Gordon Family Records American

Last Updated on March 17, 2013 by

The name of Gordon is as ancient as any of the present European monarchies. Caesar mentions in his commentaries a people among the Nervii, called Gorduni, to whom he gives great praise for their

brave defense of Ghent (their city, which he attacked in his conquest of Gaul, B. C. 53). It is said that the name originally came from “Gordonia,” a city in Macedonia.

The Gordons have been an active, romantic, adventurous and “restless” race. There were “heroes of the name of Gordon, who for valor and loyalty are hardly to be paralleled by any family in Britain, and can’t be exceeded by any other in Europe.” From “A History of the Gordons.”

Malcolm Bullock, who published numerous volumes on the Gordon family of Great Britain, and who is, perhaps, the best authority on the history of the family, published a book entitled “The Gay Gordons” (Reference 50). The following narratives in which Gordons are involved are found, among others, in this volume: “The `Guidin’ of the Gordons,” “The Romance of the White Rose,” “The Famous Assassination of Wallenstein,” “The Last King of Poland,” “The Governor of Kornstadt,” “The Wooin’ o’t,” “The Elopement of Lady Sarah Bunbury,” “A Boy Who Was Beheaded at Brest,” “The Dangers of a Scarlet Coat,” “The Christening of the Orange River,” “A Fatal Duel in Hyde Park,” “The Abduction of the `Female Infidel’,” “About Gordon Tartan,” “The Story of a Kiss,” “The Gayness of a Diplomat,” “An Old Man of the Sea,” “Some `Gey’ Gordons,” “A Liberator of Greece,” “The Story of a Fatal Flute,” “The Last of His Line,” “A Noble Earl as an A. D.,” etc.

Many poems have been written by and about the Gordons, some of them exceeding fifty stanzas. Among them are “Prince Edward and Adam Gordon,” “Gordie,” “Gight’s Lady,” “Glenlogie,” “Jean 0’Bethelnie’s Love for Sir G. Gordon,” “Edom O’Gordon,” “The Battle of Glenlivet,” “The Gordons and the Grants,” “The Battle Bridge of Dee,” “Nathaniel Gordon,” “Jock and Tam Gordon,” “Ballade of the Gay Gordons,” “The Duke of Gordon’s Daughter,” “Lochinvar,” etc. William Gordon was the hero of the immortal poem, “Young Lochinvar.”

The Gordon family has been prominent in America also, its members having played important roles- in war and in peace. Family pride is a commendable trait and should be cultivated. All Gordons have just cause to be proud of their family history and traditions.

The data in this volume is gathered from reliable sources. Those desiring further information are advised to consult volumes mentioned in list of references given in the back of this volume. The writer and his associates will be glad to give their co-operation to any members of the family who may be interested in having a complete genealogy of the family published.

Unless otherwise plainly shown, the persons in this volume whose names are accompanied by three figures are sons or daughters of the immediately preceding persons bearing immediately preceding consecutive numbers. All persons in each group, bearing the same letter as a part of their respective numbers, are directly related. The generations of the descendants of those bearing numbers of three figures are represented as follows

Generations: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Symbols: (1),etc. (A),etc. (a),etc. 1,etc. A,etc. a,etc. (I),etc. (i),etc. I,etc. i,etc.


Ad., address;
b., born;
ch., children;
coll., college;
d., died;
d. y., died young;
d. w. i., died without issue;
dau., daughter; grad., graduated;
l., lives, lived;
m., married, moved;
s., son;
univ., university.

The compiler hopes that, in producing this volume, he is bringing to the Gordon Family of the World information which will be of interest and value to them, and that he is rendering an important service to the public.

Many old American families have formed associations, and some of them hold annual reunions. Local reunions have been held by various branches of the Gordon family from time to time. There is some interest in the forming of a National Gordon Family Association and the holding of a National Reunion.

Gordon Coat of Arms

A Coat of Arms is an emblem which is displayed by titled persons, persons of royal blood, and their descendants.

Coats of Arms were originally used for purposes of identification and recognition on the field of battle as well as in civil life.

