Prominent British Davises, Past Generations

Last Updated on March 19, 2013 by

CHARLES DAVIS: (d. 1755); bookseller and publisher; one of the first to issue priced catalogues of second-hand books.

DAVID: (1745—1827); Welsh poet; conducted school at Castle Howel, 1785; translated Scougall’s “Life of God in the Soul of Man” into Welsh.

DAVID DANIEL: (1777—1841); physician; M.D., Glasgow, 1801; attended the Duchess of Kent at the birth of Queen Victoria, 1819.

EDWARD: (1835—1867); subject painter; first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1854; died in Rome.

HENRY EDWARDS: (1756—1784); opponent of Gibbon; B.A. Balliol College; priest, 1780; fellow and tutor of Balliol, 1780.

HENRY GEORGE: (1830—1857); topographer; left in manuscript “Memor­ials of the Hamlet of Knightsbridge” (1859), and ‘On Account of Pimlico”.

JAMES: (d. 1755); Welsh satirist; M.A., Jesus College, Oxford, 1729; MB, 1732; published a satire on the contemporary school of etymologists.

JOHN: (d. 1622); navigator; made voyage to the East Indies as pilot and captain; captured by the Dutch at Pularoon, 1617; released 1618; died at Batavia, 1622.

J. P. (called “Pope” Davis): (d. 1862); painter; called “Pope” from his picture of the “Talbot Family Receiving the Benediction of the Pope”; painted at Rome; exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1811—43.

JOHN BUNNELL: (1780—1824); physician; imprisoned at Montpellier and Verdun at Bonaparte; M.D. Edinburgh, 1803; physician to troops invalided home from Walcheren.

JOHN FORD: (1773—1864); physician; M.D., Edinburgh, 1797; L.R.C.P., 1808; physician to the General Hospital, Bath, 1817—54.

SIR JOHN FRANCIS: (1795—1890); diplomatist; writer in East India Company’s factory at Canton; joint commissioner in China with Lord Napier, commander-in-chief at Hongkong, 1844—8; published works on China.

JOSEPH BARNARD: (1801—1881); craniologist; surgeon on an Arctic whaler; 1820; M.C.S., 1843; chief work “Crania Britannica”, 1865.

LOCKYER: (1719—1791); bookseller; nephew of Charles; member of the booksellers’ club which produced Johnson’s, “Lines of the Poets”, 1788.

MARY: (fl. 1663—1669); actress in the company of Sir William D’Avenant, 1660; performed in various plays by Etherege, Dryden, and Shirley; frequently mentioned by Pepys as a dancer and court beauty.

NATHAN: (1812—1882); traveler and excavator; resided in an Old Moorish palace near Tunes; engaged on behalf of the British Museum in excavation at Carthage and Utica, 1856—8.

RICHARD BARRETT: (1782—1854); animal painter; exhibited at the Royal Academy (1802—53); animal painter to William IV, 1831.

THOMAS OSB0RN: (1814—1845); poet and politician; graduated at Trinity College, 1836; developed Young Ireland party out of the extremists who were dissatisfied with O’Connell’s methods.

WILLIAM: (1771—1807); mathematician and editor of the “Companion of the Gentlemen’s Diary”; bookseller and publisher; wrote or edited works on fluxions.

WILLIAM: (1812—1873); landscape and portrait painter; professor of painting, Liverpool Academy; exhibited landscapes at the Royal Academy, 1851—72.




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