Biographical Sketch of Coghan Ransom

Croghan M. Ransom was born in the state of Georgia in the year 1833. In the year 1855 he married Miss Susan Hanson in Heard County, Georgia; and immediately he and his bride left the state of Georgia and came to Texas and stopped in Hopkins County, where Mr. Ransom still lives.

Twelve children were born to this marriage, six of whom are living. John, the eldest son married Miss Looney Titsworth, and lives in San Saba County. Martillus married John Tom Jennings. They live in Chickasha, Indian Territory. They have no children are prosperous and well to do. Robert S. married Miss Della Kirby. They live in the county and have no living children. Miss Mank married Frank Waller. They have five children, are citizens of the county, and are doing well. Dick married Miss Lula Baker, daughter of Bill Baker. They have one child and live at Winsboro, in Wood County. Miss Lou married W. L. Scruggs, a farmer, and lives in the county. Mr. Ransom has engaged in agricultural pursuits and followed farming all his life. He is highly respected, so is his family.

He suffered a great calamity in the loss of his wife-the mother of his children-in the year 1879. He subsequently married Mrs. Mary Holdridge, with whom he is living at the present time. They have no children. Mr. Ransom has inherited good blood. His ancestors were prominent slaveholders and wealthy people; stood high in money circles, and were a leading element in the state of Georgia.



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