It is claimed by some writers that Coats of Arms, in a crude form, were used by Noah’s sons after the food. There are records of other Coats of Arms, in one crude form or another, at different periods of ancient history. Heraldry, however, as we know it today, did not become of much importance until soon after the invasion of England by William the Conqueror, A. D. 1066. Heraldry became of general interest at about the time of the Crusades.

The Coat of Arms shown on the cover of this volume is the oldest Gordon Coat of Arms in existence. It is the Coat of Arms of the Gordons of Huntly, Aboyne, etc., who descend from the same ancestry as the other British Gentile Gordons.

Other Coats of Arms created since bear a great resemblance to this one, the colors being the same, though the motto and crest differ in some cases.

This Coat of Arms is described in various works on heraldry (See References), in heraldic parlance, as follows ARMS: Az, three boars’ heads, erased, or. CREST: In a ducal coronet or a stag’s head and neck affrontee ppr. Attired with ten tynes of the first.

MOTTO: Animo non Astutia (By courage, not by stratagem).
“Sir Adam Gordon I was remarkable for killing a fierce boar that much wasted the country near the forest or wood of Huntly; and that the memory of such a remarkable action might be transmitted to posterity, King Malcolm would have him to carry in his banner three boarsheads, or, in a field of azure.”

“This knight was in great favor with Malcolm, both for his prudence and valor, and Malcolm bestowed upon him, as a reward of his merit, the lands of Stitchel, and other lands in Merse and Galloway, which continued in the family of Gordon for upwards of 500 years.”

Sir Bernard Burke, of Heralds College, London, said “Heraldry is prized by all who can show honorable ancestry or wish to found honorable families.”

Many Americans are today displaying Coats of Arms which have been adopted by their progenitors in Europe.

Besides its Family significance the GORDON Coat of Arms makes an excellent mural decoration and inspires the admiration and comment of all who see it.

Being a member of the GORDON family, it is quite appropriate that you should display this Coat of Arms, in proper colors, on the wall of your home or office, and use it on your stationery. This would be visible testimony to your friends and to the world of your justifiable pride in your family history, traditions and standards.

American Gordon Family

In the list of references, several volumes will be found covering the GORDON Families of America. Practically all of these works are copyrighted and for that reason the material found therein was not included in this volume.

All of the volumes mentioned will be found in the Library of Congress, most of them will be found in the Libraries of all Genealogical and Historical Societies, and some of them may be found in the Public Libraries of the large cities.

It is suggested in the introduction that the writer and his associates will be glad to co-operate with any members of the GORDON family who may be interested in gathering the necessary material for and publishing a Genealogy of the GORDON Families in the United States.

The Lancaster and Middlesex Family of Virginia Gordons,
“showing 20 fighting men.”

(From J. M. Bulloch’s “Gordons Under Arcs,” Aberdeen, Scotland, .1913)
Alexander Gordon of Salterhill, Drainie, Morayshire

Rev. James Gordon, Minister of Comber, Co. Down
James Gordon, I, of Sheepbridge, Co. Down
James Gordon, II, of Sheepbridge (will proved 1753 )

Col. James (d. 1768) Founded Lancaster Gordons Col. of County
John Founded Middlesex and Richmond Gordons

James Colonel of County
Nathaniel 1763-1820
John Newton
James 1826-95
John Newton C. S. A.
Rev. Edward Clifford C. S. A.
John 1765-1842
James Harrison War of 1812
John Willison War of 1812
Smith Waddell War of 1812
Arch. Madison C. S. A.
James Willison C. S. A.
Joseph Calvit C. S. A.
Elizabeth m. 1777
James 1759-99

Wm. Fitzhugh War 1812.
Gen. Wm. Fitzhugh C. S. A.
George Loyall C. S. A.
Charles Henry C. S. A.
John Churchill C. S. A.
Alex Tazewell C. S. A.
Mason C. S. A.

Churchill Navy, 1781
John Harrison d. 1863
Albert Spark C. S. A.
Churchill Grasty C. S. A.
John Gaskins C. S. A.

