 1882, and is a son of George and Frances (Shaw) Miller, both of whom were natives of North Carolina. The father owned a plantation, devoting his life to its improvement and cultivation. The son, George Miller, Jr., was educated in the public schools and in the South Florida Military Institute. He also studied stenography at Thomasville, Georgia, and was employed in the office of Duncan W. Fletcher, now United States senator, at Jacksonville, … Read more