Sarah Deliza Todd Eddy

EDDY, Sarah Deliza Todd7, (Lyman6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 19, 1827, died in 1913, married, July 3, 1849, Samuel E. Eddy, who was born in 1823, died March 7, 1909. He was a veteran of the civil war, and had the remarkable experience of having been pierced through the chest with a bayonet which nearly protruded on the opposite side, having passed very close to the heart, which ordeal he survived nearly half a century. The wound was received in performing an act of heroism. He went to the rescue of his Capt. who was in a hand to hand conflict with a squad of rebels who were overpowering him when Mr. Eddy arrived on the scene and in the fight which ensued he was bayoneted. For this brave act, he received a medal, which he prized very highly in his declining years.

I. Henry L.; he lives in West Chesterfield, Mass., where he is a dealer in stoves.
II. Alice, who d. in 1909.
III. Harry Rivers, b. March 10, 1867, he m. and had several children, of whom, one daughter, (Eleanor) m. Harry Strong, who is a grand-son of Lucy Todd, No. 945. Mr. Eddy lives in Florence, Mass., where he is employed by the Florence Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of “Prophylactic” tooth brushes.

Eddy, Todd,

Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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