NOTE: — C. S. A. means “served in Confederate States Army, 1861-65.”

Gordons in the Revolutionary War

The following Gordons served in the Revolutionary War from the respective colonies. Numbers following some of the names indicate the times which those names appear on the records examined:

CONNECTICUT: Alexander, Cornelius, George 3, George, Jr., James 5, John 3, Joseph 2, Robert, Samuel, Thomas 2, William.

DELAWARE : Charles, Coe 9, David 5, James 12, John 7, Joseph, Patrick, Robert 2, Thomas 16.

GEORGIA: Ambrose-4, Andrew, James 4, Major James, James F. 2, Jesse, John 3, Nathaniel, Thomas, William 2, Major William.

MARYLAND: Archibald 2, Charles 2, George 3, Isaac, James, John 18, Joseph 3, Joshua, Peter, Robert, Sergeant 2, Thomas 12, William.

MASSACHUSETTS: Archibald, Benjamin, Caleb 2, Cornelius, Francis 2, Hugh, James 4, John 13, Jonathan, Joseph, Nathaniel, Robert, Samuel, Thomas, Will, William 9.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Alexander, Amos, Caleb, Daniel 8, Daniel, Jr., David 4, Dudley, Eliphalet 11, Enoch, Ithiel 5, Ithiel, Jr., James 32, John 6, Jonathan 3, Joseph 16, Josiah 20, Peter 1, Phinehas, Thomas 10, Timothy 2, William 20, William, Jr., Zebulon 3.

NEW JERSEY: Axchabel, Bernardus 3, Daniel, David, Ezekiel, George, James, John, Kenneth, Peter, Samuel, Timothy, William 3.

NEW YORK: Abraham, Alexander, Charles, Cornelius, Lt. Col. James, Joseph, William 3.


PENNSYLVANIA: Captain 2, Lieutenant-2, Sergeant, Ensign 2, Abraham 3, Alexander 7, Alexander, Jr., Alexander, Sr., Amos, Andrew 5, Archibald 2, Benjamin, Charles 9, Daniel, David -7, Gabriel 6, Gabril, George 17, Hedry, Henry 3, James 13, John -44, Joseph 4, Lewis 3, Mathew 3, Peter 8, Phenix, Philip, Robert-13, Samuel 2, Thomas 12, Will, William 13.


VERMONT: Alexander:

VIRGINIA: Albeon, Albin, Albion, Alexander 2, Ambrose-3, Archibald, Arthur 2, Churchill 2, Evenden, George, James, John 7, Peyton, Robert, Sam, Samuel, Thomas 4. William 3. Total: 604.

Officers in the Continental Army

GORDON, AMBROSE (Va.): Paymaster 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st November, 1779 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781; retained in Baylor’s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war.

GORDON, ARTHUR (Va.): 1st Lieutenant 13th Virginia, 19th December, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to (Was in service in January, 1780. )

GORDON, CHARLES (N. C.) : Major North Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; wounded at King’s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. (Died 24th March, 1799. )

GORDON, COE (Del.): 2nd Lieutenant of the Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776 ; 2nd Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 2nd December, 1776. Resigned 4th April, 1777. (Died 1792.)

GORDON, DANIEL (N. H.) : Captain New Hampshire Militia, 1776-1780.

GORDON, JAMES (Conn.): Captain of Douglas’ Connecticut State Regiment, January to March, 1776.

GORDON, JAMES (Del.): 2nd Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 19th January to December, 1776. (Died 1792. )

GORDON, JAMES (N. Y.) : Lieutenant-Colonel New York Militia; taken prisoner at Schoharie, 17th October, 1780 ; released 19th November, 1782. (Died 17th January, 1810. )

GORDON, JAMES (Pa.): Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; 2nd Lieutenant, 18th April, 1777 ; resigned December, 1777.

GORDON, JOHN (S. C.) : 2nd Lieutenant 5th South Carolina , 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 21st January, 1778 ; Adjutant of Lee’s Battalion of Light Dragoons in 1780 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781.

GORDON, JOSHUA (Mass.): Captain of Mitchell’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia on the Bagaduce expedition, July to September, 1779.

GRDON, PETER (N. J.) : Captain New Jersey Militia in 1777 ; served subsequently as Major in Quartermaster’s Department.

GORDON, ROGER (S. C.) : Lieutenant South Carolina Militia in Marion’s Brigade in 1781.

GORDON, THOMAS (Md.): Ensign 3rd Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1778.

GORDON, WILLAM (N. J: ) : 2nd Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 5th
March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th July, 1776 ; Captain, 29th November, 1776. Died 15th April, 1777.

Prominent American Gordons of Today

ALFRED GORDON: Neurologist; b. Paris, France, 1874 ; s. of Michael G-; M. D., U. of Paris, 1895 ; came to America, 1896 ; asso. in nervous and mental diseases, Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., 1899-1908 ; served as Neurologist, Mt. Sinai, Northwestern Gen., and Douglas Memorial Hosps. Add. 1812 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.

ANNA ADAMS: Temperance worker; b. Boston, Mass., 1853 ; educ.’ Mt. Holyoke Coll.; Hon. Dr. Humane Letters, Northwestern U., 1924 ; private secy. to late Frances E. Willard 21 yrs.; pres. World’s W. C. T. U.; as an internat. officer has visited Europe, S. America and Mexico. Author of several books, among them being, “The Life of Frances E. Willard,” “Songs for Young Americans,” etc. Home: Evanston, Ill.

ARMISTEAD CHURCHILL: Lawyer, author; b. Albermarle Co., Va., 1855 ; s. of George Loyall G-; Litt. D., Washington and Lee U., 1923 ; admitted to bar, 1879 ; Mayor of Staunton, 1884-86 ; State visitor to Mount Vernon, 1895-96 ; chmn. State Library Bd., Va., 1903-19 ; mem. Va. State Bar Assn. (Pres. same, 1920-21) ; Pres. Gen. Alumni Assn., U. of Va., 1918-20. Author of several books, including “For Truth and Freedom,” “Envion, and Other Tales of Old and New Virginia.” Home: Staunton, Va.

ARTHUR HORACE: Physician; b. Calais, Me., 1863 ; s. of David G-; M. D. Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1887 ; head of Dept. of internal medicine Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1921-22 ; attending phys. same hosp., 1902-22 ; great med. examiner, Kts. of Maccabees; Mem. Assn., Chicago Homeo. Med. Soc. Home: 858 N. LaSalle St., Chicago.

CHARLES HENRY: Geologist; b. Caledonia, N. Y., 1857 ; s. of John G-; U. of Heidelberg, 1897-98 ; instr. natural history, Northwestern U., Ill., 1890-93 ; lecturer, U. of Neb., 1901-03 ; asst. geologist, 1906-13, U. S. Geol. Survey; Mem. Internat. Congress Geologists, Toronto, 1913. Home: 1616 W. Clinch Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.

CLARENCE: Author. See Vol. VIII, WHO’S WHO (1914-15) .

CLARENCE McCHEYNE: Physicist; b. Fannettsburg, Pa., 1870 ; s. of Rev. Jeremiah Smith G-; A. M., Princeton, 1893 ; instr. physics, Williams Coll., 1893-95 ; prof. physics, Centre Coll., Ky., 1898-1909 ; Lafayette Coll. since 1909 ; prof. physics, Temple U., summer 1923 ; Democrat; Presbyn. Add. College Campus, Easton, Pa.

DAVID STUART: Brigadier General, U. S. A.; b. Franklin Co., Pa., 1832 ; s. of Alexander G-; apptd. from Kans. 2nd It. 2nd Dragoons, April 10, .1861; maj., June 25, 1877 ; lt. col. 1889 ; col. 6th Cav., 1892 ; Bvtd. maj., July 3, 1863, “for gallant and meritorious services in Gettysburg Campaign”; was confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va.; Presbyn. Home: 1408 Mass. Ave., Washington.

ELEANOR ELIZABETH: Minister. See Vol. VIII, WHO’S WHO (1914-1915)

FRED GEORGE RUSS: Newspaper man. See Vol. VII, WHO’S WHO (1912-13) .

GEORGE ANGLER: Clergyman; b. Scotland, 1853 ; s. of George G-; educ., Scotland; came to America 1871; A. B. Harvard, 1881; ordained Congl. ministry, 1877 ; Univ. preacher to Harvard, 1886-90 ; Yale, 1888-1916 ; overseer, Harvard U., 1897-1916 and since 1925 ; Pres. Harvard Alumni Assn., 1918 ; Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences mem. Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters, Mass. Hist. Soc. Add. Old South Parsonage, Boston, Mass.

GEORGE BREED: Lawyer; b. Edgewood Borough, Pa., 1860 ; s. of Alexander G-; ed. Western U. of Pa.; in practice in Pittsburgh since 1883 ; sr. mem. firm Gordon, . Smith, Buchanan & Scott since 1924. Home: 5250 Wilkins Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

GEORGE BYRON: Museum dir.; b. P. E. I., Can., 1870; s. James G-; Harvard, 1890-94 ; Sc. D. of 1894 ; unm.; chief of Harvard Univ. Expdn. to Central America, 1894-1900 ; asst. 1907-1 prof., 5, U. of Pa.; author of several books, including “Prehistoric Ruis of Copan,” The Serpent Motive in Ancient Art.” Home: 116 S. 18th St. Phila. P

IRWIN LESLIE: Journalist, author; b. Lowell, Mass., 1888 ; s. of Rev. John (D. D.) ; spl. course Temple U.; joined editorial staff Phila. Pub. Ledger, 1909 ; an editor Evening Pub. Ledger from its foundation 1914 to 1921; commd. ensign, U. S. N. R. F., April 20, 1918. Home Bywood, Pa.

JAMES HERNDON: Judge; b. Locust Dale, Va., 1868 ; s. of Andrew James; A. B., U. of Va., 1887 ; apptd. master in chancery, U. S. Court, 1895 , Asso. Justice Supreme Court of Okla., 1924 25; State Chmn. 3rd Liberty Loan Campaign; Democrat; Methodist Ch. Home: McAlester, Okla.

JAMES LOGAN: Minister; b. Phila., Pa., 1858 ; s. of John Robert G-; Congl. minister, pastor St. John, N. B., 1898-1900 ; First Ch. San Francisco since 1920 ; Republican; Mason; Odd Fellow. Add. 432 Mason St., San Francisco, Calif.

JAMES MARCUS: Educator; b. Sheridan, Ark., 1875 ; s. of James Armenius G-; A. B., Trinity U., Tex., 1903 ; LL. D., 1919 ; A. M., U. of Chicago, 1908 ; connected with Trinity U., 1903-16 ; dean, 1908-16 ; pres. U. of Tulsa, 1920-24 ; Rotarian; Democrat; Presbyn. Home: Lubbock, Texas.

JOHN HENRY: Contractor; b. Albany, N. Y., 1866 ; s. of John Henry G-; educ., Villanova (Pa.) Coll., 1882-86; road builder; in wholesale lumber business; Democrat; Catholic; member of N. Y. State Road Builders’ Assn. Home: 12 Second St., Albany, N. Y.

KATE: Prof. Psychology. See Vol. 13, Who’s Who (1924-25) .

MARGARET: Editor; b. Arlington, Mass., 1868 ; dau. of George Augustus G—; Editor “The Writer,” 1920-25 ; member League of Am. Penwomen, Mass. Audubon Soc.; Episc. Home: Somerville, Mass.

NEIL ELBRIDGE: Chemist; b. Spafford, N. Y., 1886 ; s. of William James G-; M. A., Syracuse Univ., 1912 ; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1917 ; asst. prof. chemistry, Goucher Coll., Baltimore, Md., 1917-19 ; State Chemist of Md. since 1921; organizer and editor “Jour. of Chem. Edn.” ; Fellow A. A. A. S.; Methodist. Home: 2320 Reistertown Rd., Baltimore, Md.

PEYTON: Lawyer; b. Washington, D. C., 1870 ; s. of Malcolm Burkhead G-; LL. B., Columbian U., 1890 ; LL. M., 1891; Apptd. asst. U. S. atty. for D. C., 1901; special asst. to Attys. Gen. Bonaparte and Wickersham, 1907-13 ; in charge land fraud cases in Western States and sent to Japan on customs cases, 1912 ; U. S. Dist. Atty., Washington, D. C.; Maj., Judge Advocate Gen.’s Corps, 18 mos. World War; Republican; Methodist. Home: Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C.

SAMUEL DICKEY: Author, lecturer; b. Phila., 1859 ; s. of John R. G–; Asst. Sec. Y. M. C. A., Phila., 1884-86 ; state sec. Y. M. C. A. of Ohio, 1886-95 ; pub. speaker since 1895 ; spent four years in Orient and Europe. Author of several books, including “Quiet Talks on Power,” “Quiet Talks on Prayer,” “Quiet Talks on the Deeper Meaning of the War, etc. Add. care Revell, 158 5th Ave., New York, N. Y.

WALTER HENRY: Army officer. See Vol. 13, Who’s Who (1924-

WILLIAM: ex-Congressman. See Vol. X, Who’s Who (1918-19 ) .

WILLIAM ST. CLAIR: M. D. See Vol. 13, Who’s Who (1924-25 ) .

Prominent Gordons of America, Past Generations

ADONIRAM JUDSON GORDON : clergyman; b. New Hampton, N. H., 1836. Graduated at Brown, 1860 ; and at Newton Theological

Seminary, 1863. He was ordained, 1863, and in the same year became pastor of the Baptist Church at Jamaica Plain, Mass. He was a trustee of Brown Univ., from which he received degree of D. D. in 1877.

ANDREW ROBERTSON GORDON : Canadian explorer; b. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1851. He entered the British Navy, 1864 ; retired with rank of lieutenant, 1873. He then removed to Canada and was appointed deputy superintendent of the Meteorological service of Canada (1880 ) . He commanded an . expedition (1884 ) to determine the length of that part of the year during which Hudson Bay was navigable.

CLARENCE: Author; b. New York City, 1835. His ancestor, John, came from Scotland to New Haven, Conn., about 1760. Clarence graduated at Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard (1855 ) . He was special agent of the U. S. Census Bureau, 1879-83, in charge of investigating meat production m the grazing states.

GEORGE HENRY: Soldier; b. Charlestown, Mass., 1825 ; d. Framingham, Mass., 1886. Graduated at U. S. Military Academy,.1846. Engaged in siege of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, battles of Contreras and Chapultepec, and in the assault and capture of the City of Mexico. At beginning of the Civil War he raised the 2nd Mass. Regt., and was made military governor of Harper’s Ferry. He was in the second battle of Bull Run, and at Antietam, and guarded the upper Potomac at Harper’s Ferry from September to December, 1862. He engaged in operations about Charleston harbor, S. C., 1863-64, and was “in command of Florida, 1864. Later he was collector of internal revenue in Boston.

GEORGE PHINEAS: Inventor; b. Salem, N. H., 1810 ; d. 1878. Improved printing presses. He was granted more than fifty patents, and gave “Gordon.”
his name to the press known in the United States and Europe as

the JAMES D.: Missionary; b. Prince Edward Isle; d. Erromanga, New Hebrides, 1872. He entered ministry of the Presbyterian Church. Went to Erromanga, Hebrides, as a missionary, 1864. Withdrew from outside support (1870) and, entirely alone, trusted himself unreservedly among the natives until his death. He translated portions of the Bible into the language of Erromanga.

JOHN BROWN: Governor of Georgia; b. Upson County, Ga., 1832 ; educated at Univ. of Ga.; was admitted to the bar. He entered the Confederate service and commanded one wing of Lee’s army at Appomattox Court-House. He was a member of the National Democratic conventions of 1868 and 1872 and elected to the U. S. Senate, 1873. In 1886 he was made governor of Ga.

LAURA DE FORCE: Lawyer, journalist and orator; b. in Erie County, Pa., August 17, 1843. Mrs. Gordon affiliates with the Democratic party, and has appeared in several political campaigns as one of the ablest speakers. She was one of the promoters of the Pacific Coast Press Association, organized in 1875, and was engaged in reportorial and journalistic work on many newspapers for several years, her interesting letters to the “Daily Post,” while under the management of Henry George, being subsequently published in a little handbook for tourists.

PATRICK: Soldier: b. 1644 ; d. Philadelphia Pa 1736. Served from his youth to end of Queen Anne’s reign as a British soldier. Way appointed Governor of Penna. about 1726.

THOMAS: Statesman; b. Pitlochi, Scotland; d. Amboy, N. J., 1722. He came to N. J., 1684 and settled in Scotch Plains. He was elected Attorney-General of the eastern district, 1698 ; chief secretary and register, 1702 ; licensed attorney, 1704 : elected to the legislature; was speaker of the assembly, Chief Justice, 1709 ; after war Receiver-General and Treasurer of the province.

THOMAS F.: Historian; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1787 ; d. Beverly, N. J., 1860. Member of the Philadelphia bar. He devoted much time to historical and archaeological researches.

WILLIAM: Clergyman; b. Hitchin, England, 1730 ; d. Ipswich, England, 1807. He was “settled over” a large independent society at Ipswich and afterward at Old Gravel Lane, Wapping. He came to Massachusetts, 1770. Pastor of the Third Church at Roxbury, 1772. During the Revolution he took an active part in public measures. Chaplain to the Provincial Congress of Mass. Published “History of the Rise, Progress and Establishment of the Independence of the United States.”

WILLIAM ROBERT: Clergyman; b. New York City, 1811. Graduated Univ. of City of New Fork, 1834 ; studied theology in New Brunswick Seminary; licensed to preach, 1837. S. T. D., Columbia, 1859.


All of the works listed below will be found in the Library of Congress. Most of them will be found in the libraries of historical and genealogical societies. Some of them will be found in the libraries of all of the large American cities.

2. BURKE’S LANDED GENTRY, 1879, 1921, 1925, 1921, 1928.
6. BURKE’S PEERAGE AND BARONETCY, 1915, 1924, 1897.
8. BURKE’S LANDED GENTRY, 1921, 1894 (Vol. II). 10. ENGLISH SURNAMES, Bardsley.
17. RECORDS OF ABOYNE, Charles, Marquis of Huntly, 1894.
21. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, Sir Arthur Gordon, 1893.
26. GORDONS IN VIRGINIA, Armistead C. Gordon, 1918.
27. MEMORIALS OF FAMILY OF GORDON OF CRAIG, Douglas Wimberley, 1904.
28. CARLYLE’S FIRST LOVE, Raymond Clare Archibald, 1910.
29. GORDONS UNDER ARMS, Constance Skelton and John Bulloch 1912.
31. COLONEL JAMES GORDON OF LANCASTER, Armistead C. Gordon, 1913.
33. THE GORDONS OF ABERDOUR, John Malcolm Bulloch, 1913.
35. THE GORDONS OF NETHERMUIR, John Malcolm Bulloch, 1913.
36. WHO’S WHO (British).
37. THE GORDONS OF COLDWELLS, J. M. Bulloch, 1914.
38. WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA, 1926-27.
41. THE NAME OF GORDON, J. M. Bulloch, 1906.
42. THE HOUSE OF GORDON, J. M. Bulloch, 1903-07.
44. THE HOUSE OF GORDON, J. M. Bulloch, 1903-07.
45. THE GORDONS IN SUTHERLAND, J. M. Bulloch, 1907.
47. THE GORDONS OF LAGGAN, J. M. Bullock, 1907.
49. THE EARLS OF ABOYNE, J. M. Bullock, 1908.
50. THE GAY GORDONS, J. M. Bullock, 1908.
52. THE MAKING OF THE WEST INDIES, J. M. Bulloch (191- ?) .




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